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Imperial Library
...Chapter 1: Ready to Play
...Chapter 2: An Offer
...Chapter 3: Overhaul
...Chapter 4: A Contract
...Chapter 5: Training
...Chapter 6: Proposal
...Chapter 7: The Drive to Tahoe
...Chapter 8: Thank You Dinner
...Chapter 9: Devastating News
...Chapter 10: E-Vote
...Chapter 11: The Deal
...Chapter 12: Republican Candidacy
...Chapter 13: Firing Range
...Chapter 14: First Council Meeting
...Chapter 15: Vendor Selection
...Chapter 16: Democratic Candidacy
...Chapter 17: A Full Tank
...Chapter 18: A Difficult Conversation
...Chapter 19: Memento Two
...Chapter 20: The Challenge of Change
...Chapter 21: Public Opinion Woes
...Chapter 22: Ideas
...Chapter 23: Terms
...Chapter 24: Eastern Africa Development Fund
...Chapter 25: Blast from the Past
...Chapter 27: At the Spa
...Chapter 28: A Call for Help
...Chapter 29: Withdrawal
...Chapter 30: Calling a Friend
...Chapter 31: Vacation
...Chapter 32: A Trip to Vegas
...Chapter 33: Startup
...Chapter 34: A New Client
...Chapter 35: Krassner’s Press Conference
...Chapter 36: Work Session
...Chapter 37: The Sign
...Chapter 38: Equipment
...Chapter 39: Inauguration
...Chapter 40: New Horizons
...Chapter 41: The Campaign Manager
...Chapter 42: Mother’s Problems
...Chapter 43: Helms Calls
...Chapter 44: Phase One Complete
...Chapter 45: Tracking Doctors
...Chapter 46: Vote Secrecy
...Chapter 47: The Harbormaster
...Chapter 48: Luck
...Chapter 49: Dr. Hager
...Chapter 50: Payday
...Chapter 51: The Replacement
...Chapter 52: A Terrific Interview
...Chapter 53: Deployment
...Chapter 54: A Beautiful Plane
...Chapter 57: A Visit to Taiwan
...Chapter 58: Cargo Inspection
...Chapter 60: Secrecy Amendment
...Chapter 61: Welcome to New Delhi
...Chapter 62: The Secret Vice
...Chapter 63: The Office
...Chapter 64: In the Aquarium
...Chapter 65: Democratic Nomination
...Chapter 67: Strategy Session
...Chapter 68: Blocked Access
...Chapter 69: A Tax Issue
...Chapter 70: New Colleague
...Chapter 71: Celebration
...Chapter 72: Routine
...Chapter 73: Republican Nomination
...Chapter 74: The Terrorism Link
...Chapter 75: No Coincidences
...Chapter 76: The Insider Plan
...Chapter 77: Work Direction
...Chapter 78: Delivering America
...Chapter 79: An Invitation to Lunch
...Chapter 80: Man Down
...Chapter 81: The Code
...Chapter 82: Failed Setup
...Chapter 83: A Reunion
...Chapter 84: Calling a Friend
...Chapter 85: Help
...Chapter 86: Return to Delhi
...Chapter 87: Controversial
...Chapter 88: New Code
...Chapter 89: Money Trails
...Chapter 90: A Goodbye
...Chapter 91: A Different Approach
...Chapter 92: On the Run
...Chapter 93: Hardware Issues
...Chapter 94: Off the Books
...Chapter 95: Two Objectives
...Chapter 96: Tears
...Chapter 97: Early Dinner
...Chapter 100: A Snake
...Chapter 101: Unfinished
...Chapter 102: Retirement
...Chapter 103: House Guest
...Chapter 104: Voting Day
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