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Title Page
Chapter 1: Introduction, or, Why Testicles Matter
Chapter 2: Bad Design—Men’s Testicles
Chapter 3: What Is Intelligent Design, and What Does It Have to Do With Men’s Testicles?
Chapter 4: Testicles, Part II
Chapter 5: Why Evolution Explains the Human Body Better than Intelligent Design Does
Chapter 6: Intelligent Design According to Its Believers: Is Intelligent Design the Same as Creationism, and Is Intelligent Design Religion?
Chapter 7: The Infamous Wedge Strategy
Chapter 8: Why Denying Evolution Can Get You into Trouble and Cause Mass Hunger, Too
Chapter 9: What Science Is
Chapter 10: Why Accepting Science and Evolution Can Lead to Better Values for All Humankind
Chapter 11: Bad Design—the Birth Canal
Chapter 12: The Handy-Dandy Intelligent Design Refuter, Part 1
Chapter 13: Intelligent Design Requires a Leap of Faith
Chapter 14: Animals That Shouldn’t Exist According to Intelligent Design
Chapter 15: Bad Design—the Human Throat
Chapter 16: The Handy-Dandy Intelligent Design Refuter, Part 2
Chapter 17: Irreducible Complexity, the Design Inference, and Geological Formations
Chapter 18: Irreducible Complexity and Blood Clotting
Chapter 19: Bad Design—the Human Blood Clotting System: It Led to the Communist Russian Revolution
Chapter 20: Irreducible Complexity, Flagella, and Cilia
Chapter 21: Irreducible Complexity and the Human Eye
Chapter 22: Bad Design—the Human Eye
Chapter 23: Why Denying Science is Bad for You, and Bad for Your Neighbors, Too
Chapter 24: Why Reward in Heaven Makes No Difference to Human Behavior, but Good Institutions Do
Chapter 25: Bad Design—Our Biochemical Pathways: If Cats Don’t Die of Scurvy, Then Why Do We?
Chapter 26: Why Does Intelligent Design Act so Much Like the Tobacco Lobby?
Chapter 27: Bad Design—Our Teeth, or, Why Is This Animal Smiling?
Chapter 28: The Discovery Institute Hasn’t Discovered Anything (Sort of Like the Tobacco Institute)
Chapter 29: The Publishing Scandal that Rocked the Discovery Institute
Chapter 30: Bad Design—Sharks Get More Reproductive Options, Too
Chapter 31: Exploding the Cambrian Explosion
Chapter 32: Why William Dembski’s “Information Theory” Isn’t Very Informative
Chapter 33: Bad Design—the Human Genome
Chapter 34: Bad Design—the Human Appendix
Chapter 35: Evolution: The Greatest Indisputably True Story Ever Told
Appendix 1: The Phylogeny of Mammalian Testicles
Appendix 2: The American Association for the Advancement of Science’s Statement on Intelligent Design
Appendix 3: The Life Cycle of the Immortal Jellyfish
Appendix 4: Credits and Notes for Illustrations and Photographs
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