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Imperial Library
Part I: The Red Sphinx
I. The Inn of the Painted Beard
II. What Came of the Proposition the Stranger Made to Étienne Latil
III. In Which the Gentleman Hunchback Realizes His Error in Desiring the Death of the Comte de Moret
IV. The Hotel de Rambouillet
V. What Occurred in the Hotel de Rambouillet as Souscarrières Was Disposing of His Third Hunchback
VI. Marina and Jacquelino
VII. Stairs and Corridors
VIII. His Majesty King Louis XIII
IX. What Passed in Queen Anne of Austria’s Bedchamber After the Departure of King Louis
X. Letters Read Aloud and Letters Read Alone
XI. The Red Sphinx
XII. His Gray Eminence
XIII. In Which Madame Cavois Becomes Partner to Monsieur Michel
XIV. In Which the Cardinal Begins to See the Chessboard Clearly
XV. The State of Europe in 1628
XVI. Marie de Gonzague
XVII. The Commencement of the Comedy
XVIII. Isabelle and Marina
XIX. In Which Monseigneur Gaston, Like King Charles IX, Puts On His Little Comedy
XX. Eve and the Serpent
XXI. In Which the Cardinal Uses, on His Own Behalf, the Invention for Which He’d Granted Souscarrières the Patent
XXII. The In Pace
XXIII. Her Story
XXIV. Maximilien de Béthune, Baron de Rosny, Duc de Sully
XXV. The Two Eagles
XXVI. The Cardinal in His Dressing Gown
XXVII. The Demoiselle de Gournay
XXVIII. Souscarrières’s Report
XXIX. The King Goes Larding
XXX. As the King Was Larding
XXXI. The Shop of Ildefonse Lopez
XXXII. Advice from a Jester
XXXIII. The Confession
XXXIV. In Which Cardinal Richelieu Writes a Comedy Without the Help of His Collaborators
XXXV. The King’s Council
XXXVI. Vautier’s Plan
XXXVII. The Overlooked Wisp of Straw, the Unnoticed Grain of Sand
XXXVIII. Richelieu’s Resolution
XXXIX. Birds of Prey
XL. The King Reigns
XLI. The Ambassadors
XLII. A Royal Intermission
XLIII. Et tu, Baradas?
XLIV. How Étienne Latil and the Marquis de Pisany, Each Making His First Outing, Happened to Encounter Each Other
XLV. The Cardinal at Chaillot
XLVI. Mirame
XLVII. News from the Court
XLVIII. Why Louis XIII Always Dressed in Black
XLIX. In Which the Cardinal Audits the King’s Accounts
L. The Avalanche
LI. Guillaume Coutet
LII. Marie Coutet
LIII. Why the Comte de Moret Went to Work on the Fortifications of Susa Pass
LIV. An Episode in the Mountains
LV. Souls and Stars
LVI. The Giacon Bridge
LVII. The Oath
LVIII. The Journal of Monsieur de Bassompierre
LIX. In Which the Reader Meets an Old Friend
LX. In Which the Cardinal Finds the Guide He Needs
LXI. Susa Pass
LXII. In Which It Is Shown That a Man is Never Hanged Until the Noose is Tightened
LXIII. The White Plume
LXIV. What l’Angely Thought of the Compliments of the Duke of Savoy
LXV. A Chapter of History
LXVI. One Year Later
LXVII. Old Lovers Reunited
LXVIII. The Cardinal Takes the Field
LXIX. The Empty Lair
LXX. In Which the Comte de Moret Offers to Take a Mule and a Million to Fort Pinerolo
LXXI. The Foster-Brother
LXXII. The Eagle and the Fox
LXXIII. “Aurora”
LXXIV. The Letter and the Lure
Part II: The Dove
Translator’s Notes
Publication History
Dramatis Personae: Historical Character Notes
Also by Alexandre Dumas
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