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Imperial Library
Title Page
c. 1500 BCE: The Vedas
c. 585 BCE: Birth of Western Philosophy
c. 550 BCE: The Dao
c. 540 BCE: Reincarnation
c. 540 BCE: Ahimsa
c. 530 BCE: Anthropomorphization
c. 525 BCE: The Four Noble Truths
c. 525 BCE: No-Self (Anatta)
c. 500 BCE: Confucian Ethics
c. 500 BCE: Reciprocity
c. 500 BCE: Change Is Constant
c. 500 BCE: The Book of Job
c. 470 BCE: Change Is Illusory
c. 460 BCE: Mind Organizes Nature
c. 460 BCE: The Paradoxes of Motion
c. 450 BCE: Survival of the Fittest
c. 450 BCE: Protagoras and Relativism
c. 450 BCE: The Sophists
c. 450 BCE: Ladder of Love
c. 430 BCE: Know Thyself
c. 420 BCE: Atoms and the Void
c. 420 BCE: Universal Love
c. 400 BCE: Cynicism
c. 400 BCE: Cyrenaic Hedonism
c. 400 BCE: The Bhagavad Gita
399 BCE: The Trial and Death of Socrates
c. 399 BCE: Socratic Dialogues
c. 386 BCE: Plato Founds the Academy
c. 380 BCE: The World of the Forms
c. 380 BCE: Plato’s Republic
c. 380 BCE: Mind-Body Dualism
c. 367 BCE: Aristotle Enrolls in the Academy
334 BCE: Hellenization Begins
c. 330 BCE: The Invention of Logic
c. 330 BCE: The Earth-Centered Universe
c. 330 BCE: Matter and Form
c. 330 BCE: The Four Causes
c. 330 BCE: Nicomachean Ethics
c. 320 BCE: Maybe Life Is a Dream
c. 300 BCE: Ecclesiastes
c. 300 BCE: Epicureanism
c. 300 BCE: Stoicism
c. 300 BCE: Innate Goodness
155 BCE: Carneades on Justice
c. 55 BCE: On the Nature of Things
51 BCE: Universal Moral Law
c. 30 CE: The Christian Era Begins
c. 65: Buddhism Comes to China
65: The Death of Seneca
c. 125: Epictetian Stoicism
c. 150: Platonism and Christianity
180: The Philosopher-King
c. 200: Outlines of Pyrrhonism
c. 250: Neoplatonism
c. 285: The Problem of Universals
386: Augustine’s Conversion
415: Death of Hypatia
426: The City of God
c. 460: The Last Great Greek Philosopher
476: The Dark Ages Begin
c. 500: The Way of Negation
c. 520: Origins of Chan/Zen Buddhism
524: The Consolations of Philosophy
529: Justinian Closes the Academy
c. 630: The Rise and Spread of Islam
c. 700: Huineng and the Platform Sutra
c. 810: Monism
c. 840: Islamic Philosophy Begins
c. 865: Eriugena’s Christian Neoplatonism
c. 1015: Ibn Sīnā’s Islamic Aristotelianism
1078: The Ontological Argument
c. 1093: The Incoherence of the Philosophers
1121: The Birth of Scholasticism
c. 1130: Aristotelian Revival in the West
c. 1135: Qualified Dualism
c. 1180: Revival of Confucianism
c. 1185: The Commentator
c. 1190: The Guide for the Perplexed
c. 1220: Philosophers Join Academia
c. 1250: The Universal Doctor
1259: A Franciscan Approach to Philosophy
c. 1265: The Great Medieval Synthesis
c. 1265: The Five Ways
c. 1270: Natural Law
c. 1300: Attack on the Medieval Synthesis
c. 1300: Mystical Theology
c. 1320: Ockham’s Razor
c. 1320: Conceptualism
1324: The Defender of Peace
c. 1350: The Renaissance Begins
1440: The Synthesis of Opposites
1468: The Recovery of Platonism
1516: Utopia
1517: The Reformation Begins
c. 1520: The Humanist Ideal
c. 1525: The Silver Age of Scholasticism
1532: The Prince
1539: The Rights of Native Peoples
1543: The Birth of Modern Science
1580: Revival of Classical Skepticism
1605: The Advancement of Learning
1620: The Enlightenment Begins
1625: On the Law of War and Peace
1637: The Father of Modern Philosophy
1641: Meditations on First Philosophy
1651: Leviathan
1651: Free Will and Determinism Are Compatible
1670: Pascal’s Wager
1674: Occasionalism
1677: Ethics
1689: Human Rights
1689: Religious Liberty
1689: Empiricism
c. 1700: Preestablished Harmony
1713: To Be Is to Be Perceived
1725: The Moral Sense
1730: Deism
1736: The Analogy of Religion
1739: A Treatise of Human Nature
1739: The Problem of Induction
1748: An Attack on Miracles
1748: The Spirit of the Laws
