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Title Page
Foreword by Tara Brach
Introduction: Why Joy?
Chapter 1: Set Your Intention
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Intention Setting with Children:
Lesson 1: Setting Intention
Lesson 2: Drop by Drop
Lesson 3: The Shredder—Start with the Negative and Move to the Positive
Chapter 2: Mindfulness Matters
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Mindfulness Practice with Children
Lesson 1: A Breathing Practice
Lesson 2: Mindfulness through the Eyes of a Child
Lesson 3: Puppy Training
Lesson 4: Magical Cave, Tapping into Inner Wisdom
Lesson 5: Weaving in the Good
Chapter 3: Gratitude Grows
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Infusing Children with Gratitude
Lesson 1: Planting the Seeds of Gratitude in Quick, Easy Ways
Lesson 2: On the Mat / Love Arrows
Lesson 3: Gratitude Flags
Lesson 4: Thirty-Eight Years Later—Snail Mail
Chapter 4: Joy in Difficult Times
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Helping Children Navigate through Difficult Times
Lesson 1: Building the Muscles of Self-Regulation and Discipline
Lesson 2: Spotlight on the Positive
Lesson 3: Fostering Compassionate Communication
Lesson 4: Remembering the Good Times
Chapter 5: Integrity
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Integrity with Children
Lesson 1: Between the Veils: A Gift
Lesson 2: The Ties That Bind Us
Lesson 3: Family Breathing Techniques to Calm the Brain and Body
Lesson 4: Compassionate Listening
Chapter 6: The Joy of Letting Go
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Letting Go with Children
Lesson 1: Letting Go
Lesson 2: Drawing from the Inside Out
Lesson 3: Letting Go of Constricting Beliefs and Wiring the Brain for Success
Lesson 4: The Power of Touch
Chapter 7: Loving Ourselves
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Loving-kindness with Children
Lesson 1: Cloth of Self-Compassion
Lesson 2: Family Bead Necklace
Lesson 3: Being My Own Best Friend
Lesson 4: Teaching our Children about the Media
Chapter 8: The Joy of Loving Others
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Loving Others with Children
Lesson 1: Sparkles
Lesson 2: Sticky Friendships
Lesson 3: Pen Pals
Chapter 9: Compassion
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Compassion with Children
Lesson 1: From Me to We
Lesson 2: Random Acts of Kindness with a Camera
Lesson 3: Stone Soup
Chapter 10: Simply Being
James: Practices for Grown-Ups
Michele: Practicing Simply Being with Children
Lesson 1: Come Play
Lesson 2: Fairy Garden and the Leaf People
Lesson 3: Mindful Tea
Lesson 4: Full Moon Nights
Teachers’ Guide
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