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Imperial Library
Foreword By David Brooks
Notes from the Lecture Circuit
The Fifties
Today We Are Educated Men
The Trojan Horse of American Education?
The Artist as Aggressor
Only Five Thousand Communists?
Should Liberalism Be Repudiated?
The Sixties
In the End, We Will Bury Him
Scholar, Fighter, Westerner
The Lonely Professor
An Island of Hope
Norman Mailer and the American Right
What Could We Learn From a Communist?
Who Did Get Us into This Mess?
The Impending Defeat of Barry Goldwater
A Growing Spirit of Resistance
The Free Society—What’s That?
Buckley versus Buckley
The Heat of Mr. Truman’s Kitchen
On Selling Books to Booksellers
The Aimlessness of American Education
“You Have Seen Too Much in China”
The Duty of the Educated Catholic
Did You Kill Martin Luther King?
Life With a Meticulous Colleague
On the Perspective of the Eighteen-Year-Old
Words to the Counterrevolutionary Young
The Seventies
On the Well-Tempered Spirit
Resolutely on the Side of Yale’s Survival
The Republic’s Duty to Repress
“That Man I Trust”
The World That Lenin Shaped
John Kerry’s America
The West Berlin of China
Affection, Guidance, and Peanut Brittle
On Preserving the Tokens of Hope and Truth
Without Marx or Jesus?
The “Leftwardmost Viable Candidate”
The Terrible Sadness of Spiro Agnew
The High Cost of Mr. Nixon’s Deceptions
On Serving in the United Nations
No Dogs in China
The Courage of Friedrich Hayek
The Protracted Struggle against Cancer
A Salutary Impatience
Cold Water on the Spirit of Liberty
The Reckless Generosity of John Chamberlain
A Party for Henry Kissinger
What Americanism Seeks to Be
The Eighties
His Rhythms Were Not of This World
The Rudolph Valentino of the Marketplace
The Greatness of James Burnham
Halfway Between Servility and Hostility
Earl Warren and the Meaning of the Constitution
Sing a Song of Praise to Failure
How Leo Cherne Spent Christmas
10 Downing Street: The Girls Club of Britain
Moral Distinctions and Modern Warfare
Democracy and the Pursuit of Happiness
The Genesis of Blackford Oakes
Waltzing at West 44th Street
The Blood of Our Fathers Ran Strong
The Distinguished Mr. Buckley
On Her Way to the Cross
Out of Oppression, A Political Poet
The Massive Eminence of Dr. Sakharov
Towards a Recovery of Gratitude
A Hero of the Reagan Revolution
The Pagan Love Song of Murray Kempton
The Nineties
Dismantling the Evil Empire
The Simon Persona
A Distinctive Gentility
Time to Go to Bed
Taxation and the Rule of Law
Can Eastern Europe Be Saved?
Singularly Humane
“If He Gives The Blessing. . .”
We Won. What Now?
The Politics of the Common Man
“Better Redwoods than Deadwoods”
The Architectural Splendor of Barry Goldwater
From Wm to Wm
O. J. Simpson and Other Ills
The Drug War Is Not Working
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men
The Underperformance of the Press
The Mother Hen of Modern Conservatism
Who Cares if Homer Nodded?
How to Work, How to Read, How to Love
A Serene Gravity
The Special Responsibility of Conservatives
The Personal Grace of J. K. Galbraith
A Man Who Looks the Beggar in the Face
Forgiving the Unforgivable
The Animating Indiscretions of Ronald Reagan
Preserving the Heritage
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