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A Synopsis of the Apocryphal Nativity and Infancy Narratives, 2nd Edition
The Texts
1 The Protevangelium of James (Geerard, Clavis 50; BHG3 1046)
2 The Infancy Gospel of Thomas or Τά παιδικὰ του̂ Κυρίου (Geerard, Clavis 57; BHG 779 p–pb)
3 The Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew or Liber de ortu beatae Mariae et infantia Saluatoris (Geerard, Clavis 51; BHL 5334–5342b)
4 Arundel 404 (Liber de infantia Salvatoris) (Geerard, Clavis 53; BHL 5345 m, p)
5 The Gospel of the Birth of Mary or the Libellus de natiuitate sanctae Mariae (Geerard, Clavis 52; BHL 5343–5345)
6 The History of Joseph the Carpenter (Geerard, Clavis 60; BHO 532–533)
7 Papyrus Cairensis 10735
8 Coptic Fragment (cf. Geerard, Clavis 96(2) BHO p. 138 n. 2, d)
9 The Discourse of Demetrius (Geerard, Clavis 96b Sermo Demetrii Antiochini; BHO p. 138 n. 2, d)
10 On the Priesthood of Jesus (Geerard, Clavis 54; BHG 810–812)
11 The Arabic Infancy Narrative (Geerard, Clavis 58; BHO 619)
12 The Armenian Infancy Gospel (Liber de pueritia Saluatoris) (Geerard, Clavis 59; BHO 617–618)
13 The Irish Versified Narrative of Infancy Thomas (cf. no. 2 above)
14 Leabhar Breac
15 Liber Flavus Fergusiorum
16 The Revelation of the Magi
17 The Legend of Aphroditianus (Geerard, Clavis 55; BHG 802–806)
18 Ethiopic Infancy Thomas
1 Mary’s Birth and Upbringing
A Joachim’s Offering Rejected
B Anna’s Laments
C News of Anna’s Pregnancy
D Joachim’s Offerings Accepted
E Mary’s Birth
F Mary at Six Months
G Mary’s First Birthday
H The Presentation of Mary in the Temple
I(i) Mary in the Temple
I(ii) Details about Mary’s Life in the Temple
J Mary at the Age of Twelve/Fifteen
K The Early History of Joseph
L Joseph Takes Mary as his Ward
M Mary and the Veil of the Temple
N Appendix: The Birth of John the Baptist
2 The Annunciation
A Introductory
B An Angel Sent to Mary
C The Greeting
D Mary’s Reaction
E The Annunciation
F Mary’s Reaction to the Annunciation
G The Angel’s Explanation
H Mary’s Reaction to the Explanation
I Conclusion
3 Mary Visits Elizabeth
A Mary is Blessed by a Priest
B Mary Travels to Elizabeth
C Elizabeth Greets and Blesses Mary
D Mary’s Reaction
E Mary Stays with Elizabeth for Three Months
4 Mary’s Pregnancy and Its Explanation
(i) The Explanation to Joseph
A Introduction
B Mary’s Pregnancy Discovered
C Joseph’s Reaction
D The Appearance of the Angel to Joseph
E The Explanation
F Comment by Evangelist
G Joseph’s Reaction
(ii) The Questioning of Joseph and Mary by the Priests
A Mary’s Pregnancy Discovered
B Joseph and Mary Questioned
C The Proof of their Innocence
D The Reaction
5 The Birth of Jesus
A The Census
B (i) Joseph and Mary go to Bethlehem
B(ii) Joseph’s Anxiety about Registering Mary
C Mary’s Vision of Two Peoples
D Jesus’ Birth
E Joseph’s Praise
F Joseph and the Shepherds
6 The Adoration of Jesus After His Birth
1 The Shepherds and the Angels
A The Angels Appear to the Shepherds
B Their Message
C More Angels Join them in Praise of God
D The Shepherds’ Reaction
E The Reaction of the People and the Shepherds’ Praise
2 The Appearance of the Star
3 Jesus Adored by Animals
7 The Presentation in the Temple
A The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus
B The Presentation in the Temple
C Simeon
D Anna
8 The Magi
A Magi Come to Jerusalem
B Herod Hears about Them and Consults the Priests
C His Message to the Magi
D The Magi Find Jesus and Adore Him
E The Magi Depart
F Kings Come to the Magi to Find Out about Jesus
G The Druids
9 The Slaying of the Infants and the Flight to Egypt
A The Slaying of the Infants
B The Flight to Egypt
C The Return
D The Death of Herod (cf. also Ca Cb)
10 Jesus as a Child
A Jesus and the Birds2
B Jesus Curses a Boy
C Jesus and the Alphabet
D Jesus and Zeno
E Jesus Heals a Man’s Foot
F Jesus Fetches Water
G Jesus Sows a Field
H Jesus Stretches a Beam
I Jesus Heals James’ Viper Bite
J Jesus Heals a Sick Child
K Jesus Heals a Workman
L Jesus and the Lions
M Joseph Heals in the Name of Jesus
N The Poisoned Boy
O Jesus Shares a Meal with his Family
P Jesus and the Dyer
Q Jesus and the Throne (and cf. H, above)
R Jesus and the Kids
S Jesus the King
T Jesus in the Temple at the Age of Twelve
U Jesus and the Sunbeam
Concluding Notes
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