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Title Page
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Acronyms – Part I
List of Figures – Part I
Introduction – Part I
Part I – Chapter 1: The Project
A. Introduction
B. Project Planning
C. Contracts and their Effects on Project Structure
1. Constraints
2. Contract Types: The Cost-Plus Contract (CP)
3. Contract Types: The Time and Material Contract (T&M)
4. Contract Types: The Time and Material/Not-To-Exceed Contract (T&M/NTE)
5. Contract Types: Lump Sum (Fixed Price) Contract
6. Project Structures: The Turnkey Project
7. Project Structures: The EPC Project
8. Project Structures: The Retrofit and Green-Field Projects
9. Project Structures: The Hybrid Project
D. The Customer/Service Provider Relationship
E. Project Flow for a Controls Project
1. The Owner’s Project
a. Owner’s Phase 1 – FEL Stage 1: Business Planning
b. Owner’s Phase 1 – FEL Stage 2: Project Definition
c. Owner’s Phase 1 – FEL Stage 3: Project Planning
d. Owner’s Phase 2 – System Design
e. Owner’s Phase 3 – Deployment
f. Owner’s Phase 4 – Support
g. Owner’s Project Deliverables
2. The Control System E/I&C Engineer’s Project
a. E/I&C Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 1: Business Planning
b. E/I&C Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 2: Project Definition
c. E/I&C Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 3: Project Planning
d. E/I&C Seller Phase 2 – System Design
e. E/I&C Seller Phase 3 – Deployment
f. E/I&C Seller Phase 4 – Support
g. E/I&C Seller’s Project Deliverables
3. The Control Systems Integrator’s Project
a. CSI Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 1: Business Planning
b. CSI Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 2: Project Definition
c. CSI Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 3: Project Planning
d. CSI Seller Phase 2 – System Design
e. CSI Seller Phase 3 – Deployment
f. CSI Seller Phase 4 – Support
g. CSI Seller’s Project Deliverables
4. The Control Panel Fabricator’s Project
a. FAB Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 1: Business Planning
b. FAB Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 2: Project Definition
c. FAB Seller Phase 1 – FEL Stage 3: Project Planning
d. FAB Seller Phase 2 – System Design
e. FAB Seller Phase 3 – Deployment
f. FAB Seller Phase 4 – Support
g. FAB Seller’s Project Deliverables
F. Integrated Control Solutions
Part I – Chapter 2: The Project Team
A. The Owner (i.e., Buyer, Customer)
1. Plant Administration
2. Plant Operations
3. Plant Engineering/Maintenance
4. Plant Purchasing
B. The Owner’s Engineer (OE)
1. The OE as an Individual
2. The OE as an In-House Team
3. The OE as a Consulting Management Firm
4. The OE as a Prime Contractor
C. The Designer
1. Project Manager (PM)
2. Project Engineer (PE)
3. Discipline Lead Engineer (DLE)
4. Discipline Engineer(s)
5. Discipline Design Supervisor (DDS)
6. Discipline Technical Support (Design) Staff
a. Lead Designer
b. Designer
c. CADD Technician
d. Engineering Aide (EA)
D. The Control Systems Integrator (CSI)
1. The Process Control Team
a. Process Engineers/Specialists
b. PLC/DCS Programmers
c. HMI/SCADA Programmers
2. The Server Setup Team
3. The Network Setup Team
4. The Startup & Commissioning Team
E. The Constructor (i.e., Builder)
1. E&I Construction Superintendent
2. E&I Field Engineer & Coordinator
3. E&I General Foreman
4. Instrument Foreman
5. Instrument Fitter/Mechanic
6. Pipe Fitter
7. Instrument Electrical Foreman
8. Electrician
9. Instrument Electrician/Technician
Part I – Chapter 3: The Managed Project
A. Key Project Management Tools
1. The Detailed Scope of Work (SOW)
2. The Estimate*
a. Budgetary
b. Bid
c. Definitive
3. The Schedule*
4. The Proposal
a. Executive Summary
b. General Scope of Work
c. Assumptions
d. Inclusions
e. Exclusions (Exceptions)
f. Deliverables
g. Milestone Schedule
h. Safety
i. Price & Payment Schedule
j. Bid Award & Contract Negotiation
5. The Project Execution Plan (PEP)
a. Contact List
b. Existing System Description
c. Disposition of Existing Equipment
d. Addition of New Equipment
e. Company and Applicable Industry Standards
f. Approved Vendors List
