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One to Love (One to Hold)
Chapter 1: “The pain you feel today is the strength you feel tomorrow.” | Kenny
Chapter 2: “Inhale the future; exhale the past.” | Slayde
Chapter 3: “Life goes on.” | Kenny
Chapter 4: “Live life. No regrets.” | Kenny
Chapter 5: “Change is the only constant.” | Slayde
Chapter 6: “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.” | Kenny
Chapter 7: “Every breath is a second chance.” | Slayde
Chapter 8: “Don’t be afraid to try again.” | Kenny
Chapter 9: “Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.” | Slayde
Chapter 10: “Have the courage to live.” | Kenny
Chapter 11: “We live with the scars we choose.” | Slayde
Chapter 12: “Life teaches, Love reveals.” | Kenny
Chapter 13: “Take every chance.” | Slayde
Chapter 14: “Drop every fear.” | Kenny
Chapter 15: “The sun sets to rise again.” | Slayde
Chapter 16: “Every journey begins with the first step.” | Kenny
Chapter 17: “Though she be little, she is fierce.” | Slayde
Chapter 18: “Surrender to what is.” | Kenny
Chapter 19: “Find what you love and let it kill you.” | Slayde
Chapter 20: “Scars show us where we’ve been, not where we’re going.” | Kenny
Chapter 21: “I am fearless because I’ve been afraid.” | Slayde
Chapter 22: “Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air.” | Kenny
Chapter 23: “Let Be be finale of Seem.” | Slayer
Chapter 24: “You’re free with me.” | Kenny
Chapter 25: “Nothing is promised.” | Slayde
Chapter 26: “I am Fortune’s fool.” | Kenny
Chapter 27: “I am the architect of my own destruction.” | Slayde
Chapter 28: “With pain comes strength.” | Kenny
Chapter 29: “If I lie in the depths of the sea, you are there.” | Slayde
Chapter 30: “Choice determines destiny.” | Kenny
Chapter 31: “May you never be broken.” | Slayde
Chapter 32: “But the fighter still remains.” | Kenny
Chapter 33: “A pair of ragged claws, scuttling across the floors of silent seas.” | Slayde
Chapter 34: “With brave wings she flies.” | Kenny
Chapter 35: “It’s only forever... Not long at all.” | Slayde
Epilogue: “Always Faithful.” | Derek
Bonus Content
Books by Tia Louise
About the Author
Exclusive First Chapter
Exclusive Sneak Peek
Further Reading: One to Keep
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