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Imperial Library
Chapter One: Atheist Activism
1.1) Statement of Purpose
1.2) On the Need For Devangelists
1.3) Preaching to the Choir
1.4) On the Dawkins Scale
1.5) On Community
Chapter Two: Atheism and the Media
2.1) The Guardian
2.2) Don’t Tweet Angry
2.3) Yes, We’re Smarter
2.4) We’re Ashamed of You, Too
2.5) Antitheism on Broadway
Chapter Three: Those Who Earn My Ire
3.1) Asshole, Inc.
3.2) Is Religion Good For Kids?
3.3) The Bozo and the Atheist
3.4) The Praise-Worthy Pope
3.5) Oprah is a Vile Scut
Chapter Four: Religious vs. Secular
4.1) How Hubble Saved My Soul
4.2) How Many Miles to Heaven?
4.3) On Falsifiability
4.4) On Secular Holidays
4.5) Christians Don’t Own Christmas
Chapter Five: Christians Annoy Me
5.1) American Jesus
5.2) Christians Are Like Raisins
5.3) “Believe in God, Man”
5.4) Majoring in Stupid
5.5) On the Christian Athlete
5.6) On Growing Up in the Bible Belt
Chapter Six: Why Religion Always Sucks
6.1) The Enemy of Truth
6.2) Christian Torture Porn
6.3) Atheism and 9/11
6.4) On “Islamophobia”
6.5) Does Buddhism Get a Pass?
Chapter Seven: The “Benefits” of Faith
7.1) There are no Theists in a Foxhole
7.2) On Not Dying
7.3) The Suicide That Wasn’t
7.4) Wishing I Was Wrong
Chapter Eight: Debating Faith
8.1) There is Too a God, Now Pass the Fucking String Beans
8.2) Bodyguards in the Marketplace of Ideas
8.3) God, the Ingredientless Sandwich
8.4) Shoveling Shit for Jesus
8.5) Winning a Religious Debate
8.6) The Unwinnable Fight
Chapter Nine: The Bible
9.1) Biblical Kid’s Stories
9.2) Just Who is This God Person Anyway?
9.3) Don’t Read the Bible!
9.4) The Inerrant Word of What’s-His-Name
Chapter Ten: Devoted to Stupidity
10.1) The Poophole Loophole
10.2) Haunted by Joel O’Steen
10.3) Playing With Half a Deck
10.4) The Granny Peace Brigade
10.5) Part of Something Larger
Appendix: Episode Guide
Guide 1) Locating a Diatribe on Our Episode Archive
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