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Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
Table of Contents
What Readers Are Saying About Seven Databases in Seven Weeks
Why Seven Databases
What’s in This Book
What This Book Is Not
Code Examples and Conventions
Online Resources
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 It Starts with a Question
1.2 The Genres
1.3 Onward and Upward
Chapter 2: PostgreSQL
2.1 That’s Post-greS-Q-L
2.2 Day 1: Relations, CRUD, and Joins
2.3 Day 2: Advanced Queries, Code, and Rules
2.4 Day 3: Full-Text and Multidimensions
2.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 3: Riak
3.1 Riak Loves the Web
3.2 Day 1: CRUD, Links, and MIMEs
3.3 Day 2: Mapreduce and Server Clusters
3.4 Day 3: Resolving Conflicts and Extending Riak
3.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 4: HBase
4.1 Introducing HBase
4.2 Day 1: CRUD and Table Administration
4.3 Day 2: Working with Big Data
4.4 Day 3: Taking It to the Cloud
4.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 5: MongoDB
5.1 Hu(mongo)us
5.2 Day 1: CRUD and Nesting
5.3 Day 2: Indexing, Grouping, Mapreduce
5.4 Day 3: Replica Sets, Sharding, GeoSpatial, and GridFS
5.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 6: CouchDB
6.1 Relaxing on the Couch
6.2 Day 1: CRUD, Futon, and cURL Redux
6.3 Day 2: Creating and Querying Views
6.4 Day 3: Advanced Views, Changes API, and Replicating Data
6.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 7: Neo4J
7.1 Neo4J Is Whiteboard Friendly
7.2 Day 1: Graphs, Groovy, and CRUD
7.3 Day 2: REST, Indexes, and Algorithms
7.4 Day 3: Distributed High Availability
7.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 8: Redis
8.1 Data Structure Server Store
8.2 Day 1: CRUD and Datatypes
8.3 Day 2: Advanced Usage, Distribution
8.4 Day 3: Playing with Other Databases
8.5 Wrap-Up
Chapter 9: Wrapping Up
9.1 Genres Redux
9.2 Making a Choice
9.3 Where Do We Go from Here?
Appendix 1: Database Overview Tables
Appendix 2: The CAP Theorem
A2.1 Eventual Consistency
A2.2 CAP in the Wild
A2.3 The Latency Trade-Off
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