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Title Page
CHAPTER I What Is at Stake in Prayer
1. Prayer as a response to a call
2. God comes first in our lives
3. Loving freely, not for what we get out of it
4. A foretaste of the Kingdom
5. Knowing God and knowing ourselves
6. Compassion for our neighbor is born of prayer
7. Prayer, a path of freedom
8. Prayer unifies our lives
CHAPTER II Conditions for Prayer to be Fruitful
1. Prayer as a place to find inner peace
2. The dispositions that make prayer fruitful
3. Prayer vivified by faith, hope, and love
4. The gateway of faith
5. The role of emotions in our prayer life
6. The role and limits of the mind
7. Touching God
8. The faith that opens all doors
9. Prayer and hope
10. The power of humility
11. Going down into ourselves
12. Prayer as an act of love
13. Conclusion on the “theological virtues” in prayer
CHAPTER III The Presence of God
1. God’s presence in nature
2. God gives himself in the humanity of Christ
3. God’s presence in our hearts
4. Praying the Word
5. Word and discernment
6. The Word as a weapon for the fight
CHAPTER IV Practical Advice for Personal Prayer
1. Outside the time of prayer
2. Establishing a rhythm
3. Beginning and ending prayer
4. The time of prayer itself
5. When the question “What should I do?” does not arise
6. When we need to be active in our prayer
7. Meditating on Scripture
8. Toward continual prayer
9. Repetitive prayers
10. The Jesus Prayer
11. The Rosary
CHAPTER V Prayer of Intercession
1. God refuses nothing to people who refuse him nothing
2. Intercession, a place for struggle and growth
3. When God does not seem to hear us
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