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I. THE OFFERINGS (1:1–7:38)
A. The Offerings from the People’s Perspective (1:1–6:7 [1:1–5:26])
1. Introduction and the Burnt Offering (1:1–17)
a. Introduction (1:1–2)
b. The burnt offering (1:3–17)
i. The offering of cattle (1:3–9)
ii. The offering of sheep and goats (1:10–13)
iii. The offering of the birds (1:14–17)
2. The Grain Offering (2:1–16)
a. The offering of uncooked grain (2:1–3)
b. The offering of cooked grain (2:4–10)
c. The offering must be without yeast (2:11–13)
d. The offering of firstfruits (2:14–16)
3. The Fellowship Offering (3:1–17)
4. The Purification Offering (4:1–5:13)
a. Introduction (4:1–2)
b. The general purification offering (4:3–35)
c. Conditions requiring purification (5:1–4)
d. The purification offering for sins of 5:5–13
5. The Reparation Offering (5:14–6:7 [5:14–26])
B. The Offerings from the Priests’ Perspective (6:8–7:38 [6:1–7:38])
1. The Burnt Offering (6:8–13 [6:1–6])
2. The Grain Offering (6:14–23 [6:7–16])
3. The Purification Offering (6:24–30 [6:17–23])
4. The Reparation Offering (7:1–6)
5. The Offering Remains That Belong to the Priests: A Summary (7:7–10)
6. The Fellowship Offering (7:11–34)
7. Conclusion of the Offerings from the Priests’ Perspective (7:35–36)
8. Conclusion to the Offerings (7:37–38)
A. The Ordination of the Priests (8:1–36)
1. The Public Presentation of the Priests and the Items (8:1–4)
2. The Priestly Robing and Anointing (8:5–13)
3. The Offerings (8:14–29)
4. The Consecration (8:30–35)
5. The Conclusion (8:36)
B. The Beginning of the Priestly Service (9:1–24)
1. The Instructions (9:1–7)
2. The Offerings for Aaron the Priest (9:8–14)
3. The Offerings for the People of Israel (9:15–21)
4. Conclusion: The Priestly Blessing and the Glory of the Lord (9:22–24)
C. Violation of the Sacrifices: The Deaths of the Priest’s Two Sons (10:1–20)
1. The Sin of Nadab and Abihu and Its Consequences (10:1–7)
2. Instructions for the Priests (10:8–11)
3. The Priests Complete Their Consecration (10:12–20)
A. Food (11:1–47)
1. Introduction (11:1–2a)
2. Land Animals, Part I: Quadrupeds (11:2b–8)
3. Water Animals (11:9–12)
4. Birds and Winged Insects (11:13–25)
5. Land Animals, Part II (11:26–45)
6. Summary of the Law of Unclean Animals (11:46–47)
B. Childbirth (12:1–8)
C. Skin Diseases Diagnosed (13:1–59)
1. General Skin Disease (13:1–8)
2. White Swelling Skin Disease (13:9–11)
3. Spreading Skin Disease (13:12–17)
4. Boils (13:18–23)
5. Burns (13:24–28)
6. Head Sore (13:29–37)
7. White Spots (13:38–39)
8. Sore on a Bald Spot (13:40–44)
9. Rules for Living with an Infectious Skin Disease (13:45–46)
10. Mildew (13:47–59)
D. Cleanness from Skin Diseases (14:1–57)
1. Introduction (14:1–2a)
2. Cleaning of the Person with Skin Disease (14:2b–20)
3. Cleaning of a Poor Person with Skin Disease (14:21–32)
4. Diagnosis and Treatment of Mildew in Buildings (14:33–53)
5. Summary and Conclusion of Skin Diseases (14:54–57)
E. Cleanness from Bodily Discharges (15:1–33)
1. Introduction (15:1–2a)
2. Male Chronic Emission (15:2b–15)
3. Male Emission of Semen (15:16–17)
4. Sexual Relations (15:18)
5. Female Menstrual Period (15:19–24)
6. Female Chronic Diseases (15:25–30)
7. Summary (15:31–33)
A. Introduction: The Words of God (16:1–2a)
B. The Preparation of the Priest (16:2b–5)
C. Selection of the Sacrifices (16:6–10)
D. The Purification Offering of the Priest (16:11–14)
E. The Purification Offering of Israel and the Atonement of the Holy Place (16:15–19)
F. Atonement for Israel (16:20–22)
G. The Aftermath: Returning from God’s Presence (16:23–28)
