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The Scepter and the Star: Messianism in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls, 2nd ed. / John J. Collins
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Dürer's Illustration of Christ Messiah
Map of Palestine: Location of Qumran Caves
1. Messianism and the Scrolls
A Common Jewish Hope?
The Dead Sea Scrolls
The Terminological Issue
2. The Fallen Booth of David: Messianism and the Hebrew Bible
The Emergence of a Canon
The Royal Ideology
Predictions of an Ideal King
A Gentile "Messiah"
A Messianic Movement in the Persian Period?
The Absence of Messianism in the Second Temple Period
The Transformation of Messianism in Daniel
The Savior King in Egyptian Judaism
3. A Shoot from the Stump of Jesse
The Psalms of Solomon
The Political Context
The Davidic Hope
The Davidic Messiah in the Scrolls
The Pesher on Isaiah
The Messiah in the War Rule
Diverse Titles of the Messiah
Star and Scepter in the Damascus Document
Exegetical Traditions
The Character and Role of the Davidic Messiah
4. The Messiahs of Aaron and Israel
One or Two Messiahs?
Theories of Development
EXCURSUS: The Damascus Document, Col. 7
The Origins of Priestly Messianism
Aramaic Levi
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Development of the Levi Tradition
5. Teacher, Priest and Prophet
The Teacher at the End of Days
The Understanding of the End of Days
EXCURSUS: The Sanctuary of Men
The Temple Scroll and the End of Days
The Teacher and the End of Days
Teacher and Prophet
Teacher and Priest
The Eschatological Prophet
EXCURSUS: The Suffering Servant at Qumran?
The Teacher and the Servant
6. A Throne in the Heavens
The Textual Evidence
The Relation to the Hymnic Material
The Identity of the Individual
Ascent to Heaven?
EXCURSUS: Israel Knohl's Messiah Before Jesus
7. The Messiah as the Son of God
Proposed Interpretations
The Literary Context
A Negative Figure?
The Collective Interpretation
The Angelic Interpretation
The Messianic Interpretation
EXCURSUS: Other Possible "Son of God" Passages
The Role and Nature of the Son of God
8. The Danielic Son of Man
Daniel 7
The Similitudes of Enoch
Fourth Ezra
Common Assumptions
9. Messianic Dreams in Action
Prophetic Movements
Royal Pretenders
Jesus and the Davidic Messiah
Chronological Table
Index of Authors
Index of Scriptural Citations
Index of Ancient Sources
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