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Imperial Library
Why do they do it?
Part 1
Because it had been years
Because the air became water
Because they had no right
Because everything stopped making sense
Because never is a long time
Because sometimes you can see things coming from a long way away
Because everyone makes mistakes
Because it would kill her mother
Because small towns are unbearable
Because enough was enough
Because some solutions can fix more than one kind of problem
Because you can’t help looking
Because the black water wanted to swallow you whole
Because the light at sunset can make anything look golden
Because sometimes you have to set the world on fire
Because not everything has to make sense
Because not all unicorns have horns
Because you can’t just lay down and die
Because it wasn’t called “The Number Two” for nothing
Because love at first sight is real
Because there was no stopping it
Because you can definitely make the same mistake twice
Because memories are more important than remembering
Because hate can be love
Because the sadness can just start leaking out of you
Because Mama needs love
Because you never get a moment to yourself
Because trouble will find you
Because everything inside you has been rearranged
Because you don’t get to choose your dreams
Because it’s hard to tell the difference between flying and falling
Because everything looks left behind
Because in the country, birds make an unbelievable racket
Because you can only do some things for so long
Because so many sad stories are almost the same
Because even monsters can be lovable
Because you should be careful what you wish for
Because you learn something new every day
Because it doesn’t take much
Because that’s life
Because real love is always mixed with terror
Because everybody remembers everything
Because if you look hard enough it is probably there
Tammy (and Fenton)
Because there is another skin beneath your skin
Because you don’t know what makes it happen
Because you’re nobody’s baby
Because it can never be far enough
Because you feel the only feeling you can bear
Because sometimes it all mixes together
Because sometimes you don’t know what’s happening until it’s over
Because the impossible is not the possible
Because nothing is ever quite the way you want it to be
Because dreams can march right into the daylight
Because there is always someone eager to deliver bad news
Because you just keep making things up until they seem true
Because a little progress would be nice for a change
Because you never know what you might see in the moonlight
Because nobody will ever love you enough
Because there is no point in lying
Because you think you’re so fucking good
Part 2
So Long at the Fair
Because the end of summer means the beginning of something else
Because what goes up must come down
Because there are rude surprises in this life
Because sometimes it’s better to just turn around and walk away
Because joy can fill you up and send you right up into the sky
Because you don’t always want to hear what other people think
Because some rides are too rough
Because sometimes you just want to go home
Because the sun on the water looks like diamonds
Because a tumour is the last thing you need
Because Sunday is the Lord’s Day (not yours)
Because the hospital is never fun for long
Because the new day is pink
The Circus
Because you think you know what you’re in for
Because nobody invited you
Because time travels in both directions
Because family can get on your very last nerve
Because crying when you are happy makes no sense to children
Because sometimes you lose the thread
Because sometimes you feel like a sheet on the clothesline
Because you don’t want to hear it
Because it’s always just the beginning
Because the years come charging in
Because love is weird
Because sooner or later you have to make your move
Because it will all end one way or another
Because they’re only numbers
Because there are two kinds of surprises
Because sometimes it seems like there is only one kind of luck
Because some things just don’t feel natural
Because some people never learn
Because it has always been serious
The Stunt
Because maybe they really are trying to kill you
Because you don’t have to see people go to know they are gone
Because sometimes you can smell a rat
Because you made it this way
Because some people are harder to love than others
Because it has already happened without you
Because the wind makes your eyes water
Because you wouldn’t
Because you don’t even know who to be mad at for what
Because it is just a body in the end
Because there are no diamonds
Acknowledgements and Thanks
About the Author
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