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Imperial Library
1 The Confession of the Antichrist
2 Mystery of Iniquity
3 That Man of Sin
4 Ravening Wolves on the Prowl
5 Satanic Ritual Abuse by Catholic Priests
6 Speaking Lies in Hypocrisy
7 Changing the Times and the Laws
8 Many Shall Say “I Am Christ”
9 Signs and Lying Wonders
10 Whosoever Sins Ye Remit, They Are Remitted
11 Doctrines of Devils
12 Putting Christ to an Open Shame
13 The Dark Secret of the Catholic Liturgy
14 The Antichrist Guarantees Heaven for the Jews
15 The Antichrist is Caught Worshiping Lucifer
16 A Hellish Stopover on the Way to Heaven
17 Charging Admission to Enter Heaven
18 Fire from Heaven
19 Raping the Church
20 Dethroning Caesar
21 Sitting as God in the Temple of God
22 Blessing Bloody Murder
23 Denying that Jesus is the Christ
24 The Attack of the Moon God
25 The Perverse Effect of Religious Misogyny
26 Common Root of Catholicism and Islam
27 Proving the Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk
28 Masonic Secret Agent
29 The Torture Room
30 The “Holy” Antichrist
31 Supreme Druid
32 Denying Christ Has Come in the Flesh
33 Queen of Heaven
34 The Little Horn
35 Behold a White Horse
36 Mark of the Beast
37 Hiding the Antichrist
38 Dual Destruction of the Antichrist
39 Identifying the False Prophet
40 The Image of the Beast Comes Alive
41 The Great Harlot Seduces Protestant Churches
42 The Antichrist Orchestrates the Killing of Lincoln
43 The Antichrist Targets the USA
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