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I. Introduction
1. History of Consumer Psychology
II. Consumer Information Processing
2. The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Cognition and Behavior: Implications for Consumer Information Processing
3. Consumer Memory, Fluency, and Familiarity
4. Consumer Learning and Expertise
5. Categorization Theory and Research in Consumer Psychology: Category Representation and Category-Based Inference
6. Consumer Inference
7. Effects of Sensory Factors on Consumer Behavior: If it Tastes, Smells, Sounds, and Feels Like a Duck, Then it must be a …
8. Stages of Consumer Socialization: The Development of Consumer Knowledge, Skills, and Values from Childhood to Adolescence
9. Aging and Consumer Behavior
III. Motivation, Affect, and Consumer Decisions
10. Positive Affect and Decision Processes: Some Recent Theoretical Developments with Practical Implications
11. The Nature and Role of Affect in Consumer Behavior
12. Self-Regulation: Goals, Consumption, and Choices
13. Goal-Directed Consumer Behavior: Motivation, Volition, and Affect
14. Goal-Directed Perception
IV. Persuasion, Attitudes, and Social Influence
15. Attitude Change and Persuasion
16. Associative Strength and Consumer Choice Behavior
17. Measuring the Nonconscious: Implicit Social Cognition in Consumer Behavior
18. Implicit Consumer Cognition
19. Evoking the Imagination as a Strategy of Influence
20. Consumer Attitudes and Behavior
21. I Know What You’re Doing and Why You’re Doing it: The Use of Persuasion Knowledge Model in Consumer Research
22. Social Values in Consumer Psychology
V. Behavioral Decision Research
23. Consumer Decision Making: A Choice Goals Approach
24. Dynamics of Goal-Based Choice: Toward an Understanding of how Goals Commit Versus Liberate Choice
25. Hedonomics in Consumer Behavior
26. Behavioral Pricing
27. Perceptions of Fair Pricing
28. Associative Learning and Consumer Decisions
VI. Products, Preferences, Places, and People
29. A Role For Aesthetics in Consumer Psychology
30. Product Assortment
31. Brands and Their Meaning Makers
32. Theory in Consumer-Environment Research: Diagnosis and Prognosis
33. Music and Consumers
34. Consumer Psychology of Sport: More than Just a Game
35. Diversity Issues in Consumer Psychology
VII. Consumer Well-Being
36. Consumers and the Allure of “Safer” Tobacco Products: Scientific and Policy Issues
37. Assessing the Relationships between Tobacco Advertising and Promotion and Adolescent Smoking Behavior: Convergent Evidence
38. The Social Marketing of Volunteerism: A Functional Approach
39. Health Risk Perceptions and Consumer Psychology
40. Toward a Psychology of Consumer Creativity
41. Compulsive Buying: Review and Reflection
42. Summing up the State of Coping Research: Prospects and Prescriptions for Consumer Research
VIII. Advances in Research Methods
43. Self-Reports in Consumer Research
44. Cross-Cultural Consumer Psychology
45. Measurement Error in Experimental Designs in Consumer Psychology
46. Individual Differences: Tools for Theory Testing and Understanding in Consumer Psychology Research
47. Neuroeconomics: Foundational Issues and Consumer Relevance
Author Index
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