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Imperial Library
Cover Page
Title Page
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‘April is the cruellest month …’
Look Backward, Enquire Farther
1. A Renewed Approach to Marshall McLuhan’s Poetics
From Figure to Ground
What Was THAT? McLuhan’s ‘Little Point’
Pointing to Action: This Book
Digging the Ground
Hey, Marshall McLuhan, What Were You Doin’?
Oh, What a Seer He Was!
The Electric/Eclectic Humanist
Learning the Grammar
Post-literate ‘Paideia’
From Integral Awareness to Storytelling
Part One: The Mosaic
2. Towards Post-Secondary Orality: The Mosaic
Embodying McLuhan
Casting the Hybrid
Substantial Discontinuity
What’s in a Probe?
Playing with Form
Render Not Narrate
McLuhan’s Interactive Mosaic or Post-Secondary Orality
3. Thus Spoke the Oracle
Oracular Pronouncements
Interfacing Orality and Literacy
Performative Storytelling
4. Let the Guru Resound
The Gurus’ Guru
Redefining Space
Holistic Mosaic: Western Science, Eastern Philosophies
Touch-A Touch-A Touch the Guru
5. A Conscious Modernist Craftsman
A Pioneer of (New) Modernist Studies
Universal Quest, Fragmented Rendering
To Make You Feel: Probing through Language
6. The Hyper-Language of the Media ‘Fan’
Media Fan or Grammarian of Media?
Hypertexting the Mosaic
De-hypertexting the Mosaic
Electrifying Hybrid
Part Two: Modernist Ascendancies
7. McLuhan and Media Studies
Labelling the Media Theorist
Evolutionary Grammarian
A Political Thomist
A Classic Modernist
8. From Literature to Media Studies
Conscious Planning
Practical Mystics
From Renaissance to Modernism
On a Mission
9. Ford Madox Ford: ‘Not Mere Chat’
Literature Matters
An Imaginative Writer
Things, Not Words
Comparing Strategies
Rendering Change
Ford’s The Fifth Queen: Probing the Making of the Gutenberg Galaxy
10. James Joyce: Vivisecting Society
Applied Joyce
Sci-Fi Phantasmagoria
Grotesque Vivisection
Newspaperwise Attack
11. Ezra Pound: Pursuing Persuasion, Translating Cultures
Epical News
From Old to New Learning
(Ideo)Grammatic Baedeker
Totalitarian Craft?
12. Wyndham Lewis: Blasting Time, Blessing Space
A Proto-postmodernist
From Time to Space
Experiencing Arrest
Part Three: Applied Mcluhan
13. Literature and Media: A Round Trip
Engaging with or Applying McLuhan?
‘Visual Literate’ Forms
Masking the Guru
Actual Sci-Fi
Rear-View Mirrors
Performing Presence
Pathological Narcissuses
Charismatic Flesh
Epilogue: Witty Fool or Foolish Wit?
Merging Right and Left
Coda: Enters the Fool, Exit All Others
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