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Imperial Library
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Song by William Shakespeare
The Greenwood by W. L. Bowles
Summer Woods by Mary Howitt
In the Wood by Adelaide Anne Procter
When in the Woods I Wander by Lord Thurlow
Under the Trees by Anonymous
Song in Praise of Spring by Barry Cornwall
Song by Beaumont and Fletcher
Lines Written in Early Spring by William Wordsworth
Song of Spring by Edward Youl
Song by William Shakespeare
To Daffodils by Robert Herrick
To Blossoms by Robert Herrick
To Primroses by Robert Herrick
The Primrose by John Clare
Song: On May Morning by John Milton
Song to May by Lord Thurlow
The Queen of the May by George Darley
Song by Thomas Heywood
To a Skylark by William Wordsworth
To the Cuckoo by John Logan
To the Cuckoo by William Wordsworth
The Green Linnet by William Wordsworth
Piping down the Valleys Wild by William Blake
The Lamb by William Blake
Virtue by George Herbert
Summer Morning by Thomas Miller
Birds by Mary Howitt
The Thrush’s Nest by John Clare
To the Red-breast by John Bampfylde
The Grasshopper by Abraham Cowley
The Grasshopper and Cricket by Leigh Hunt
On the Grasshopper and Cricket by John Keats
To a Bee by Robert Southey
To a Butterfly by William Wordsworth
To the Cicada by William Allingham
The Waterfall by Alfred B. Street
Song of the Summer Winds by George Darley
They Come! The Merry Summer Months by William Motherwell
Unwatched the Garden by Alfred Lord Tennyson
The Praise of a Countryman’s Life by John Chalkhill
The Wild Cherry-Tree by Barry Cornwall
The Garden by Andrew Marvell
Song by John Ford
Noon by John Clare
To a Red Clover Blossom by John Clare
The Bramble Flower by Ebenezer Elliott
A Pastoral Song by George Darley
A Serenade by George Darley
A Scene by John Clare
A Lair at Noon by John Clare
The Summer by Lord Thurlow
A Summer Ramble by William Cullen Bryant
A Wish by Samuel Rogers
Grongar Hill by John Dyer
The Hamlet by Joseph Warton
The Evening Wind by William Cullen Bryant
The Echoing Green by William Blake
Ode to Evening by William Collins
Description of a Summer’s Eve by Henry Kirke White
The Wood-cutter’s Night Song by John Clare
To the Nightingale by John Milton
To the Evening Star by Thomas Campbell
Move Eastward, Happy Earth by Alfred Tennyson
Song by Joanna Baillie
To the Glow-Worm by John Clare
Song: The Owl by Alfred Lord Tennyson
To Cynthia by Ben Jonson
Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats
Alphabetical List of First Lines
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