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Imperial Library
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Table of Contents
Foreword by Kevin Reilly
About the Editors
Introduction: Gendering World History, Globalizing Women's History
Women's Empowerment
Work and Family
International Organizations
Gender-Based Violence and Women's Human Rights
Suggested Further Readings
Part 1: 1500-1800
1. China and Japan: The Neo-Confucian Regimes of the Qing Monarchy and the Tokugawa Shogunate
1.1 Qing Rape Laws, 1646
Jonathan D. Spence, The Death of Woman Wang
Vivien W. Ng, "Rape Laws in Qing China"
1.2 Qing Laws Encouraged Widows' Chastity
Jonathan D. Spence, The Death of Woman Wang
Susan Mann, "Widows . . . in Qing Dynasty China"
1.3 Chinese Women Artists
Marsha Weidner et al., Views from the Jade Terrace
1.4 Rural Japanese Women during the Tokugawa Period, 1600-1868
Anne Walthall, "Farm Women in Tokugawa Japan"
Suggested Further Readings
2. The Middle East: Women of the Ottoman Empire
2.1 Paths to Power at the Ottoman Court
Leslie P. Peirce, "Ottoman Royal Women"
Leslie P. Peirce, The Imperial Harem
2.2 Muslim Women's Rights in Seventeenth-Century Turkish Courts
Ronald C. Jennings, "Women in ... the Sharia Court"
Suggested Further Readings
3. India: Women of the Mughal Empire
3.1 Hindu Bhakti Poets
Susie Tharu and K. Lalita, Women Writing in India
3.2 Family Production of Cotton Cloth
S.M. Ikram, Muslim Civilization in India
Irfan Habib, "Mughal India"
3.3 The Mughal Empress Nur Jahan
Ellison B. Findly, Nur Jahan: Empress of Mughal India
Suggested Further Readings
4. Europe: Witches, Workers, and Queens
4.1 Witchcraze, 1560-1760
Anne L. Barstow, Witchcraze
4.2 Women's Work
Alice Clark, Working Life of Women
4.3 Many Queens
Bonnie Anderson and Judith Zinsser, A History of Their Own
Voltaire, "Precis du siecle de Louis XV"
Frederick the Great, Histoire de la guerre de sept ans
Otto C. Podewils, Letter to Frederick II
Suggested Further Readings
5. Gender in the European Colonization of the Americas
5.1 The Jesuit Attack on Algonquian Women
Carol Devens, Countering Colonization
5.2 Pueblo and Apache Domestic Slaves in New Mexico
Ramón A. Gutiérrez, When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away
5.3 African Women in Barbados
Hilary McD. Beckles, Natural Rebels
5.4 Honor and Shame in New Spain
Ramón A. Gutiérrez, When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away
5.5 The Independence of Sor Juana Inès de la Cruz
Sor Juana, The Answer
Suggested Further Readings
6. African Women in a New Era of Commerce and State Building
6.1 Fetu Women on the Coast of Ghana, 1662-69
Wilhelm J. Muller, "Description of the Fetu Country, 1662-1669"
6.2 Slave Wives, Free Sisters: Bakongo Women
Susan H. Broadhead, "Slave Wives, Free Sisters"
6.3 Queen Njinga of Ndongo and Matamba, 1624—63
John K. Thornton, "Legitimacy and Political Power"
6.4 Eur-African Women Slave Traders
Bruce L. Mouser, "Women Slavers of Guinea-Conakry"
Suggested Further Readings
Part 2: 1800-Present
7. Western Europe: Equality and Equity for New Women
7.1 The French Revolution
Darline Gay Levy, Harriet Branson Applewhite, and Mary Durham Johnson, Women in Revolutionary Paris
Bonnie G. Smith, Changing Lives
7.2 George Sand, Novelist
George Sand, Indiana
Bonnie G. Smith, Changing Lives
7.3 Socialist Women: Clara Zetkin
Bonnie G. Smith, Changing Lives
Clara Zetkin, "Women's Work and the Trade Unions"
7.4 The Right to Vote and Govern
Bonnie G. Smith, Changing Lives
7.5 Relational and Individual Feminisms
Karen Offen, "Defining Feminism"
7.6 The Welfare State
Ida Blom, "Voluntary Motherhood"
Gisela Bock and Pat Thane, Maternity and Gender Policies
Suggested Further Readings
8. Africa: The Colonial Legacy
8.1 Baba, a Hausa Woman of Nigeria
Mary E. Smith, Baba of Karo
8.2 Divorce among the Hausa
Mary E. Smith, Baba of Karo
8.3 Widows "Sold," Men Migrate
Jane I. Guyer, "The Economic Position of Beti Widows"
Margaret J. Hay, "Women ... in Colonial Western Kenya"
8.4 Urban Women Migrants
Christine Obbo, African Women
8.5 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya
Maria Nzomo and Kathleen Staudt, "Man-made Political Machinery in Kenya"
Nahid Toubia, Female Genital Mutilation
Claire Robertson, "Grassroots in Kenya"
Suggested Further Readings
9. The Symbol of the Veil in Modern Islam
9.1 Nomadic Carpet Weaving
William Irons, "The Place of Carpet Weaving in Turkmen Society"
9.2 Autobiography of Huda Shaarawi, Egyptian Feminist
Huda Shaarawi, Harem Years
9.3 Women and the Iranian Revolution of 1978
Mary E. Hegland, "Alibad Women"
Mahnaz Afkhami, "Women in Post-Revolutionary Iran"
Shahla Haeri, "Temporary Marriage"
Suggested Further Readings
10. India: National Unity, Gender Divisions
10.1 Indian Women and the Disaster of British Rule
Susie Tharu and K. Lalita, Women Writing in India
Malavika Karlekar, Voices from Within
Kumari Jayawardena, Feminism and Nationalism
10.2 Coming out of Purdah
Hanna Papanek, "Caging the Lion"
10.3 Dalit Women
Sumitra Bhave, Pan on Fire
10.4 Women as National Leaders: Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
Pupul Jayakar, Indira Gandhi
Suggested Further Readings
11. Seeking Liberation in New East Asian Societies: China and Japan after 1800
11.1 Women of the Taiping Rebellion, 1850-64
Ono Kazuko, Chinese Women in a Century of Revolution
11.2 Women Hold Up Half the Sky: Communist China after 1949
Sheila Rowbotham, Women, Resistance and Revolution
Sharon L. Sievers, "Women in China"
Jan Myrdal, Report from a Chinese Village
11.3 Women's Contribution to Japan's Industrialization
Sharon L. Sievers, Flowers in Salt
11.4 Japanese Women in World War II
Sumie S. Mishima, The Broader Way
11.5 The Promotion Track versus the "Mommy" Track in Postwar Japan
Sumie S. Mishima, The Broader Way
Sharon L. Sievers, "Women in Japan"
Suggested Further Readings
12. The Americas: The Personal Is Political
12.1 The 1837 Anti-Slavery Convention of American Women
Dorothy Sterling, ed., "Turning the World Upside Down"
12.2 Feminism and Class in Argentina and-Chile, 1900-25
Asunción Lavrin, "Women, Labor, and the Left"
12.3 Village Women in Mexican Migrant Culture
Lynn Stephen, Zapotec Women
12.4 Second-Wave Feminism in the United States in the Sixties
Robin Morgan, ed., Sisterhood Is Powerful
Dana Densmore, "Sex Roles and Female Oppression"
12.5 Different Voices
Barbara Cameron, "Gee You Don't Seem Like an Indian"
Suggested Further Readings
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