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Title Page
I. A Call to Consciousness
I Am Asleep
1. A nostalgia for Being
2. The life force
3. I do not know myself
4. “I” am not here
To Remember Oneself
5. Where our attention is
6. The first initiation
7. Can we become conscious?
8. The watchman
The Need to Know
9. New knowledge is necessary
10. Self-observation
11. Conscious effort
12. The sacred manifests as inner consciousness
II. Opening to Presence
In a Passive State
13. My functions are passive
14. I need impressions of myself
15. Hypnotized by my mind
16. What is up to me
An Experience of Presence
17. The awareness of “being here”
18. Conscious of inner being
19. An echo of “I”
20. Two currents
A Movement of Availability
21. A new way of functioning
22. Awakening to a new force
23. The attitude we take
24. Coming together
III. In a Common Direction
A Free Thought
25. The functioning of the mind
26. Not knowing
27. A new thinking
28. Beyond our usual consciousness
An Inner Sensation
29. An instrument of contact
30. Obeying the attraction of the earth
31. A global sensation
32. To be spiritualized
A New Feeling
33. I blindly trust my feelings
34. Feeling allows relation
35. I feel “I am”
36. Love of being
IV. The Work to be Present
In a Quiet State
37. A way of understanding
38. Each day
39. The way up
40. An exercise is a temporary aid
In the Activity of Life
41. Only in everyday life
42. The source of manifestation
43. A measure from above
44. The way down
Staying in Front
45. To “know myself ”
46. Only contact, only relation
47. The struggle for being
48. Playing a role
V. With Others
A Special Current
49. We say we are “in the Work”
50. Why together?
51. To organize
52. A school of the Fourth Way
Exchange in a Group
53. A special condition for exchange
54. I need to speak
55. Real exchange
56. This form
Work in Movements
57. A double aim
58. Why Movements?
59. Part of the teaching
60. Only with a stable Presence
VI. To be Centered
A Sense of the Whole
61. The aim of my effort
62. The first feeling of unity
63. Centered through consciousness
An Inner Center of Gravity
64. Our vital center
65. Situating the center of gravity
66. Becoming second nature
67. My true form
68. An imperceptible current
69. Stages of breathing
70. I live in my breathing
71. Without fear of losing myself
VII. Who Am I?
Ego and Illusion
72. The imagination of myself
73. Ferocious egotism
74. Free of fear and illusion
Toward the Unknown
75. I do not know
76. The resonance of “I am”
77. Silence
78. Inner solitude
My True Nature
79. A veil over my reality
80. What I really am
81. Who am I?
82. My true nature is consciousness
VIII. Toward a New Being
My Being is What I Am
83. Can being change?
84. The intensity must increase
85. Degrees of the octave
86. First and second conscious shocks
A Collected State
87. Repeat, repeat
88. My thought does not wander
89. I feel, I sense, I watch
90. How do I listen?
From Another Level
91. A more intense energy appears
92. Exercise of divided attention
93. My body needs to open
94. A cosmic scale
IX. In a State of Unity
The Act of Seeing
95. Another vision
96. Seeing is an act
97. Beyond my usual perception
98. The most important thing
Conscious Sensation
99. Life is in me
100. An inner stillness
101. A conscious posture
102. In a quiet body I breathe in
Voluntary Attention
103. The feeling of lack
104. Obedience and will
105. Developing conscious force
X. A Presence with its Own Life
A Pure Energy
106. A particle of the highest
107. Feeling this Presence as alive
108. From a higher part of the mind
109. To become a vessel
A Body of Energy
110. This immaterial Presence in me
111. A mass of energy
112. An exercise for opening
113. The substance of “I”
Voluntary Suffering
114. To stay in front
115. I must live the insufficiency
116. Conscious struggle
XI. The Essential Being
Recognizing a False Attitude
117. Stages of work
118. A flagrant contradiction
119. The affirmation of myself
120. My attitude expresses what I am
A Reality in Me
121. A wholly different vibration
122. Sincerity
123. Faith
124. Remorse of conscience
The Emergence of “I”
125. The extraordinary impression of existing
126. The death of my ordinary “I”
127. I see reality
128. The radiance of Presence
XII. To Live the Teaching
Creative Action
129. “I am” in movement
130. The miraculous in action
131. Effective through being
132. Something entirely new
An Attitude of Vigilance
133. Meditation is not contemplation
134. Opening without fear
135. Watchfulness is our real aim
136. A look from Above
A New Way of Being
137. I must live the lack of relation
138. Conscience
139. Living two lives
140. To know means to Be
Biographical Note
Gurdjieff Centers
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