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Imperial Library
The Source
Day 1 The Auditions
Day 20 Video Shoot
Day 20 Close to Midnight
Day 62 Mostly
Days Stages
Day 65 Partial Layover
Day 67 The Master at Work
Day 71 Why do I feel the need?
Day 76 Breaking
Day 80 Higher
Day 83 Typical Carnival
Day 85 Sort of Rock and Roll and We Sort of Like It
Day 86 Radio Hoe Down
Day 96 Manga Lightweight
Day 99 Weirdness
Day 106 Another Damn Gig
Day 113 Show after Show
Day 120 Rebel
Day 121 Rebel Rebel
Day 121-136
Day 140 Easy Peasy
Day 143 The Grind
Day 146 Bruises
Day 147 Goodbyes and Shit
Day 148 Girly
Day 148 On stage
Day 149 Moving Camp Site
Day 154 Tequila Will Kill Ya
Day 155 Tongue Tango
Day 156 What? Why?
Still Day 156 All
Much Later
Day 158 The Rolling Stone Microscope
Day 160 Well?
Day 162 Well Fuck
Day 162 through 187 So All Right Already
Day 188 Phone Call
Day 188 That Stage Envelope
Day 189 Linger
Day 189 Sore Throat City
Still Day 189 Fortunate Routines and Happenings
Day 191 Free and Clear
Day 195 Malcolm
About Thirty Minutes Later
Day 195 Scrabble
Probably Day 196-203 Afraid it's predictable, dear
Day 206 Hotel Hell
Day 207-Day 215 Really?
Day 216 I'm Feeling Good
Still Day 216 Marriot
Day 217 Sanctuary Regained
Day 218 Sanctuary Lost
Day 223 Back on the Chain Gang
Day 224 Barely Phone Tag
Day 224 Bad Hair Day
Day 224 On That Stage
Day 225 So Now What
Still Day 225
Still Day 225 Wakey Wakey
Still Later The Longest Fucking Day
Day 225 Headless Wonders
Day 239 The Cover of the Rolling Stone
Day 239-Day 247 One big blur
Day 248 Award
Day 249 After Parties
Day 249 Back at the Hotel 6 a.m.
Day 249 In the lobby
Day 249 The Garden of Delight
Day 249 Oh, Please, Not Again
Day 250 After Midnight at Regina's
Day 250 around 4: 00 a.m.
Day 250 So We're Loading On Up...
Day 250 Almost Midnight on the Old Wagon Train
Day 258 Show Time, Baby
After the Show
Day 259 Too Soon?
Day 259
Days 260-348 Closures and Shit
Random Acts
Day 672
Author's Afterword
About The Author
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