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Imperial Library
Editorial Statement
Some Unanticipated Consequences of the Sinai Revelation: A Religion of Laws (James L. Kugel)
"Fire, Cloud, and Deep Darkness" (Deuteronomy 5:22): Deuteronomy's Recasting of Revelation (Marc Zvi Brettler)
Priestly Prophets at Qumran: Summoning Sinai through the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (Judith H. Newman)
Moving Mountains: From Sinai to Jerusalem (George J. Brooke)
Moses, David and Scribal Revelation: Preservation and Renewal in Second Temple Jewish Textual Traditions (Eva Mroczek)
The Giving of the Torah at Sinai and the Ethics of the Qumran Community (Marcus Tso)
Josephus' "Theokratia" and Mosaic Discourse: The Actualization of the Revelation at Sinai (Zuleika Rodgers)
Why did Paul include an Exegesis of Moses' Shining Face (Exod 34) in 2 Cor 3? (Moses' Strength, Well-being and (Transitory) Glory, according to Philo, Josephus, Paul, and the Corinthian Sophists George H. van Kooten)
In the Mirror of the Divine Face: The Enochic Features of the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian (Andrei Orlov)
Torah and Eschatology in the Syriac Apocalypse of Baruch (Matthias Henze)
Can the Homilists Cross the Sea Again? Revelation in Mekilta Shirata (Ishay Rosen-Zvi)
Hearing and Seeing at Sinai: Interpretive Trajectories (Steven D. Fraade)
The Giving of the Torah: Targumic Perspectives (Charles Thomas Robert Hayward)
God's Back! What did Moses see on Sinai? (Diana Lipton)
Sinai in Art and Architecture (David Brown)
Sinai since Spinoza: Reflections on Revelation in Modern Jewish Thought (Paul Franks)
Index of Modern Authors
Subject Index
Index of Primary Texts
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