H. The Continuing Responsibility of Israel and the Priest (16:29–34)
V. THE HOLINESS CODE (17:1–26:46)
A. Prohibitions concerning the Eating of Meat and Blood (17:1–16)
1. Prohibition of Sacrificial Animal Slaughter (17:1–7)
2. Prohibition of Animal Sacrifices (17:8–9)
3. Prohibition against Eating Blood (17:10–12)
4. The Blood of Hunted Animals (17:13–14)
5. Improperly Butchered Animals (17:15–16)
B. Illicit Sexual Unions (18:1–30)
1. Command for Exclusive Loyalty to God (18:1–5)
2. Improper Unions among Kin (18:6–18)
3. Other Improper Unions (18:19–23)
4. Recapitulation of Command to Devote Exclusive Loyalty to God (18:24–30)
C. A Summary of the Ceremonial and Ethical Law (19:1–37)
1. Command to Holiness (19:1–2)
2. Religious Concerns of Holiness (19:3–8 [Dt 24:19–22; 27:15–18])
3. Ethical Concerns of Holiness (19:9–18)
4. Ceremonial and Cultic Concerns (19:19–31 [Dt 22:9–11])
5. Matters of Ethics and Justice (19:32–36 [Dt 25:13–26])
6. Summary (19:37)
D. Israel’s Holiness in the Family (20:1–27)
1. Introduction (20:1–2a)
2. Molech (20:2b–5)
3. Mediums and Spiritists (20:6)
4. Holiness and Obedience (20:7–9)
5. Sexual Sin (20:10–21)
6. Obedience and Holiness (20:22–26)
7. Mediums and Spiritists (20:27)
E. Qualifications for a Priest (21:1–22:16)
1. Purity (21:1–24)
a. Instructions for the priests (21:1a)
b. Mourning (21:1b–6)
c. Prostitution (21:7–9)
d. Mourning rituals for the high priest (21:10–12)
e. Marriage for the high priest (21:13–15)
f. Defects (21:16–23)
g. Conclusion (21:24)
2. Diet (22:1–16)
a. Who may eat the offerings: priests (22:1–9)
b. Who may eat the offerings: others (22:10–16)
F. Sacrificial Animals and Thank Offerings (22:17–33)
1. Acceptable Animals for Sacrifice (22:17–25)
2. Slaughtering Families of Animals and Eating Thank Offerings (22:26–30)
3. Conclusion (22:31–33)
G. Cultic Calendar (23:1–44)
1. Introduction (23:1–2a)
2. Sabbath (23:2b–3)
3. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (23:4–14)
4. The Feast of Weeks (23:15–22)
5. Day of Trumpets (23:23–25)
6. Day of Atonement (23:26–32)
7. The Feast of Tabernacles (23:33–36)
8. Other Feasts (23:37–38)
9. The Feast of Yahweh (23:39–43)
10. Conclusion (23:44)
H. Holiness at the Sanctuary: Lamps, Bread, and Blasphemy (24:1–23)
1. The Continually Burning Lamp (24:1–4)
2. The Bread of God’s Presence (24:5–9)
3. The Blasphemer (24:10–23)
I. Holiness of the Land (25:1–55)
1. Sabbatical Year (25:1–7)
2. Year of Jubilee (25:8–13)
3. Leasing the Land (25:14–17)
4. Rewards for Obedience (25:18–19)
5. Provision without Planting (25:20–22)
6. Divine Ownership of the Land (25:23–24)
7. Purchase of Leased Land before the Jubilee (25:25–28)
8. Selling Houses (25:29–34)
9. Debt Slavery (25:35–43)
10. Non-Israelite Slaves (25:44–46)
11. Slave Holders (25:47–55)
J. Blessings and Curses (26:1–46)
1. Idolatry, Sabbaths, and Sanctuary (26:1–2)
2. Blessings for Faithfulness (26:3–13)
3. Curses for Disobedience: Disease and Defeat (26:14–17)
4. Further Curses for Disobedience: Drought and Sterility of Land (26:18–20)
5. Further Curses for Disobedience: Wild Animals (26:21–22)
6. Further Curses for Disobedience: Destruction, Plague, and Famine (26:23–26)
7. Further Curses for Disobedience: Annihilation and Deportation (26:27–39)
8. Repentance and Forgiveness (26:40–43)
9. God’s Faithfulness (26:44–45)
10. Conclusion (26:46)
A. Vows (27:1–13)
B. Dedicated Property (27:14–27)
C. Devoted Items and People (27:28–29)
D. Tithes (27:30–33)
E. Conclusion (27:34)
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