1751: Morality Is Rooted in Feeling
1754: America’s First Major Philosopher
1759: Candide
c. 1760: The Birth of Romanticism
1762: The Social Contract
1762: Emile and Natural Education
1764: The Philosophy of Common Sense
1770: A Godless, Mechanistic Universe
1779: Hume’s Dialogues
1781: Critique of Pure Reason
1785: The Categorical Imperative
1787: The Federalist
1789: Utilitarianism
1790: Critique of Judgment
1790: Forefather of Conservatism
1792: A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
c. 1795: The Beginnings of German Idealism
1807: The Phenomenology of Spirit
1819: The Philosophy of Pessimism
1821: The Real Is the Rational
1830: Positivism
1832: Law and Morality Are Separate
1836: American Transcendentalism
1841: Idealism Is Turned Upside Down
1843: Existentialism
1843: A System of Logic
1846: Truth Is Subjectivity
1848: The Communist Manifesto
1854: Walden
1859: On Liberty
1859: Darwin’s Origin of Species
1862: Social Darwinism
1863: Refined Utilitarianism
c. 1865: The Rise of British Idealism
1867: Capital
1869: The Subjection of Women
1874: The Methods of Ethics
1874: Intentionality
1878: Origins of Pragmatism
1879: The New Logic
1882: “God Is Dead”
1882: Perspectivism
1887: The Revaluation of Values
1890: The Principles of Psychology
1897: “The Will to Believe”
1900: Phenomenology
1901: Environmental Preservationism
1902: The Varieties of Religious Experience
1903: Ethical Intuitionism
1903: The Analytic-Continental Split
1905: The Theory of Definite Descriptions
1907: Pragmatism
1907: Vitalism
1910: Principia Mathematica
1912: The Problems of Philosophy
1916: Progressive Education
1918: Logical Atomism
1920: Contemplation vs. Enjoyment
c. 1920: Neo-Thomism
1921: The Picture Theory of Language
1923: I and Thou
1925: Instrumentalism
1927: Being and Time
1927: Religion as Wish Fulfillment
1929: Process Philosophy
1929: An Idealist View of Life
1930: Deontological Intuitionism
1932: Ordinary Language Philosophy
1934: The Rejection of Metaphysics
1936: Logical Positivism
1938: Nausea
1942: Existential Defiance
1943: Being and Nothingness
1944: Emotivism
1945: The Phenomenology of Perception
1946: Atheistic Existentialism
1949: The Ghost in the Machine
1949: The Second Sex
1949: Ecocentrism
1951: “Two Dogmas of Empiricism”
1952: Prescriptivism
1953: Philosophical Investigations
1953: Impossibility of a Private Language
1954: The New Riddle of Induction
1957: Intention
1959: Falsifiability in Science
1959: Descriptive Metaphysics
1960: The Indeterminacy of Translation
1960: Hermeneutics
1960: Functionalism
1961: Legal Positivism
1962: Scientific Revolutions
1962: Oxford Ordinary Language Philosophy
1963: The Gettier Problem
1966: Soul-Making Theodicy
1967: Deconstruction
c. 1968: The (Re)birth of Applied Ethics
1968: Mind-Brain Identity Theory
1970: Anomalous Monism
1971: A Theory of Justice
c. 1971: The Rise of Informal Logic
1974: Political Libertarianism
1974: “What Is It Like to Be a Bat?”
1974: Essentialism
1975: Animal Liberation
1975: Power/Knowledge
c. 1976: Emergence of Feminist Philosophy
1977: Moral Anti-Realism
1977: Taking Rights Seriously
1979: The New Pragmatism
1979: Postmodernism
1979: Reliabilism
1980: The Chinese Room
1980: The Causal Theory of Reference
1981: The Revival of Virtue Ethics
1981: Critical Theory
1982: In a Different Voice
1984: Revival of Christian Philosophy
1984: Reasons and Persons
1984: The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law
1985: The Peculiar Institution of Morality
1987: Pragmatic Realism
1989: Religious Pluralism
1991: Philosophical Zombies
2000: The Capability Approach
2004: The New Atheists
2006: Cosmopolitanism
2011: The Triple Theory of Ethics
Notes and Further Reading
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