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Imperial Library
1- Slingshot
2- Halo
3- Good Mornings
4- Spinal Wave
5- Lockout Stretch
6- Chest Opener
7- Windmills
8- Goblet Squat
9- Shoulder Rotations
10- Overhead Squat
11- Cossack Squat
12- Reverse Lunge
13- Hack Squat
14- Deck Squat
15- 1 & 2 Hand Swings
16- Alternating Swings
17- Walking Swings
18- Standing Russian Twist
19- Cleans
20- Circular Cleans
21- Halo Chop
22- High Pulls
23- The Snatch
24- Upright Rows
25- Military Press
26- Suitcase Rows
27- Crescent Rows
28- Crush Push-Up
29- Crush Curls
30- Reverse Turkish Getup (R.T.G)
31- R.T.G. (Arm Bar)
32- R.T.G. (Side Plank)
33- Handle Planks
34- Seated Russian Twist
35- Russian Sit-Up
36- Windshield Wipers
37- Leg Raise to Plow
38- L-Seat
39- L-Seat Push-Up
40- Sprinter Lunge
41- 1 Leg Deadlift (Assisted)
42- 1 Leg Deadlift
43- 1 Leg Deadlift (Elevated)
44- Double Swings
45- Double Cleans
46- Double High Pulls
47- Double Snatch
48- Double Military Press
49- Double Push Press
50- Double Jerks
51- Seesaw Press
52- Double Power Press
53- Double Bent Over Rows
54- Double Front Squat
55- Double Jump Shrugs
56- Plank Rows
57- Bear Crawls
58- Farmers Walk
59- Double Turkish Getup
8 Week Workout Program
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Specialty Workouts
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