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Title Page
Praise for The Bodymind Ballwork Method
Photo Credits
The Lineage of Bodymind Ballwork
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1: The Bodymind Connection
The Layers of Being
Chapter 2: The Nervous System, Stress, and Relaxation
A Day in Your Life
The Stress Response
Your Breath as Regulator
Navigating the Stress–Relaxation Spectrum: Challenge versus Threat
Conditions for Relaxation
Chapter 3: Soft Tissues, Pain, and Release
Pain, Receptors, and Responses
Pain Is Subjective
Outgoing and Incoming Pain
Chapter 4: Body Schema, Body Image, and Conditioning
Touch and Body Schema
The Inner Dialogue
Conditioning and Samskaras
Chapter 5: Defense Mechanisms and Trauma
The Cingulate Cortex and Insular Cortex: Centers of Interoception and Self-Regulation
The Prefrontal Cortex
Trust and Agency
Chapter 6: Getting Started
Focusing Inward
The Principles
The Breath Is the Link
Above All, Trust Yourself
Chapter 7: The Best Basic Everyday Practices
1. The Neck
2. The Trapezius
3. The Spine with Two Balls
4. The Back of the Pelvis
5. The Front of the Hips
6. The Soles of the Feet
Chapter 8: The Spine
1. The Spine with Three Balls
2. The Spine with Two Balls Vertically
3. The Spine with One Ball
4. The Spine with Two Large Balls, Legs Supported (as in Setu Bandhasana, Bridge Pose, with legs up)
Chapter 9: The Neck, Head, and Face
1. The Side of the Neck
2. The Back of the Head
3. The Top of the Head
4. The Face
Chapter 10: The Abdomen, Ribs, and Breathing
1. The Abdomen, Diaphragm, and Iliopsoas
2. The Side Waist / Obliques
3. Around the Ribs
4. The Sternum
Chapter 11: The Shoulders
1. One Ball for the Shoulder and Ribs
2. The Front Chest with Two Balls
3. The Rotator Cuff
4. Wall Balls for the Pectorals and Deltoids
5. Serratus Anterior
Chapter 12: The Arms and Hands
1. Wall Ball for the Upper Arms
2. Wall Ball for the Lower Arms
3. Floor Balls for the Biceps
4. Floor Balls for the Triceps
5. Chair or Table Ball for the Triceps
6. Floor Balls for the Lower Arms
7. Table Ball for the Lower Arms
8. The Arm Nutcracker
9. Hands on the Table or Floor
Chapter 13: The Pelvis, Thighs, and Knees
1. Sitting on the Balls
2. The Hamstrings Lying on the Floor
3. The Front Thighs
4. The Outer Thighs
5. The Inner Thighs in a Chair
6. The Inner Thighs on the Floor
7. The Backs of the Knees
8. The Sacrum
9. The Pelvic Floor
Chapter 14: The Lower Legs and Feet
1. The Calves
2. The Front Shins
3. The Inner and Outer Calves
4. The Outer Ankle and Foot
5. The Top of the Foot (Version 1)
6. The Tops of the Feet (Version 2)
7. The Leg Nutcracker
Chapter 15: Conclusion
Chapter 1: The Bodymind Connection
Chapter 2: The Nervous System, Stress, and Relaxation
Chapter 3: Soft Tissues, Pain, and Release
Chapter 4: Body Schema, Body Image, and Conditioning
Chapter 5: Defense Mechanisms and Trauma
Chapter 15: Conclusion
Journal Articles
About the Author
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