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Author’s Note
What’s New in This Book?
What’s Unique about This Book?
What Is Mindful Eating?
Shifting Out of Autopilot Eating
How to Use This Book
Finding Support
The Four Foundations of Mindfulness
Mindfulness of the Mind
Mindfulness of the Body
Mindfulness of Feelings
Mindfulness of Thoughts
Mindfulness in Everyday Life
What Kind of Mindless Eater Are You?
The Occasional Mindless Eater
The Chronic Mindless Dieter
The Mindless Undereater
The Mindless Overeater
The Mindless Chaotic Eater
mindfulness of the mind
#1 Awareness: Awakening Your Mind
#2 Observing What’s on Your Mind
#3 Moment-to-Moment Eating
#4 Balancing What You Eat with How You Eat
#5 Mindful Meals: Contemplating Food
#6 Minding How You Eat
#7 Emotional Categorizing
#8 Sitting Still with Your Pain
#9 Living in the Now
#10 What’s on Your Mind? Not on Your Plate!
#11 The Compassionate Mind
#12 Dealing with the Blues Mindfully
#13 “Letting It Go” Mindfully
#14 Letting Go of Dieting
#15 Six Sense Perceptions
#16 Using Your Sense of Smell
#17 Minding Your Body
#18 Minding the “Just Noticeable Difference”
mindfulness of the body
#19 Meditation: Studying Your Body’s Cues Mindfully
#20 Releasing Body Tension with Mindful Breathing
#21 Moving Your Body Mindfully
#22 Mindful Movement
#23 Acknowledging Consequences Mindfully
#24 Letting Go of Your Former and/or Future Body
#25 Mindfulness of Mirrors
#26 Getting Dressed Mindfully
#27 Hunger: Listening to Your Body Mindfully
#28 How Much Do You Weigh Psychologically?
#29 Mindful Cravings
#30 Walking or Running “The Middle Way”
#31 Should You Clean Your Plate?
#32 Fine-Tuning Your Palate
mindfulness of feelings
#33 Mindfully Coping with Emotional Eating
#34 Enduring Difficult Moods
#35 Mindful Metaphors: Visualizing Your Feelings
#36 Taking a Mindful Breath
#37 Mindful Eating and Relationships
#38 Heart versus Hunger Cravings
#39 Mindful Holiday Feasting
#40 Dining Out Mindfully
#41 Accepting Your Genes
#42 Changing Mindless Eating Traps
#43 Filling Up on Fun
#44 The Mindful Mirror
mindfulness of thoughts
#45 Mindful and Mindless Contemplation
#46 Changing Mindless Thinking
#47 Impartial Thoughts
#48 Mindful Imagery
#49 Mindful Realism
#50 Thinking Out Mindful Meals
#51 Hearing Your Inner Food Critic
#52 Enhancing Your Eating Memory
#53 Minding the Inch
#54 Minding Your Worries
#55 Mindful Practice
mindful eating motivations
Checklist for Emotional Eaters
Mindful Eating Quotations
Top Ten Mindfulness Motivators
Ten Ways to Practice Mindfulness of the Mind
Ten Ways to Practice Mindfulness of the Body
Ten Ways to Practice Mindfulness of Feelings
Ten Ways to Practice Mindfulness of Thoughts
Who Can Help You to Eat Mindfully?
Practical Solutions for Everyday Mindless Eating Scenarios
Scenario 1: Mindless Overeating
Scenario 2: Mindless Undereating
Scenario 3: Mindless Chaotic Eating
Scenario 4: Stepping Back in the Midst of Temptation
Mindfulness Websites
Healthy Eating References
Eating Disorder References
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