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Imperial Library
Half Title
Title Page
Copyright Page
List of Figures
List of Tables
Notes on the Editors and Contributors
Preface: Naming Neoliberalism
Introduction: Approaches to Neoliberalism
Part I Perspectives
1 Actually Existing Neoliberalism
2 International Financial Institutions as Agents of Neoliberalism
3 Neoliberalism in World Perspective: Southern Origins and Southern Dynamics
4 Foucault and the Neoliberalism Controversy
5 Neoliberalism as a Class-Based Project
6 Ideas and the Rise of Neoliberalism in Europe1
Part II Sources
7 Neoliberal Thought Collectives: Integrating Social Science and Intellectual History
8 Planning the ‘Free’ Market: The Genesis and Rise of Chicago Neoliberalism1
9 Neoliberal Turn in the Discipline of Economics: Depoliticization Through Economization1
10 Embedding Neoliberalism: The Theoretical Practices of Hayek and Friedman
11 Neoliberalism: Rise, decline and future prospects
12 Gary Becker: Neoliberalism's Economic Imperialist
13 The Neoliberal Origins of the Third Way: How Chicago, Virginia and Bloomington Shaped Clinton and Blair
14 Contemporary Anglo-Saxon Neoliberalism is not German Ordoliberalism1
Part III Variations and Diffusions
15 Foucault, Neoliberalism and Europe
16 The Rise and Fall (and rise again?) of Neoliberalism in Latin America
17 China and Neoliberalism: Moving Beyond the China is/is not Neoliberal Dichotomy
18 Neoliberalism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union
19 Neoliberalisation of European Social Democracy: Transmissions and Dispositions
20 Neoliberalism and Supra-National Institutions
Part IV The State
21 The Neoliberal State: Power Against ‘Politics'
22 Neoliberalism, Crime and Criminal Justice1
23 CO2 as Neoliberal Fetish: The Love of Crisis and the Depoliticized Immuno-Biopolitics of Climate Change Governance
24 Neoliberalizing the Welfare State: Marketizing Social Policy/Disciplining Clients
25 Religious Neoliberalism
26 Monetary Policy and Neoliberalism
27 Neoliberalism and Workfare: Schumpeterian or Ricardian?
28 Progressive Politics Under Neoliberalism
29 Neoliberalism and Republicanism: Economic Rule of Law and Law as Concrete Order (Nomos)
30 Neoliberalism and Democracy: A Foucauldian Perspective on Public Choice Theory, Ordoliberalism, and the Concept of the Public Good
Part V Social and Economic Restructuring
31 The Neoliberal Remaking of the Working Class
32 Governing the System: Risk, Finance and Neoliberal Reason
33 Neoliberalism, Inequality, and Capital Accumulation
34 Corporate Power and Neoliberalism
35 Disciplinary Neoliberalism, the Tyranny of Debt and the 1%
36 Neoliberalism's Gender Order
37 Neoliberalism and the Urban
38 Austerity as Tragedy? From Neoliberal Governmentality to the Critique of Late Capitalist Control
39 Neoliberalism and Global Health
Part VI Cultural Dimensions
40 Neoliberalism and Media1
41 Neoliberalism and the University
42 Neoliberalism, the Knowledge-Based Economy and the Entrepreneur as Metaphor
43 The Emotional Logic of Neoliberalism: Reflexivity and Instrumentality in Three Theoretical Traditions
44 From Neoliberalizing Research to Researching Neoliberalism: STS, Rentiership and the Emergence of Commons 2.0
Part VII Neoliberalism and Beyond
45 Resistance to Neoliberalism Before and Since the Global Financial Crisis
46 No More Room in Hell: Neoliberalism as Living Dead1
47 Neoliberalism and the Left: Before and After the Crisis
48 Neoliberalism, Development and Resilience
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