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Imperial Library
Day 1 Take What He Gives
Day 2 Oldest, Essential
Day 3 Opportunity Knocks
Day 4 Line Seal
Day 5 Too Quiet
Day 6 Developed, Unprotected
Day 7 Catching Up
Day 8 Developed, Unprotected II
Day 9 Beware the Automatic
Day 10 Trapper Trapped
Day 11 Rival Raids
Day 12 Tactical Chain
Day 13 Fork Trick
Day 14 Draw-Minded
Day 15 Pregnant Pawns
Day 16 Phantom Pin
Day 17 Frozen Pawn
Day 18 Shot for Shot
Day 19 ♗xh7+!
Day 20 Long (Explosive) Diagonals
Day 21 Elegant Block
Day 22 Secure Center
Day 23 Book Brilliance
Day 24 Wing Grab
Day 25 Right Squares
Day 26 Knee-Jerk
Day 27 Unforced
Day 28 Bolt From Blue
Day 29 Problem Piece
Day 30 Drawback
Day 31 Bludgeon or Rapier
Day 32 Initiative
Day 33 Timing
Day 34 Short Term
Day 35 Giving Up (the Center)
Day 36 All That Glitters ...
Day 37 Free Hands
Day 38 First Class
Day 39 Strike While ...
Day 40 Soft Spot
Day 41 Your Wing
Day 42 Hypnosis
Day 43 Piece, Not Pawn
Day 44 Pawn Fear
Day 45 Tempo Gainer – or Loser
Day 46 Unjustified Force
Day 47 Zwischenzug
Day 48 Black Trap
Day 49 Obvious Flaw
Day 50 Logical Blunder
Day 51 Not Enough
Day 52 Iron Law of Pawns
Day 53 Surprise
Day 54 Risk Avoidance
Day 55 Obscure Squares
Day 56 Check Power
Day 57 Unopposed Bishop
Day 58 Provocation
Day 59 Good Move, Better Time
Day 60 Good D, Good P
Day 61 Wakeup Call
Day 62 Open Center
Day 63 Extra Minutes
Day 64 Faster Wing
Day 65 Golden Tempi
Day 66 Back Seat
Day 67 Bone in Throat
Day 68 Thematic Suicide
Day 69 More Forcing
Day 70 Vagabond Queen
Day 71 Mis-Punishment
Day 72 Underguarded
Day 73 Threat After Threat
Day 74 Endgame-minded
Day 75 Equality Temptation
Day 76 Illogical Defense
Day 77 Castling Into It
Day 78 Lulled
Day 79 Queenless Initiative
Day 80 Castling Dilemma
Day 81 Too Few Squares
Day 82 Structure Tactics
Day 83 Defend + Attack
Day 84 Towards the Center
Day 85 Good ♘, Bad ♘
Day 86 Deceptive King
Day 87 Center Change
Day 88 Picturesque Mate
Day 89 Color Complexes
Day 90 Mated in 20 moves
Day 91 Multi-multi-tasking
Day 92 Diagonal Pins
Day 93 Queen On Queen
Day 94 Not-So-Mysterious Rook
Day 95 Passed Pawns Must ...
Day 96 Entrenched
Day 97 Over-Care
Day 98 Assumption
Day 99 Traffic Jam
Day 100 Declaring War
Day 101 Tactical Sabotage
Day 102 Blind Spot
Day 103 Too Many Plans
Day 104 Reteats
Day 105 Vanishing Time
Day 106 Time vs. Center
Day 107 Restraint That Doesn’t
Day 108 Regret
Day 109 Tactical Gods
Day 110 Coffee House
Day 111 Model Center
Day 112 Neglected Wing
Day 113 Easier To Play
Day 114 Pin = Time
Day 115 Twice Wrong
Day 116 Single Slip
Day 117 Convincing Dazzle
Day 118 The Whole Board
Day 119 Center Tradeoff
Day 120 Inertia
Day 121 Enough
Day 122 Hypermodernism
Day 123 Entitlement
Day 124 Forgotten Square
Day 125 Clumsy Queen
Day 126 One-Piece Attack
Day 127 Porous Center
Day 128 Another Mate
Day 129 Tactical Antennae
Day 130 Perfect Storm
Day 131 The Two ♗s
Day 132 Real Threat
Day 133 Single-Minded
Day 134 Time to castle
Day 135 Caffeine Break
Day 136 ♗s Before ♘s
Day 137 False Faith
Day 138 Gambits Accepted
Day 139 Desperado Queen
Day 140 Unlikely Defense
Day 141 Far Fork
Day 142 Counter-threat
Day 143 Pawn Currency
Day 144 Latecomer
Day 145 Recovery
Day 146 Square License
Day 147 Wing Liberties
Day 148 Oh-Oh-Oh
Day 149 Fear of Equality
Day 150 Check Follow
Day 151 Misreading
Day 152 Balance Sheet
Day 153 Future Lines
Day 154 Risk
Day 155 Phalanx
Day 156 Opening & Closing
Day 157 Waiting to Exhale
Day 158 Your Gambit or Mine
Day 159 Far Away Force
Day 160 Mating Radar
Day 161 Pride
Day 162 Off Balance
Day 163 Quick Fingers
Day 164 What’s He Thinking?