g. Vendor-Provided Pre-engineered Subsystems (OEM)
h. Instrumentation Data
i. Quality Control
j. Document Control
6. The Status Report
B. Project Management Techniques
1. Assessing Project Status
2. Staff Meetings
a. The Meeting Facilitator
b. The Facilitator’s Toolbag
c. The Meeting Agenda
3. Management of Change (MOC)
Part I – Summary
Part I - References
List of Acronyms – Part II
List of Figures – Part II
Introduction – Part II
Part II – Chapter 4: Basic Design Concepts
A. Scaling and Unit Conversions
1. Definition of Key Terms
2. Accuracy and Repeatability
3. Resolution Effects on Accuracy
4. Instrument Range versus Scale
5. Instrument Calibration
6. Linearization and Unit Conversions
7. Practical Application
B. Introduction to Information Management
Part II – Chapter 5: Design Practice
A. Basic Wiring Practice
1. Inter-Cabinet Wiring
a. Generating a Cable Schedule
2. Intra-Cabinet Wiring
a. Generating a Wiring Diagram
B. Failsafe Wiring Practice
C. Hazardous Area Classification and Effects on Design
1. Hazardous Locations
a. Class I
2. Explosionproofing
3. Intrinsic Safety
4. Purging
a. Class X Purge
D. Connecting to the Control System
1. Discrete (Digital) Wiring
a. Sinking and Sourcing
2. Analog Wiring
a. Circuit Protection (Fusing)
E. Design Practice Summary
Part II – Chapter 6: The Control System
A. Introduction
B. The Cognitive Cycle
C. Control System Overview
1. A Historical Perspective
2. PLC versus DCS
a. The Distributed Control System (DCS)
3. Major Control System Elements
a. The Physical Plant
4. Control Modes and Operability
a. Local/Remote (L/R) Mode Selector
D. The Human-Machine Interface
1. The Graphic User Interface (GUI)
a. Action Links
2. The HMI Database
a. Tagnames
3. The HMI Alarm Manager Utility
4. The Historian
5. The Trend Utility
6. Reports
E. Programmable Logic Controller
1. Major PLC Components
a. The Rack Power Supply
2. The PLC Program
a. I/O Map
3. The I/O Interface
a. Physical (Hardware) Address
F. Networking
1. Optimized/Proprietary Networks
2. Optimized/Non-Proprietary Networks
a. Serial Communications (RS-232)
3. Non-Optimized (Open) Local Area Networks
4. Wireless Local Area Networks
a. The “Bluetooth” Standard
5. The Ethernet Client/Server Environment
a. “Thick” Client Architecture
6. The Industrial Enterprise-Wide Network
a. The Remote I/O (RIO) LAN
G. Working with a Control Systems Integrator (CSI)
1. Initial Search
2. Writing a Control System Specification
a. Process Overview
H. Selecting a Control System
References – Part II
List of Acronyms – Part III
List of Figures – Part III
Introduction – Part III
Part III – Chapter 7: Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
A. General Description
B. Purpose
C. Content
1. Symbology (ANSI/ISA-5.1-2009)
2. Symbol Identification
a. Prefix
D. Practical Application
1. Tank Level: LT-10, LSH-10, LSLL-47
2. Tank Fill: HV-13, ZSC-13
3. Tank Discharge: PP-10
4. Pump Discharge Pressure: PIC-48
E. P&ID Summary
Part III – Chapter 8: Links to Mechanical and Civil
A. General Equipment Arrangement Drawing (Civil and Mechanical)
1. Purpose
2. Interfaces
3. Content
4. Practical Application
5. Equipment Arrangement Summary
B. Piping Drawing (Mechanical)
1. Purpose
2. Interfaces
3. Content (as related to I&C)
C. Pump and Equipment Specifications (Mechanical)
D. Links Summary
Part III – Chapter 9: Preliminary Engineering
A. Development of a Detailed Scope of Work
1. Purpose (Project Overview)
2. Project Scope—I&C
3. Safety Concerns
4. Assumptions
5. Exclusions
6. Deliverables
7. Milestone Schedule
B. Control System Orientation
C. Project Database Initialization
1. Initialize Document Control Table
a. Table
2. Initialize Instrument and I/O List Table
a. Instrument Table
3. Database Summary
D. Estimate and Schedule Development*
1. Cover Worksheet
2. Devices Worksheet
3. Count Worksheet
4. Labor Worksheet
5. Summary Worksheet
6. Schedule Worksheet
7. Estimate and Schedule Summary
E. Preliminary Engineering Summary
Part III – Chapter 10: Control Systems Integration (CSI)
A. FEL Stage 1 – Business Planning
1. Cost/Benefit Analysis
2. Control System Specification
3. Functional Description
a. Tank Level: LT-10, LSH-10, LSLL-47
