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Imperial Library
Title Page
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PART ONE - The Christian View: “Ministers of the Devil”
1. - “Devil Worship: Consuming Tobacco to Receive Messages from Nature”
2. - “Ministers of the Devil Who Learn About the Secrets of Nature”
3. - “Evoking the Devil: Fasting with Tobacco to Learn How to Cure”
4. - The Shaman: “A Villain of a Magician Who Calls Demons”
PART TWO - The Humanist View Becomes Rationalist: From “Esteemed Jugglers” to “Impostors”
5. - “The Savages Esteem Their Jugglers”
6. - “Shamans Deserve Perpetual Labor for Their Hocus-Pocus”
7. - “Blinded by Superstition”
8. - “Shamans Are Impostors Who Claim They Consult the Devil—And Who Are ...
9. - Misled Impostors and the Power of Imagination
PART THREE - Enter Anthropologists
10. - Animism Is the Belief in Spiritual Beings
11. - A White Man Goes to a Peaiman
12. - The Angakoq Uses a Peculiar Language and Defines Taboos
13. - The-Man-Who-Fell-from-Heaven Shamanizes Despite Persecution
14. - Shamanism Is a Dangerously Vague Word
15. - “Doomed to Inspiration”
16. - Ventriloquist and Trickster Performances for Healing and Divination
17. - “A Motley Class of Persons”
18. - Seeking Contact with Spirits Is Not Necessarily Shamanism
19. - “The Shaman Practices on the Verge of Insanity”
PART FOUR - The Understanding Deepens
20. - Near-Death Experience
21. - Seeking Knowledge in the Solitude of Nature
22. - Summoning the Spirits for the First Time
23. - The Shaman’s Assistant
24. - Shamans Charm Game
25. - Climbing the Twisted Ladder to Initiation
26. - Aboriginal Doctors Are Outstanding People
27. - Shamans as Psychoanalysts
28. - Using Invisible Substances for Good and Evil
29. - The Shamanin Performs a Public Service with Grace and Energy
30. - “The Shaman Is Mentally Deranged”
31. - Clever Cords and Clever Men
32. - Singing Multifaceted Songs
33. - !Kung Medicine Dance
PART FIVE - The Observers Take Part
34. - Smoking Huge Cigars
35. - “I Was a Disembodied Eye Poised in Space”
36. - Fear, Clarity, Knowledge, and Power
37. - “I Found Myself Impaled on the Axis Mundi”
38. - A Shaman Loses Her Elevation by Interacting with Observers
39. - “I Felt Like Socrates Accepting the Hemlock”
40. - Experiencing the Shaman’s Symphony to Understand It
PART SIX - Gathering Evidence on a Multifaceted Phenomenon
41. - A Washo Shaman’s Helpers
42. - Magic Darts, Bewitching Shamans, and Curing Shamans
43. - “Remarkably Good Theater”
44. - Two Kinds of Japanese Shamans: The Medium and the Ascetic
45. - Music Alone Can Alter a Shaman’s Consciousness, Which Itself Can Destroy ...
46. - Shamans Are Intellectuals, Translators, and Shrewd Dealers
47. - Shamans, Caves, and the Master of Animals
48. - “Plant Teachers”
49. - A Shaman Endures the Temptation of Sorcery (and Publishes a Book)
50. - Interview with a Killing Shaman
51. - Invisible Projectiles in Africa
PART SEVEN - Global Knowledge and Indigenous Knowledge Come Together and Remain Apart
52. - Science and Magic, Two Roads to Knowledge
53. - Shamans, “Spirits,” and Mental Imagery
54. - Dark Side of the Shaman
55. - Shamans Explore the Human Mind
56. - Training to See What the Natives See
57. - “Twisted Language,” A Technique for Knowing
58. - Magic Darts as Viruses
59. - Bubble, Bubble, Toil and Trouble: Tourists and Pseudo-Shamans
60. - Shamans and Ethics in a Global World
61. - Shamans as Botanical Researchers
62. - Shamanism and the Rigged Marketplace
63. - An Ethnobotanist Dreams of Scientists and Shamans Collaborating
64. - Shamans and Scientists
References and Permissions
Notes on the Editors’ Commentaries and Further Reading
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