Day 165 Short-Circuited
Day 166 Magical Bailout
Day 167 Trust Yourself
Day 168 Bluff
Day 169 Chaos
Day 170 Escape Route
Day 171 Shielded King
Day 172 Tarrasch Trap
Day 173 Disrupt
Day 174 Tempo-Saving Bluff
Day 175 Pin Breaking
Day 176 Solid or Timid
Day 177 Better Pin Breaking
Day 178 Sense of Danger
Day 179 Chance Grab
Day 180 Bigger Fish
Day 181 Backtracking
Day 182 Out Of Book
Day 183 Go To Work
Day 184 Escalation
Day 185 Forgotten Piece
Day 186 Expect Less
Day 187 Transformation
Day 188 Danger Diagonal
Day 189 Automatic Error
Day 190 Look-Alike Positions
Day 191 Memory Counts
Day 192 Too Quick
Day 193 Move Order
Day 194 Real Sacrifices
Day 195 Seriously
Day 196 Double-edged
Day 197 Ancient Wisdom
Day 198 Repair Work
Day 199 Good, Bad, Mysterious
Day 200 Reversal
Day 201 Jaws of Victory
Day 202 Positional Blunder
Day 203 Study the Classics
Day 204 Gut Feeling
Day 205 Planless
Day 206 Unpolished Sparkle
Day 207 Isolani
Day 208 Pawn Reputation
Day 209 Liquidation
Day 210 Diagonal Pin
Day 211 Faster
Day 212 Castling Mashup
Day 213 Puzzling Pawn
Day 214 No Immunity
Day 215 Push Damage
Day 216 Trap Dodger
Day 217 Wait
Day 218 Tactical Energy
Day 219 Trading Up
Day 220 Center-Concessions
Day 221 Tactical Warning
Day 222 Reinforcements
Day 223 Concealed Lag
Day 224 Adding Up
Day 225 King Imbalance
Day 226 Rook vs. Queen
Day 227 Mutual Domination
Day 228 U-Turn
Day 229 Wing Shift
Day 230 Pin Pain
Day 231 Birth of a Blunder
Day 232 Cost of Sloppiness
Day 233 Plan Detection
Day 234 Hidden Virtues
Day 235 Hurry Up
Day 236 Simple Chess
Day 237 Execution Plan
Day 238 Bishop Appreciation
Day 239 Super Center
Day 240 Price of Initiative
Day 241 Inspired Desperation
Day 242 Young Gambits
Day 243 Two Miscues = One Blunder
Day 244 One-Move Window
Day 245 Other Foot
Day 246 Two-Wing War
Day 247 Paratrooper Knight
Day 248 Pawn Timing
Day 249 Sicilian Sharpness
Day 250 Good Habits
Day 251 Hyperopia
Day 252 If It Walks Like a Duck ...
Day 253 Moving Parts
Day 254 Buried Bishop
Day 255 Doubling Down
Day 256 Bizarre Beats Bizarre
Day 257 Boomerang Trap
Day 258 Irony of Attack
Day 259 Energizing center
Day 260 Power Failure
Day 261 False Knockout
Day 262 Beginner’s Move
Day 263 Rush to Push
Day 264 Traffic Jam II
Day 265 Two Goals
Day 266 Center Rout
Day 267 Opening Blitz
Day 268 Solid Stonewalls
Day 269 Paralyzing Bishop
Day 270 More
Day 271 Sword of Damocles
Day 272 Strategic Goals
Day 273 Symmetry
Day 274 False Impression
Day 275 Confidence
Day 276 In For A Penny ...
Day 277 Tale of Two Pawns
Day 278 Enough Time
Day 279 Pragmatism Limits
Day 280 Transparency
Day 281 Imitation
Day 282 Computer Defying
Day 283 Collapsing Center
Day 284 Chain Head
Day 285 Faster
Day 286 Gambit Think
Day 287 Life Is Unfair
Day 288 Double Rook Offer
Day 289 Artificially Isolated
Day 290 Square-Clearing
Day 291 Dead End
Day 292 Two Targets
Day 293 Cat And Mouse
Day 294 Repetition
Day 295 Trappy Openings
Day 296 Sacrificial Blindness
Day 297 Static
Day 298 Inspiration
Day 299 True Fiction
Day 300 Call-Up
Day 301 Bluff Traps
Day 302 Bailout
Day 303 Never Too Late
Day 304 Three Pieces = Mate
Day 305 Gambit-Think II
Day 306 What Remains
Day 307 Impossible Moves
Day 308 Imposible Moves II
Day 309 Queen Difference
Day 310 Time + Space
Day 311 Tarrasch’s Rule
Day 312 White’s Privilege
Day 313 Hope Springs
Day 314 Dramatic Defense
Day 315 Creepers
Day 316 Creative Rook
Day 317 House of Cards
Day 318 Black Ambition
Day 319 Unforgiving
Day 320 New Territory
Day 321 Equalizing Injustice
Day 322 ♗ takes ♘
Day 323 Last Mistake
Day 324 Weakness That Isn’t
Day 325 Stragglers
Day 326 Fatal Cramp
Day 327 Trade Denied
Day 328 Last Mistake II
Day 329 Broken Door
Day 330 Popular Errors
Day 331 Misdirection
Day 332 Check Plus
Day 333 Pipe Dream
Day 334 Extra Pawns
Day 335 Time Saver
Day 336 Too Good
Day 337 Good Begets Great
Day 338 Over-finesse
Day 339 Structural Trend
Day 340 Another Look
Day 341 Respect
Day 342 Saved Tempo
Day 343 Common Sense
Day 344 Feed the Beast
Day 345 Stretched Defenders
Day 346 Bees of Opps
Day 347 Rule Reversal
Day 348 Desperate Defense
Day 349 Fortress
Day 350 Two Stages
Day 351 Doubleton Risk
Day 352 Symmetry II
Day 353 Bind
Day 354 King Surprise
Day 355 Bind Buildup
Day 356 Tacking
Day 357 Overcommitted
Day 358 Pawn Shields
Day 359 Battleground Square
Day 360 Mildly Dubious
Day 361 Zwischenzug
Day 362 Overextended
Day 363 Unchallenged
Day 364 Retreat
Day 365 Take What He Gives You II
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