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Table of Contents
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Chapter 1. Introduction: materials – history and character
1.1. Materials, processes and choice
1.2. Material properties
1.3. Design-limiting properties
1.4. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 2. Family trees: organising materials and processes
2.1. Introduction and synopsis
2.2. Organising materials: the materials tree
2.3. Organising processes: the process tree
2.4. Process–property interaction
2.5. Material property charts
2.6. Computer-aided information sources for materials and processes
2.7. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 3. Strategic thinking: matching material to design
3.1. Introduction and synopsis
3.2. The design process
3.3. Material and process information for design
3.4. The strategy: translation, screening, ranking and documentation
3.5. Examples of translation
3.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 4. Elastic stiffness, and weight: atomic bonding and packing
4.1. Introduction and synopsis
4.2. Density, stress, strain and elastic moduli
4.3. The big picture: material property charts
4.4. Manipulating the modulus and density
4.5. The science: microstructure and properties
4.6. Atomic structure and interatomic bonding
4.7. Atomic and molecular packing in solids: the origin of density
4.8. Interatomic bonding and properties: the origin of elastic modulus
4.9. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 5. Stiffness-limited design
5.1. Introduction and synopsis
5.2. Standard solutions to elastic problems
5.3. Material indices for elastic design
5.4. Plotting limits and indices on charts
5.5. Case studies
5.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 6. Beyond elasticity: plasticity, yielding and ductility
6.1. Introduction and synopsis
6.2. Strength, ductility, plastic work and hardness: definition and measurement
6.3. The big picture: charts for yield strength
6.4. Drilling down: the origins of strength and ductility
6.5. Manipulating strength
6.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 7. Strength-limited design
7.1. Introduction and synopsis
7.2. Standard solutions to plastic problems
7.3. Material indices for yield-limited design
7.4. Case studies
7.5. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 8. Fracture and fracture toughness
8.1. Introduction and synopsis
8.2. Strength and toughness
8.3. The mechanics of fracture
8.4. Material property charts for toughness
8.5. Drilling down: the origins of toughness
8.6. Compressive and tensile failure of ceramics
8.7. Manipulating properties: the strength–toughness trade-off
8.8. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 9. Cyclic loading and fatigue failure
9.1. Introduction and synopsis
9.2. Vibration: the damping coefficient
9.3. Fatigue
9.4. Charts for endurance limit
9.5. Drilling down: the origins of damping and fatigue
9.6. Manipulating resistance to fatigue
9.7. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 10. Fracture- and fatigue-limited design
10.1. Introduction and synopsis
10.2. Standard solutions to fracture problems
10.3. Material indices for fracture-safe design
10.4. Case studies
10.5. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 11. Friction and wear
11.1. Introduction and synopsis
11.2. Tribological properties
11.3. Charting friction and wear
11.4. The physics of friction and wear
11.5. Friction in design
11.6. Friction in material processing
11.7. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 12. Materials and heat
12.1. Introduction and synopsis
12.2. Thermal properties: definition and measurement
12.3. The big picture: thermal property charts
12.4. Drilling down: the physics of thermal properties
12.5. Manipulating thermal properties
12.6. Design and manufacture: using thermal properties
12.7. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 13. Diffusion and creep: materials at high temperatures
13.1. Introduction and synopsis
13.2. The temperature dependence of material properties
13.3. Charts for creep behaviour
13.4. The science: diffusion
13.5. The science: creep
13.6. Materials to resist creep
13.7. Design to cope with creep
13.8. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 14. Durability: oxidation, corrosion, degradation
14.1. Introduction and synopsis
14.2. Oxidation, flammability, and photo-degradation
14.3. Oxidation mechanisms
14.4. Resistance to oxidation
14.5. Corrosion: acids, alkalis, water, and organic solvents
14.6. Drilling down: mechanisms of corrosion
14.7. Fighting corrosion
14.8. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 15. Electrical materials: conductors, insulators, and dielectrics
15.1. Introduction and synopsis
15.2. Conductors, insulators, and dielectrics
15.3. Charts for electrical properties
15.4. Drilling down: the origins and manipulation of electrical properties
15.5. Design: using the electrical properties of materials
15.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 16. Magnetic materials
16.1. Introduction and synopsis
16.2. Magnetic properties: definition and measurement
16.3. The big picture: charts for magnetic properties
16.4. Drilling down: the physics and manipulation of magnetic properties
16.5. Materials selection for magnetic design
16.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 17. Materials for optical devices
17.1. Introduction and synopsis
17.2. The interaction of materials and radiation
17.3. Charts for optical properties
17.4. Drilling down: the physics and manipulation of optical properties
17.5. Optical design
17.6. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 18. Manufacturing processes and design
18.1. Introduction and synopsis
18.2. Process selection in design
18.3. Shaping processes: attributes for screening
18.4. Estimating cost for shaping processes
18.5. Case studies: selection of shaping processes
18.6. Joining processes: attributes for screening
18.7. Surface treatment (finishing) processes: attributes for screening
18.8. Technical evaluation
18.9. Additive manufacturing
18.10. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 19. Processing, microstructure and properties
19.1. Introduction and synopsis
19.2. Processing for properties
19.3. Microstructure evolution in processing
19.4. Metal shaping processes
19.5. Heat treatment and alloying of metals
19.6. Joining and surface treatment of metals
19.7. Powder processing
19.8. Polymer processing
19.9. Making hybrid materials
19.10. Summary and conclusions
Chapter 20. Materials, environment, and sustainability
20.1. Introduction and synopsis
20.2. Material production, material consumption, and growth
20.3. Natural Capital and the materials life cycle
20.4. Embodied energy and carbon footprint of materials
20.5. Materials and eco-design
20.6. Materials dependence
20.7. Materials and sustainable development
20.8. Summary and conclusions
20.9. Appendix: some useful quantities
Guided Learning Unit 1. Simple ideas of crystallography
Introduction and synopsis
PART 1: Crystal structures
PART 2: Interstitial space
PART 3: Describing planes
PART 4: Describing directions
PART 5: Ceramic crystals
PART 6: Polymer crystals
Answers to exercises
Guided Learning Unit 2. Phase diagrams and phase transformations
Introduction and synopsis
PART 1: Key terminology
Exercises (reminder: answers at the end of each section)
Answers to exercises, Part 1
PART 2: Simple phase diagrams, and how to read them
Answers to exercises, Part 2
PART 3: The iron–carbon diagram
Answers to exercises, Part 3
PART 4: Interpreting more complex phase diagrams
Answers to exercises, Part 4
PART 5: Phase transformations and microstructural evolution
PART 6: Equilibrium solidification
Answers to exercises, Part 6
PART 7: Equilibrium solid-state phase changes
Answers to exercises, Part 7
PART 8: Non-equilibrium solid-state phase changes
Answers to exercises, Part 8
Appendix A. Data for engineering materials
Appendix B. Corrosion tables
Appendix C. Material properties and length scales
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