4. Project Estimate
a. Field Device Control Elements
5. Project Proposal
B. FEL Stage 2 – Project Definition
1. Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
2. Continuous Function Chart (CFC)
3. Control Narrative
4. Sequence Control Detail Sheets (SCDS)
5. Device Control Detail Sheets (DCDS)
6. Functional Logic Diagrams
C. Control Narrative
1. Sequential Function Chart (SFC)
2. Continuous Function Chart (CFC)
3. SFC Control Narrative Fragment
a. Powerup & Initialize
4. Sequence Step Detail Sheet (SSDS)
a. Step S02 – Fill Tank
5. Device Control Detail Sheet (DCDS)
a. Pump PP-10 Device Logic
6. Functional Logic Diagram
a. Tank TK-10 Control Sequence Step 02
7. Logic Diagram Standard ISA-5.1
8. FEL2 Systems Integration Summary
D. Operator Interface Specification Development – The HMI
1. Animation Plan
a. Colors
2. Screen Diagrams
a. Graphic Screen
3. Tagname Database, Device Driver, and I/O Mapping
4. Finished Graphics Screen
5. Alarm Manager
6. Historian
7. HMI Report Generation
E. Network Single-Line Diagram Generation
F. Other Systems Integration Tasks
1. Control System Cabinetry Design and Delivery
2. I/O Address Assignment (Partitioning)
a. Hardware (HW) Address
3. Factory (or Functional) Acceptance Test (FAT)
4. Site Acceptance Test (SAT)
5. Commissioning
6. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Manual
a. Operations
7. Onsite Training
G. Systems Integration Summary
Part III – Chapter 11: Information Management
A. Document Control
B. Instrument and I/O List
1. Instrument and I/O List Table
2. Preliminary Design Query
3. Plan Drawing Takeoff Query
4. Plan Dwg Takeoff Query Report
5. X-Ref Document Cross-Reference Query
6. X-Ref Document Cross-Reference Report
C. Database Summary
Part III – Chapter 12: Instrument Specifications
A. Purpose
1. Mechanical Designers
2. Instrument Designers
3. Other Users
B. Interfaces
C. Examples
1. LT/LSH-10
2. PV-48
D. Summary
Part III – Chapter 13: Physical Drawings
A. Control Room
1. Environmental Issues
a. Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)9
2. Physical Arrangement
3. Control Room Design Summary
B. Termination Room
1. Environmental Issues
a. Lighting
2. Furniture and Equipment Arrangement
a. Personnel Clearances
3. Termination Room Design Summary
C. Process Area (Instrument Location Plan)
1. Why Produce Instrument Location Plan Drawings?
2. Anatomy of an Instrument Location Plan
3. Design Considerations
4. Drawing Production Technique
a. Step One: Initialize Drawing (Generate drawing background)
5. Material Takeoff
D. Instrument Installation Details
1. Electrical Installation Details
2. Tubing Details
3. Mounting Details
4. Related Database Activities
5. Material Takeoff
E. Summary
Part III – Chapter 14: Instrument and Control Wiring
A. Instrument Elementary (Ladder) Diagram
1. Motor Elementaries
2. AC Power Distribution Schematic
3. DC Power Distribution Schematic
4. PLC Ladder Diagram (Elementary)
a. Discrete (Digital) Inputs
B. Loop Sheet (Ref: ISA-5.4-1991)14
C. Connection Diagrams
1. Junction Box JB-TK10-1: Initial Layout
2. Termination Cabinet TC-2
a. DC Circuits (TS-2)
D. Wiring Summary
Part III – Chapter 15: Panel Arrangements
A. Procedure
B. Junction Box JB-TK10-01 Arrangement Drawing ARR-002
1. Set Up a Scale
2. Design the Panel
3. Generate a Bill of Materials
C. Summary
Part III – Chapter 16: Procurement
A. Typical Purchasing Cycle
B. Material Classification
C. Bulk Bill of Materials
D. Detail Bill of Materials
E. Procurement Summary
Part III – Chapter 17: Quality Control—The Integrated Design Check
A. Administrative Content – Individual Checks
B. Technical Content – Squad Check
C. Squad-Check Roster
D. Design Check Summary
Part III – Chapter 18: Phase 3—Deployment
A. Construction
1. Kickoff Meeting
2. Construction
B. Pre-Commissioning
C. Cold-Commissioning (Site Acceptance)
1. Device Tests
2. Subsystem Tests
D. Hot-Commissioning (Startup)
E. Adjustment of Document Package to Reflect Construction Modifications
F. Issue for Record
G. Phase 3 Summary
Part III – Chapter 19: Phase 4—Support
A. Warranty Support
B. Continuing Service Support
References – Part III
Additional Resources
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