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Imperial Library
Communism and Nazism
The Myth of Massive Martyrdom
The Myth of the Rapid Spread of Christianity
Christianity as State Religion
The Quest for Jesus Christ
Which Jesus ?
History and Positions of the Debate
The Believers
The Evemerists
The Mythicists
The Holy Forgery Mill
The Anonymous Gospel Truth
Pious Fraud
Biblical Sources
The Epistles
Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians
Old Testament ‘ Prophecy ’ or Blueprint ?
A Mithraic Ritual ?
What about 1 Corinthians 15 : 3 – 8 ?
The Gospels
The Canon Order
The Gospel of the Lord ( c . 145 ad / ce )
The Gospel of Luke ( 170 ad / ce )
Theophilus of Antioch ( fl.c . 169 – c . 183 )
The Gospel of Mark ( 175 ce )
The Gospel of John ( 178 ad / ce )
The Gospel of Matthew ( 173 ? 180 ? ad / ce )
The Narrative
Gospel Bloopers
The Acts of the Apostles ( 177 ad / ce )
Bible Prophecy
Non - Biblical Sources
Flavius Josephus ( 37 – c . 95 ce ) , Jewish Historian
Eusebius the Forger ?
Gaius Plinius Caecilius Secundus / Pliny the Younger
Christos or Chrestos ?
Manuscript Tradition
Publius / Gaius Cornelius Tacitus
Arguments for Authenticity
Procurator or Prefect ?
Vast Multitudes of Christians at Rome ?
Annals as Forgery ?
Chrestiani versus Christiani ?
What Neronian Persecution ?
Sources / Influences : Sulpicius Severus
Absence from Early Christian Literary Record
Calumny and Libel ?
Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus
Talmudic and Other Jewish References
Thallus , Phlegon , Mara bar - Serapion . Lucian
Further Evidence of a Fraud
Confessions of the Church Fathers
The Gnostics
The Mandaeans
Docetism and the Mystical Christ
St . Ignatius , Bishop of Antioch
Marcion of Pontus
The Pagans
Fiction as History
Christianity as Criminality
The Jews
Physical Evidence
Jesus’s Physical Appearance
Christ as Lamb and Fish
Jesus or Serapis ?
Birth Caves , Tombs , Sundry Sites
Jesus in India ?
The Japanese , British or American Jesus ?
Jesus the Druid ?
God , Priest or King ?
The Jesus Family Tomb , James Ossuary , etc .
Holy Footprints
The Shroud of Turin and Other “ Holy Relics ”
The Bible as History ?
The Myth of Hebrew Monotheism
The Dawn of Monotheism ?
The Polytheism of ‘ the Chosen ’
The Biblical Writers
The Elohim , El and Ayil
El as Solar Deity and Saturn , Elohim as Stars
El and Archon
Baalim and Adonai
Yahweh , the Lord Sun
The Precession of the Equinoxes
Age of the Zodiac
The Gold Calf and Calf of Samaria
Yahweh , Iao and Ieou / Ieuo
The Androgynous Yahweh
The Jealous / Zealous God
The Volcano God
The Indo - European Levites ?
Egypt , Samaria , India , Babylon and Syria
The Imposition of Monotheism
The Queen of Heaven and Jezebel
The High Places
Dividing the Kingdoms
Hezekiah , Josiah , Hilkiah and the Book of the Law
The Characters
The Major Players
Adonis of Greece , Syria and Phrygia
Agni of India
Apollo of Greece
Asclepius of Greece
Attis of Phrygia
Attis’s Virgin Mother
Attis Born on December 25
Attis’s Crucifixion
The Passion of Attis
Three Days in a Tomb and Resurrected
Buddha’s Birth
Buddhist Crucifixion
Black Buddhas
Buddhism in the West
Dionysus / Bacchus
One with the Sun
The True Vine
The Virgin Birth
Born on December 25
Riding the Ass
Death , Journey into the Underworld , Resurrection and Ascension
The Eucharist
Divine Epithets and Roles
Hercules / Heracles
The Virgin Mother
Horus / Osiris of Egypt
Osiris , Lord of Lords
Iasion / Iasios / Iasius of Samothrace
Inanna / Inana of Sumeria
Descent into the Underworld
Julius Caesar
Krishna of India
What’s in a Name
Krishna’s Solar Nature
Slaughter of the Innocents
‘ Virgin ’ Birth ?
Aditi the Vedic Virgin
knya or Kanyā
Virgin Mothers in the Epics
Krishna Vyasadeva , Son of a Virgin
Devaki Virgin Claims
Virgin Mother Goddess
Mango Conception
Winter Solstice ‘ Birthday ’
Krishna Crucified ?
Resurrection ?
