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Imperial Library
Title Page
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1. A whole lot colder
2. Just a job
3. Meth or heroin
4. …and the devil makes three
5. End of the story
6. Pretty boy
7. Lo prometo, Papá
8. Flogging a dead horse
9. Bone & ivory
10. Sniper eyes
11. Lovestruck ice-queen
12. Slap me silly
13. What happens in Syria
14. Angel's place
15. Balancing the scales
16. Worst case scenario
17. Bunny
18. Last chance
19. The claiming
20. Somesuch nonsense
21. Soon
22. Falcon
23. Skull and roses
24. Welcome home, Princesa
25. The Capo Four Seasons
26. Break the toy
27. Hola
28. Meth rush
29. Someone had to do it
30. A pleasant dinner with good company
31. Mood:black
32. Uninvited
33. Fuck him
34. Getting to know her
35. Vicious and intoxicating
36. A fatherless child
37. A funeral
38. Talking business
39. How far Mexico?
40. Thrown
41. No one leaves
42. No negotiating
43. Plutonium
44. A murder of crows
45. No place for a lady
46. Paranoid drug dealers
47. Lady of the Night
48. Her pretty brown eyes
49. Kill him
50. La Flaca’s demon
51. Two and a half
52. Utterly fucked off
53. The Wolf
54. A horrendous price
55. Remember me?
56. Great duress
57. Three bloody teeth
58. The Elegance
59. Interesting relatives
60. Cora Fucking Swan
61. BFF #possibly
62. A crack in the abyss
63. One heavy debt
64. Shut up and listen
65. An exorcism
66. The puppet master
67. Some kind of cartel leader
68. Trapped in the castle
69. So fucking special
Also by Logan Fox
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