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Title Page
Your Cv
1 What is your CV’s job?
2 CV vs LinkedIn
3 Applicant Tracking Systems – ATS
4 OK, enough about robots . . .
5 Don’t state the obvious – we know what it is
6 Does anyone print CVs anymore?
7 How long is too long?
8 What’s in a name?
9 What email address to use?
10 Postal address on my CV? Do I have a choice?
11 What font works best?
12 Typos – I have an excellant attention to detail
13 Truths, near-truths and mis-statements
14 Chronological and functional CVs – what’s the difference?
15 CV Sections – what comes first?
16 The Bullet Point Summary
17 Do I need a completely different version of my CV for each job application?
18 Work Experience – Duties include . . .
19 Employers love data
20 Describing your Work Experience. Competencies are key
21 How many ways can I say . . . customer service?
22 I’ve had six different employers in three years – do I look like a flake?
23 Mind the gap. How to explain it.
24 I took a year out of the workplace to travel the world. How do I explain that on my CV?
25 I’ve run my own business for years. I’ve never needed to write a CV – until now. How do I start?
26 Describing your Education
27 I started but never finished my degree / diploma / certificate. Should I mention it on the CV?
28 How many is too many? Education course overload
29 Should I put Hobbies and Interests on my CV? Does anyone care?
30 Referees – should I mention them?
31 Same CV rules for all countries? Of course not
32 The Europass CV . . . Great idea or bland and outdated?
33 Does a picture really paint a thousand words? What’s the story with infographic CVs?
34 Cover letters – do I even need one?
35 Here’s my cover letter. I’ve used the same one for five years
36 Please apply using a video cover letter
37 Competency based application form
38 How to structure your answers for competency based application forms
39 Turning a CV into a resume
40 Going for the chop. After all of this your CV is still four pages. Tips for getting it to two
Your Interview
41 What’s the purpose of the interview?
42 You are not a mindreader. Ask them what to expect
43 Competency interview
44 Technical interview
45 Whiteboard interview
46 Strengths-based interview
47 Market sizing interview
48 Internal promotion interview
49 The clueless interviewer interview
50 Phone interview
51 Skype interview
52 Video interview – I may as well be talking to the wall
53 Quick chat
54 Coffee shop interview
55 Presentation
56 Who will be interviewing me? One person or a panel?
57 Group interview
58 Assessment centre
59 How much time should I spend preparing for an interview?
60 When should I start to prepare?
61 I got a call today inviting me to an interview in two days. I’d love this job but I’m not ready for the interview.
62 Okay, I get it. I need to prepare for my interview. How do I do that?
63 Now let’s talk about the right way to prepare
64 Looking for question clues? Start with a forensic investigation of the job description
65 You are the interviewer
66 The question is . . . what are the questions?
67 Now it’s your turn
68 How many is enough?
69 I know what I want to say – how do I make it sound like an interview answer?
70 Okay, I’m sold on STARR. Tell me more
71 Create your own STARR stories
72 Too much information – use Trigger Words
73 You need to talk
74 The most asked interview question – EVER
75 Tell me about yourself (TMAY) – what do they want to know?
76 Show me the TMAY template
77 What do you know about us? How to do company research
78 Should you speak to people you know working there as part of your preparation before your interview?
79 Strengths and weaknesses
80 Should you look up your interviewer’s profile on LinkedIn before the interview?
81 How do I get out of work to do an interview – will I pretend to be sick?
82 Logistics
83 What to wear
84 I think I can. I know I can. Visualising success
85 First impressions – formed quickly and difficult to change
86 Shake their hand and take a seat
87 Should I bring notes into the interview with me?
88 Water – Yes Food – No
89 What the hell are you asking me?
90 Hands up. I just don’t know the answer
91 That was a terrible answer. What can I do?
92 What are they WRITING?
93 Do you have any questions for us? How to respond
94 How do they score my interview?
95 Blindsided
96 Is there anything else you would like to add? What’s the last thing you say before you leave the room?
97 Interview life cycle
98 And then you go and spoil it all . . . Should you send an email to the interviewer after the interview?
99 I’ve done all my preparation but I’m still NERVOUS AS HELL. What can I do?
100 If at first you don’t succeed . . . Get feedback
101 And finally – let’s talk about money. What are your salary expectations?
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