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Imperial Library
Tudor London
London to Richmond by the Thames
Tower of London
Dramatis Personae
The Royal Court
The Enigmatic Sir Thomas More
Tudor Terms
Tudor Coinage and values
A Note on Tudor Names and Language for the Revised Edition.
Prologue. The Goat’s Head Tavern Petty Wales London 4th–5th June 1530
Chapter 1. Aldgate and the Friar, The Bee Skep Tavern to Aldgate 5th June
Chapter 2. Surprise at Smart Key Wharf Afternoon 5th June
Chapter 3. Murder or Heresy? The carrack Ruyter of Bremen Afternoon, 5th June
Chapter 4. A Humble Petition, Westminster Hall Morning, 6th June
Chapter 5. An Unwanted Commission. Aldgate Midday, 6th June
Chapter 6. The Master of Ordinance’s Office, The White Tower, Early Evening, 6th June
Chapter 7. The Modern Engines of War, Tower Courtyard, Afternoon, 6th June
Chapter 8. The Trade of London, Smarts Key Wharf, Evening, 6th June
Chapter 9. The Secrets of Trade, The Ruyter, Evening, 6th June
Chapter 10. Unwelcome Visitors, The Ruyter, Night time, 6th June
Chapter 11. Fuer! Fuer! The Ruyter, Night time 6th June
Chapter 12. A Boating on the River, To Richmond Palace, Morning 7th June
Chapter 13. The Powder Mill, Hounslow Heath, Afternoon, 7th June
Chapter 14. Aldgate, Plots and Peril, The Bee Skep Tavern, Evening, 7th June
Chapter 15. Ambush at Crooked Lane, London, Morning, 8th June
Chapter 16. A Dangerous Discovery, The Ruyter, Mid morning, 8th June
Chapter 17. Westminster and Old Friends, Westminster Palace, Afternoon, 8th June
Chapter 18. The Fruit of a Bitter Basket, To the Bee Skep Tavern, Evening, 8th June
Chapter 19. Oranges and Arguments, To the Ruyter, Evening to Night, 8th June
Chapter 20. Powder, Problems and Southwark, Evening to Night, 8th June
Chapter 21. Dark Thoughts in the Night, The Ruyter, Night time 8th–9th June
Chapter 22. Dark Deeds in the Day, The Ruyter, Morning 9th June
Chapter 23. Oranges o’ Oranges! To Milford Lane, Morning, 9th June
Chapter 24. Priests, Punks and Passages, To Petty Wales, Morning, 9th June
Chapter 25. A Gentleman’s Agreement, The Ruyter, Afternoon, 9th June
Chapter 26. A Pair of Punks to Play, The Ruyter, Afternoon to Evening, 9th June
Chapter 27. Rancour and Revenge, The Ruyter to London Bridge, Evening to Night, 9th June
Chapter 28. Ministering Angels and Visitations, The Ruyter, Morning, 10th June
Chapter 29. Perilous Predictions, The Gryne Dragone, Southwark, Midday to afternoon, 10th June
Chapter 30. Treachery at Tower Wharf, Riverside Night–time, 10th June
Chapter 31. Turmoil and Affray, The Tower Wharf Riverside, Night–time, 10th June
Chapter 32. St Katherine’s Bridge, By the Tower, Riverside, Night–time, 10th June
Chapter 33. To the Tower! The Tower of London, Night–time, 10th June
Chapter 34. The Lion’s Roar, The Lion Tower, Night–time, 10th June 1
Chapter 35. The Shipmaster’s Cabin, Again, The Ruyter, Morning, 11th June
Chapter 36. The Lord Chancellor, Westminster, Morning, 11th June
Post Script
Historical Note
Red Ned Tudor Mysteries- The King’s Counsel
Cannon sizes and Gonnepowder
Tudor Barrel sizes and Measures
Hounslow Heath Powder Mill
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