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Table of Contents
Foreword: When Collective Skills Produce an Added Value for the Reader!
Introduction: For a Renewed Approach to Skills Management
Part 1: Varieties of Skills
1 Skills Development at the Heart of the Mentoring Relationship
1.1. Competence: a “portmanteau” word
1.2. Mentoring, a practice of personal and professional development
1.3. Skills in the framework of mentoring
1.4. Conclusion
1.5. References
2 Which Human Skills Are Necessary for Engineers?
2.1. The engineering profession and its evolution
2.2. The analysis approach
2.3. Skills mobilized in their profession by engineers
2.4. The development and transmission of skills
2.5. Dimensions of human skills
2.6. References
3 The Emotional Skills of Police Officers in the French Anti-crime Squad (BAC)
3.1. Police activity: emotions
3.2. The work of emotion: police officers’ emotional skills
3.3. Conclusion
3.4. References
Part 2: The Development of Skills to Respond to New Strategic Directions
4 The Skills of Middle Managers in a Strategic Context of Corporate Social Responsibility: the MEDIAPOST Case-Study
4.1. CSR and competences, a definitional similarity
4.2. Strategic integration of CSR, human capital and middle managers
4.3. The competencies of middle managers in a strategic context of CSR: the MEDIAPOST case study
4.4. Conclusion
4.5. References
5 Developing Employees’ Entrepreneurial Competencies: the Resultant Changes for SMEs
5.1. What do we mean by entrepreneurial skills in SMEs
5.2. How can entrepreneurial skills in SMEs be mobilized?
5.3. The managerial consequences of developing employees’ entrepreneurial skills in an SME
5.4. Conclusion
5.5. References
6 Hospitals: Facing New Shared Leadership Skills
6.1. Analysis of organizational tensions and management changes in hospitals
6.2. Towards a hospital open to shared and polymorphic skills
6.3. Conclusion
6.4. References
Conclusion: Reconciling the Needs for Skills and Flexibility: Flexibility or Competence, We Have to Choose!
C.1. The need for flexibility
C.2. The need for skills
C.3. How flexibility compromises or impedes skills
C.4. Perspectives
C.5. References
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