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Imperial Library
Routledge contemporary Southeast Asia series
List of figures and table
List of abbreviations
1 Introduction
Southeast Asian haze and Indonesia’s land and forest fires
Regime theory and ASEAN cooperation
Regime theory
Constructivist and knowledge-based assumptions of international regimes
A synergic model of a regime formation
Communicative action and international negotiation
Institutional options and domestic bargaining
Norm socialization and social learning
A regime’s effects
Book outline
2 ASEAN regionalism and the politics of the environment
Southeast Asian security and historical development of ASEAN
ASEAN’s institutional development
The period 1967–76
The period 1976–92: Conflict and the consolidation of the regional institution
1992–2008: Strengthening economic cooperation and security regionalism
2008–recent: ASEAN charter and a construction of regional community
The ASEAN way, norms and security culture
Sovereign equality
Non-use of force and pacific settlement of disputes
Regional autonomy or ‘regional solutions to regional problems’
The doctrine of non-interference
No military pacts and preference for bilateral defence cooperation
Other features
ASEAN regionalisms: a regional community or strategic self-help?
Southeast Asia and the environment
ASEAN and the environment
Regional organizational framework for environmental cooperation
ASEAN members and inter-state environmental issues
ASEAN and the international politics of the forest
Domestic politics of the forest and the international discourse
State–society relations and the protection of the environment
ASEAN politics of ecology: A concluding remark
3 Rise of a regime
Fires and haze: early regional response (1983–94)
ASEAN cooperation plan on transboundary pollution (1995)
Return of the inferno and regional haze action plan (1997)
The haze and the international legal norm of state responsibility for transboundary haze pollution
ASEAN agreement on transboundary haze pollution (2002)
ASEAN and the haze regime
4 Region on fire
Explaining a regime formation
Crisis and crisis
Communicative action, negotiation and institutional bargaining
Negotiation, learning and domestic linkages
Politics of ratification (October 2001–September 2004)
Illegal logging as issue-linkage
Indonesia’ early ratification process
Concluding remarks
5 ASEAN’s regime in local and international context
Problem structure and local context
Deforestation and forest fires: political economy of the Indonesian forests
Palm oil, pulp and paper as international–domestic linkages
International context and local implications
Corporate social learning: the case of APRIL and APP
Sub-regional economic cooperation and the physical transformation of forests
Indonesia’s fires, discourse and the global climate change
The international Wildland Fire Accord
6 Effects of regime
Level one: ratification, implementation and compliance
Regional implementation
Domestic implementation and compliance in the cases of Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand
Level two: problem solving
Problems and challenges
Indonesia’s plan of action and implementation of regional policies
Indonesia: politics of ratification (October 2004–September 2009)
Level three: regime consequence
Concluding remarks and suggestions
7 Conclusions
The construction of an ASEAN haze regime: concluding remarks
The ASEAN way and ASEAN haze regime
Crosscutting factors and environmental security in Southeast Asia
Institutional interplay: the haze regime and the domestic and international institutional contexts
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