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Imperial Library
Also by Ellen Hopkins
Title Page
Fact or Fiction: You Can Know Where You Are and Still Be Lost
Definition of Hannah Lincoln:
Definition of Status Quo: The Way Things Are [were]
Definition of Resent: Feel Bothered By
Definition of Quirk: Weird Habit
Definition of Intervene: Get Involved
Definition of Mortified: Totally Embarrassed
Definition of Disguise: Hide; Mask
Fact or Fiction: My Full Name’s Calvin Lee Pace
Fact or Fiction: I’ve Been Stung by a Scorpion
Fact or Fiction: I Know Show Tunes
Fact or Fiction: I Once Lived in a Cave
Definition of Punch Line: The End of a Joke
Definition of Impatient: Hannah, When It Comes to Cal
Definition of Zombie: One of the Living Dead
Definition of Disruption: Trouble
Definition of Desperate: Frantic; Hopeless
Fact or Fiction: I Went Without a Toilet for Two Weeks
Fact or Fiction: All Nightmares Happen at Night
Fact or Fiction: An Owl Lives Outside My Window
Fact or Fiction: Owls Are Bad Luck
Fact or Fiction: Kids Need Nine Hours of Sleep
Definition of Rad: Radical; Awesome
Definition of Idiom: A Saying That Doesn’t Mean What It Says
Definition of Break a Leg: Idiom Used to Wish a Performer Good Luck
Definition of Glamorous: Dazzling; Beautiful
Definition of Pirouette: Whirl; Spin
Definition of Contentment: The Feeling That All Is Well
Fact or Fiction: The Floor Is Hannah’s Best Event
Fact or Fiction: Uncle Bruce Wasn’t Happy About Me Moving In
Fact or Fiction: All Families Are Dysfunctional
Fact or Fiction: Cell Phone Videography Is a Talent of Mine
Fact or Fiction: The Judges Will Let Hannah Start Over
Definition of Runner-Up: Not Quite the Best; Non-Winner
Definition of Incorrigible: Not Fixable
Definition of Migraines: Horrible Headaches That Come Regularly
Definition of Psychedelic: Having an Intense Color or Swirling Pattern
Fact or Fiction: I Was Kidnapped by Hippies
Fact or Fiction: When I Take Off, I’M Running Away
Fact or Fiction: Some People Lack a Sense of Humor
Fact or Fiction: Some Witty Comebacks Fall Flat
Definition of Villain: Bad Guy
Definition of Hyperbole: Exaggeration
Definition of Awry: Wrong; Crooked
Definition of Morph: Transform; Change
Fact or Fiction: I Forgot About the Pine Cones
Fact or Fiction: This Is the First Birthday Party I’ve Ever Been To
Fact or Fiction: I’M a Champion Roller Skater
Fact or Fiction: Skating Is About Your Feet
Fact or Fiction: I’ve Seen Hannah Smile at Tripp
Fact or Fiction: Bullies Don’t Pick on Girls
Definition of Road Rage: Aggressive Behavior by a Driver on a Road
Definition of Shiner: Black Eye
Definition of Civility: Politeness
Definition of Diversion: An Activity That Draws Your Attention
Definition of Petty: Small-Minded; Mean-Spirited
Fact or Fiction: Hannah’s Jealous of Me
Fact or Fiction: Math Is My Best Subject
Fact or Fiction: I Can’t Stand Family Gatherings
Fact or Fiction: Mom and Grandma Didn’t Get Along
Fact or Fiction: Mom Wanted to Be a Nurse
Fact or Fiction: Both Were True
Definition of Ashen: Pale; Gray
Definition of Contentious: Hostile; Unfriendly
Definition of Empathy: Understanding; Sympathy
Definition of Privileged: Favored; Lucky
Definition of Contemplate: Think About
Definition of Force Field: Invisible Shield of Energy
Definition of Genetics: The Study of Genes and Heredity
Fact or Fiction: Some Italian People Have Red Hair
Fact or Fiction: The Name Pace Means “fast”
Fact or Fiction: Hannah’s Been Pretty Nice Lately
Fact or Fiction: Mrs. Peabody Encouraged Creativity
Definition of Gobsmacked: Majorly Surprised
Definition of Epiphany: A Moment of Sudden Understanding
Definition of Vicariously: Experienced Through Another Person
Definition of Cooperate: Work Together; Do What Someone Asks
Definition of Erode: Crumble; Decay
Definition of Upbeat: Cheerful; Positive
Fact or Fiction: You Can’t Predict the Weather
Fact or Fiction: I’D Rather Hug a Snake
Fact or Fiction: If I’ve Changed, Others Can, Too
Fact or Fiction: Grandma Really Has Changed
Fact or Fiction: Everyone Looks Like I Zapped Them with a Stun Gun
Fact or Fiction: Hannah Needs to Clean Under Her Bed
Definition of Family Dynamics: How Family Members Deal with Each Other
Definition of Claustrophobia: Fear of Being in a Small Space
Definition of Charity Case: Someone Others Help Out of Pity
Definition of Dilemma: A Problem with No Good Solution
Definition of Passion: Strong Liking for Something; Deep Emotion
Fact or Fiction: No One Seems Thankful This Morning
Fact or Fiction: I Did Not Expect That
Fact or Fiction: This Time I’M Running Away
Fact or Fiction: I Miss My Dad
Fact or Fiction: Hannah Suspects
Definition of Divert: Make Something Change Direction
Definition of Backfire: Go All Wrong
Definition of Disintegrate: Fall Apart
Definition of Indigestion: Stomachache
Definition of Best-Laid Plans: Something That Doesn’t Work Out as Expected
Fact or Fiction: I Have No Clue Where I’M Going
Fact or Fiction: My Stomach Prefers to Be Empty
Fact or Fiction: You Can Eat for Free at a Soup Kitchen
Fact or Fiction: The Food Here Is Good
Fact or Fiction: Brylee Is Really My Friend
Definition of Prejudiced: Narrow-Minded
Definition of on Pins and Needles: Nervously Waiting for Something
Definition of Savory: Spicy; Flavorful
Definition of Motive: Reason for Doing Something
Definition of Sarcastic: Snarky; Saying One Thing, Meaning Another
Fact or Fiction: Riding in a Cop Car Rocks
Fact or Fiction: Officer Ash Recognizes Me
Fact or Fiction: Officer Ash Is Scary
Fact or Fiction: My Mom Also Told Me That
Fact or Fiction: I’M Relieved to Be Home
Definition of Contrite: Very, Very Sorry
Definition of Embellish: Invent Details to Make a Story More Interesting
Definition of Salvage: Save; Reclaim
Definition of Heart-To-Heart: Honest
Fact or Fiction: I Know a Lot About Addiction
Fact or Fiction: I Confess All That to Hannah
Fact or Fiction: Enough Is Enough
Fact or Fiction: Hannah Went Too Far
Fact or Fiction: I Have No Idea What Dad Wants
Fact or Fiction: Grandma and I Communicate Before She Leaves
Definition of Sea Change: Major Transformation
Definition of Agitated: Troubled; Nervous
Definition of Research: Gathering Information
Definition of Panic: What Happens Next
Definition of Distraction: Something That Takes Your Mind Off Things
Fact or Fiction: Vic and I Have Something in Common
Fact or Fiction: We Made It
Fact or Fiction: Uncle Bruce Makes a Two-Hour Drive in an Hour and a Half
Fact or Fiction: I Was Right to Worry About Dad
Definition of Hero: The Person Who Saves the Day
Definition of Epilogue: The Conclusion of a Book
Fact or Fiction: I’M Not Lost Anymore
Author’s Note
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