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Table of Contents
1 Evolution of Internet of Things (IoT): History, Forecasts, and Security
1.1 Evolution of IoT
1.2 Statistics and Forecasts
1.3 Fundamentals of IoT Security
1.3.1 Security at Different Layers
1.3.2 System Requirements of the IoT System
1.4 Conclusion
2 IoT Design, Standards, and Protocols
2.1 Layered IoT Architecture
2.2 Security and Privacy Issues with IoT Architecture
2.2.1 Perception-Layer Security Problems
2.2.2 Network-Layer Security Problems
2.2.3 Application-Layer Security Problems
2.3 IoT Protocol Design
2.3.1 Protocol Stack for IoT
2.3.2 Security Requirements
2.4 IETF and IEEE Design Standards
2.5 Taxonomy of Threats to IoT Networks
2.6 Conclusion
3 IoT’s Integration with Other Technologies
3.1 IoT Experimentation Setups
3.2 Platforms and Software Tools for IoT Simulation
3.3 Integration of IoT with Various Domains
3.3.1 Data Storage
3.3.2 Cloud Computing
3.3.3 Big Data
3.3.4 Fog Computing
3.4 IoT and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
4 Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT)
4.1 M2M to IoT
4.2 IoT and Secure Automation
4.3 IIoT Applications
4.4 IIoT and Cybersecurity
4.5 Conclusion
5 Trust and Privacy in IoT
5.1 Privacy in IoT
5.2 Threat to Data Privacy in IoT
5.3 Enforcing Trust in IoT
5.4 Trust Management
5.5 Conclusion
6 Authentication Mechanisms for IoT Networks
6.1 Data Security in IoT
6.2 IoT Limitations
6.3 Need for Authentication and Access Control in IoT
6.4 System Requirements for Authentication Mechanisms
6.5 Taxonomy of IoT Authentication Protocols
6.5.1 Hash-Based Protocols
6.5.2 ECC-Based Protocols
6.5.3 PUF-Based Protocols
6.5.4 HB Protocols
6.5.5 Ultra-Lightweight Protocols
6.6 Conclusion
7 Provable Security Models and Existing Protocols
7.1 Provable Security Models
7.1.1 Vaudeney’s Model
7.1.2 Canard et al.’s Model
7.1.3 Universal Composability Framework
7.1.4 Juels–Weis Challenge–Response Model
7.2 Issues with Security Models
8 An Internet of Things (IoT)-Based Security Approach Ensuring Robust Location Privacy for the Healthcare Environment
8.1 Problem Definition
8.2 Abstract Overview
8.3 Detailed Protocol Description
8.3.1 Location Privacy-Based Mutual Authentication Protocol
8.3.2 Authentication of IoT Devices
8.4 IoT Authentication Scheme Ensuring Location Privacy
8.4.1 Concept of a Basic Location Privacy-Based Authentication Scheme
8.5 Security Analysis
8.5.1 Game-Based Security Model
8.5.2 Strong Location Privacy
8.6 Performance Analysis
8.7 Conclusion
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