The Origin of Krishna Worship
The Rigveda
The Puranas
Krishna Grows as Scripture Grows
The Bhagavad Gita or ‘ Song of God ’
Vishnu and Bhagavata Puranas
The Phoenicians and Ireland
Alexander and the Greeks
Apollonius of Tyana
Mithra of Persia
Prometheus of Greece
Quetzalcoatl of Mexico
Serapis of Egypt
Tammuz of Babylon
Zoroaster / Zarathustra
Other Saviors and Sons of God
Astrology and the Bible
Biblical Sun - and Moon - Worshippers
Biblical Diviners and Astrologers
Moses and the Tabernacle
Jacob and his Sons and Ladder
Joshua / Jesus , Son of Nun
The Dial of Ahaz
Astrology in the New Testament
The Son of God Is the Sun of God
The Zodiac
The Sun of God
The Disciples Are the Signs of the Zodiac
Peter the Rock
Judas the Betrayer
Matthew the Scribe
Thomas the Twin
Paul the Apostle
John the Baptist / Baptizer
James the Brother
James the Greater and John the Evangelist , the Sons of Thunder
Thaddeus / Jude and Simon the Zealot / Canaanite
The Gospel Story
Adam , Eve and the Garden of Eden
The Serpent
The Original Fall / Sin
The Virgin Mother of the Divine Redeemer
The Manger and Cave , Birthplace of Many Gods
Herod and the Slaughter of the Innocents
The Three Wise Men and the Star in the East
Jesus at Ages 12 and 30
The Dove at the River Jordan
The Forty Days and Temptation in the Wilderness
The Wedding Feast at Cana / Turning Water into Wine
Mary Magdalene
The Five Loaves , Two Fishes , Twelve Baskets
The Devils and the Swine
Sword - Wielding Prince of Peace
The Transfiguration on the Mount
The Ass
The Jews as Vipers and Children of the Devil
The Last Supper / Eucharist
Thirty Pieces of Silver and Potter’s Field
Peter’s Denial and the Cock Crowing
The Sacrifice of the Sacred King
The Passion
“ Let His Blood Be Upon Us and Our Children ”
Golgotha , “ Place of the Skulls ”
The Crucifixion
The Three Marys at the Crucifixion
The Spear of Longinus
My God , My God , Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me ?
The Rending of the Curtain of the Temple
The Darkening of the Sun at the Crucifixion
The Resurrection
The Ascension on the Mount of Olives
Other Elements and Symbols of the Christian Myth
The Alpha and Omega
Angels and Devils
The Cross and Crucifix
Heaven and Hell
The Holy Ghost
The Holy Grail
The Holy Land
Ichthys , the Fish
The Lamb of God
The Logia ( Sayings ) , Sermon on the Mount , Beatitudes and Parables
The Lord’s Prayer
The Logos or Word
The Nativity
The Sabbath
The Second Coming / Day of Judgment
The Seventy / Seventy - Two
The Trinity
The Patriarchs and Saints Are the Gods of Other Cultures
Noah and the Flood
Abraham and Sarah
Moses , the Exodus , the Ten Commandments
Joseph , Father of Jesus
Mary , Mother of Jesus
The Saints
St . Josaphat
St . Christopher
The Meaning of Revelation
Sacred Numerology
The Four “ Living Creatures ”
The Four Horsemen
The Woman Clothed with the Sun
The “ Sweet ” Scrolls
The Dragon and the Beast
The Mark of the Beast — 666
The Mysteries
Essenes , Zealots and Zadokites
The Myth of Primitive Christianity
The Essenes
Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls
The Zealots
Galilee and Samaria
The Zadokites / Sadducees
The Maccabean Revolt
The Order of Melchizedek
The Zadokites and Christianity
Alexandria : Crucible of Christianity
The Therapeuts
The Gospels in Egypt
The Alexandrian Jews
Why Make the Solar Myth into a Jewish Man ?
The Library and University of Alexandria
Enter Rome
Why Carnalize and Historicize the Solar Myth ?
Enter the Romans
The Council of Nicea
The Role of Masonry
The Motive
The Making of a Myth
The Intertestamental Literature and Christian Apocrypha
The Book of Enoch
The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
The Wisdom of Jesus , Son of Sirach , or Ecclesiasticus
The Teachings of the Twelve Apostles , or The Didache
The Gospel of the Hebrews and Syrians
The Gospel According to the Egyptians or Diegesis
The Gospel of Truth , the Gospel of Thomas and the Acts of Thomas
The Protevangelion , or Book of James
The Gospel of the Infancy
The Gospel of Luke
The Life of Apollonius
Other Texts
The Epistle of Barnabas
The Shepherd of Hermas
Why Place the Christian Myth at this Time ?
Where the Bodies Are Buried
The Age of Darkness
The Origins of Cultural Bigotry and Racism
The New Era
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