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Imperial Library
Title Page
1: Today
2: From Fire to Fire
3: Memory on Legs
4: Land That Attracts
5: Land That Speaks
6: Land That Awaits
7: The Granddaughter
8: I Will Not Say Good-bye
9: Elegy to Brevity
10: Distances
11: The Pleasure of Going
12: The Rush to Get There
13: Earth That Bellows
14: The Haitian Curse
15: The Shoe
16: The Wet Law
17: The Man Who Executed God
18: Holy Water
19: With Him Was Born an Era
20: Sacred Serpent
21: They Walked on Water
22: A Kingdom Moves
23: Civilizing Mother
24: Civilizing Father
25: The Right to Roguery
26: The Second Founding of Bolivia
27: Open Your Ears
28: Open Your Mind
29: Humbly I Speak
30: The Catapult
31: We Are Made of Wind
1: An Admiral Torn to Pieces
2: The Goddess Is Celebrating
3: Carnival Takes Wing
4: The Threat
5: In Two Voices
6: The Wail
7: The Eighth Bolt
8: General Smooch
9: Marble That Breathes
10: A Victory for Civilization
11: No
12: World Breastfeeding Day
13: The Danger of Playing
14: Stolen Children
15: More Stolen Children
16: The Condor Plan
17: The Celebration That Was Not
18: Bereft of Him
19: Perhaps This Is How Horacio Quiroga Would Have Written About His Own Death
20: World Day of Social Justice
21: The World Shrinks
22: Silence
23: The Book of Marvels
24: A Lesson in Realism
25: Night of the Kuna
26: My Africa
27: Even Banks Are Mortal
28: When
29: Not Gone with the Wind
1: Was
2: Whistling, I Speak
3: The Founding Mothers of Brazil
4: The Saudi Miracle
5: Divorce as Good Hygiene
6: The Florist
7: The Witches
8: Homages
9: The Day Mexico Invaded the United States
10: The Devil Played the Violin
11: The Left Is the University of the Right
12: Sleep Knows More Than Wakefulness
13: A Clear Conscience
14: Capital
15: Voices in the Night
16: Storytellers
17: They Knew How to Listen
18: With Their Gods Inside
19: Birth of the Movies
20: The World Upside Down
21: The World as It Is
22: World Water Day
23: Why We Massacred the Indians
24: Why We Disappeared the Disappeared
25: The Annunciation
26: Maya Liberators
27: World Theater Day
28: Manufacturing Africa
29: The Jungle Was Here
30: International Domestic Workers Day in Latin America
31: This Flea
1: The First Bishop
2: Manufacturing Public Opinion
3: Good Guys
4: The Ghost
5: Day of Light
6: Night Crossing
7: The Doctor’s Bill
8: The Man Who Was Born Many Times
9: Good Health
10: Manufacturing Disease
11: Opinion Makers
12: Manufacturing the Guilty Party
13: We Knew Not How to See You
14: Grand or Just Plain Big?
15: The Black Paintings
16: The Flamenco Song
17: Caruso Sang and Ran
18: Keep an Eye on This Guy
19: Children of the Clouds
20: Manufacturing Mistakes
21: The Indignant One
22: Earth Day
23: Fame Is Baloney
24: The Perils of Publishing
25: Don’t Save Me, Please
26: Nothing Happened Here
27: Life’s Twists and Turns
28: This Insecure World
29: She Doesn’t Forget
30: Memory’s Circles
1: International Workers’ Day
2: Operation Geronimo
3: Dishonor
4: While the Night Lasts
5: By Singing I Rebuke
6: Apparitions
7: The Party Poopers
8: The Tasmanian Devil
9: Born to Find Him
10: The Unforgivable
11: Mr. Everything
12: Living Seismographs
13: To Sing, to See
14: Someone Else’s Debt
15: May Tomorrow Be More Than Just Another Name for Today
16: Off to the Loony Bin
17: Home
18: Memory’s Voyage
19: The Prophet Mark
20: A Rare Act of Sanity
21: World Day for Cultural Diversity
22: Tintin Among the Savages
23: Manufacturing Power
24: The Heretics and the Saint
25: Heresies
26: Sherlock Holmes Died Twice
27: Beloved Vagabond
28: Oświęcim
29: Vampires
30: From the Stake to the Altar
31: The Incombustible Lady
1: Saintly Men
2: Indians Are Persons
3: Atahualpa’s Revenge
4: Memory of the Future
5: Nature Is Not Mute
6: The Mountains That Were
7: The Poet King
8: Sacrilege
9: Sacrilegious Women
10: And a Century Later
11: The Man Who Sold the Eiffel Tower
12: The Mystery Explained
13: Collateral Damage
14: Flag as Disguise
15: A Woman Talks
16: I’ve Got Something to Tell You
17: Tomasa Didn’t Pay
18: Susan Didn’t Pay Either
19: Danger: Bicycles!
20: That Shortcoming
21: We Are All You
22: The World’s Waist
23: Fires
24: The Sun
25: The Moon
26: The Kingdom of Fear
27: We Are All Guilty
28: Hell
29: The Great Heretofore
30: A Nuisance Is Born
1: One Terrorist Fewer
2: Olympic Prehistory
3: The Stone in the Hole
4: The Southern Cross
5: The Right to Laugh
6: Fool Me
7: Fridamania
8: Leader for Life
9: The Suns the Night Hides
10: Manufacturing Novels
11: Manufacturing Tears
12: Consecration of the Top Scorer
13: The Goal of the Century
14: The Losers’ Trunk
15: An Exorcism
16: My Dear Enemy
17: International Justice Day
18: History Is a Roll of the Dice
19: The First Tourist on Rio’s Beaches
20: The Interloper
21: The Other Astronaut
22: The Other Moon
23: Twins
24: Sinners Be Damned
25: Recipe for Spreading the Plague
26: It’s Raining Cats
27: The Locomotive from Prague
28: Testament
29: We Want a Different Time
30: International Friendship Day
31: Time Foretold
1: Our Mother Who Art in Earth
2: Champ
3: The Beloveds
4: Clothing Tells the Tale
5: The Liar Who Was Born Thrice
6: God’s Bomb
7: Spy On Me
8: Cursed America
9: International Day of Indigenous Peoples
10: Manuelas
11: Family
12: Athletes Male and Female
13: The Right to Bravery
14: The Mosquito Maniac
15: The Jewel and the Crown
16: Suicide Seeds
17: Dangerous Woman
18: The Network of Networks
19: War on the Chessboard
20: Heaven’s Workforce
21: The Division of Labor
22: The Best Workers
23: The Impossible Country
24: It Was the Day of the Roman God of Fire
25: The Imprisoned City Is Rescued
26: Purity of the Faith
27: Purity of the Race
28: “I Have a Dream”
29: Colored Man
30: Day of the Disappeared
31: Heroes
1: Traitors
2: The Inventor of Preemptive War
3: Thankful People
4: I Give My Word
5: Fight Poverty: Kill Somebody Poor
6: The International Community
7: The Visitor
8: International Literacy Day
9: Statues
10: The First Land Reform in America
11: A Day Against Terrorism
12: Living Words
13: The Armchair Traveler
14: Independence as Prophylactic
15: Adopt a Banker!
16: Costume Ball
17: Mexico’s Women Liberators
18: The First Female Doctor
19: The First Female Admiral
20: Female Champions
21: Prophet of Himself
22: Car-free Day
23: Seafaring
24: The Inventor Magician
25: The Inquisitive Sage
26: What Was the World Like When It Was Beginning to Be the World?
27: Solemn Funeral
28: Recipe for Reassuring Readers
29: A Dangerous Precedent
30: International Translation Day
1: Emptied Island
2: This World Enamored of Death
3: Curling the Curl
4: World Animal Day
5: Columbus’s Final Voyage
6: Cortés’s Final Voyages
7: Pizarro’s Final Voyages
8: These Three
9: I Saw Him Seeing Me
10: The Godfather
11: The Lady Who Crossed Three Centuries
12: The Discovery
13: Robots with Wings
14: A Defeat for Civilization
15: Born from Corn
16: He Believed Justice Was Just
17: Silent Wars
18: Women Are Persons
19: Invisible
20: The Prophet Yale
21: Thou Shalt Blow One Another Up
22: International Day of Natural Medicine
23: To Sing
24: To See
25: A Stubborn Man
26: War for Drugs
27: War Against Drugs
28: Simón’s Folly
29: Good-hearted Man
30: The Martians Are Coming!
31: The Grandparents of Editorial Cartoons
1: Danger! Animals!
2: Day of the Dead
3: The Guillotine
4: The Suicide of Tenochtitlán
5: A Sickness Called Work
6: The King Who Was Not
7: Dreams
8: Legal Immigrants
9: No Entry
10: World Science Day
11: Fyodor Dostoevsky Was Born Twice
12: I Don’t Like It When They Lie to Me
13: The Father of Moby-Dick
14: The Mother of Female Journalists
15: Hugo Blanco Was Born Twice
16: An Examiner of Life
17: The Other Ear
18: Zorro Was Born Four Times
19: The Moss and the Stone
20: Things Children Say
21: The Saddest Match in History
22: International Music Day
23: Grandpa
24: Grandma
25: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
26: Laura and Paul
27: When the Waters of Rio de Janeiro Burned
28: The Man Who Taught by Learning
29: World Terror Championship
30: A Date in Paradise
1: Farewell to Arms
2: International Day for the Abolition of Slavery
3: The King Who Said “No More”
4: Green Memories
: The Longing for Beauty
6: A Lesson in Theater
7: Art Doesn’t Age
8: The Art of Neurons
9: The Art of Living
10: Blessed War
11: The Poet Who Was a Crowd
12: Tonantzin Is Called Guadalupe
13: International Day of Choral Singing
14: The Monk Who Escaped Seven Times
15: Green Man
16: Fight Poverty: Massage the Numbers
17: The Little Flame
18: The First Exiles
19: Another Woman Exiled
20: The Encounter
21: The Joy of Saying
22: The Joy of Flying
23: Resurrections
24: A Miracle!
25: Voyage of the Sun
26: Voyage to the Sea
27: The Traveler
28: Nostalgia for the Future
29: The Road Is Destiny
30: We Are Made of Music
31: Voyage of the Word
Index of Names
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