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Imperial Library
JavaScript Testing
JavaScript Testing
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What this book covers
What you need for this book
Who this book is for
Time for action—heading
What just happened?
Pop quiz—heading
Have a go hero—heading
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1. What is JavaScript Testing?
Where does JavaScript fit into the web page?
HTML Content
Time for action—building a HTML document
What just happened?
Styling HTML elements using its attributes
Specifying id and class name for an HTML element
Cascading Style Sheets
Time for action—styling your HTML document using CSS
What just happened?
Referring to an HTML element by its id or class name and styling it
Differences between a class selector and an id selector
Other uses for class selectors and id selectors
Complete list of CSS attributes
JavaScript providing behavior to a web page
Time for action—giving behavior to your HTML document
What just happened?
JavaScript Syntax
JavaScript events
Finding elements in a document
Putting it all together
The difference between JavaScript and server-side languages
Why pages need to work without JavaScript
What is testing?
Why do you need to test?
Types of errors
Loading errors
Time for action—loading errors in action
What just happened?
Partially correct JavaScript
Time for action—loading errors in action
What just happened?
Runtime errors
Time for action—runtime errors in action
What just happened?
Logic errors
Time for action—logic errors in action
What just happened?
Some advice for writing error-free JavaScript
Always check for proper names of objects, variables, and functions
Check for proper syntax
Plan before you code
Check for correctness as you code
Preventing errors by choosing a suitable text editor
2. Ad Hoc Testing and Debugging in JavaScript
The purpose of ad hoc testing—getting the script to run
What happens when the browser encounters an error in JavaScript
Browser differences and the need to test in multiple browsers
Time for action—checking for features and sniffing browsers
What just happened?
Testing browser differences via capability testing
Time for action—capability testing for different browsers
What just happened?
Are you getting the correct output and putting values in the correct places?
Accessing the values on a form
Time for action—accessing values from a form
What just happened?
Another technique for accessing form values
Accessing other parts of the web page
Time for action—getting the correct values in the correct places
What just happened?
Does the script give the expected result?
What to do if the script doesn't run
Visually inspecting the code
Using alert[] to see what code is running
Using alert() to see what values are being used
Time for action—using alert to inspect your code
What just happened?
A less obtrusive way to check what code is running and the values used
Time for action—unobtrusively checking what values are used
What just happened?
Commenting out parts of the script to simplify testing
Time for action—simplifying the checking process
What just happened?
Timing differences—making sure that the HTML is there before interacting with it
Why ad hoc testing is never enough
3. Syntax Validation
The difference between validating and testing
Code that is valid but wrong—validation doesn't find all the errors
Code that is invalid but right
Code that is invalid and wrong—validation finds some errors that might be difficult to spot any other way
Code quality
HTML and CSS needs to be valid before you start on JavaScript
What happens if you don't validate your code
How validation can simplify testing
Validation can help you debug your code
Validation helps you to code using good practices
Color-coding editors—how your editor can help you to spot validation errors
Common errors in JavaScript that will be picked up by validation
JSLint—an online validator
Time for action—using JSLint to spot validation errors
What just happened?
Valid code constructs that produce validation warnings
Should you fix valid code constructs that produce validation warnings?
What happens if you don't fix them
How to fix validation errors
Error missing "use strict" statement
Time for action—fixing "use strict" errors
Error—unexpected use of ++
Time for action—fixing the error of "Unexpected use of ++"
Error—functions not defined
Time for action—fixing the error of "Functions not defined"
Too many var statements
Time for action—fixing the error of using too many var statements
Expecting <\/ instead of <\
Time for action—fixing the expectation of '<\/' instead of '</'
Expected '===' but found '=='
Time for action—changing == to ===
Alert is not defined
Time for action—fixing "Alert is not defined"
Avoiding HTML event handlers
Time for action—avoiding HTML event handlers
Summary of the corrections we have done
What just happened?
JavaScript Lint—a tool you can download
Challenge yourself—fix the remaining errors spotted by JSLint
4. Planning to Test
A very brief introduction to the software lifecycle
The agile method
The agile method and the software cycle in action
Analysis and design
Implementation and testing
Do you need a test plan to be able to test?
When to develop the test plan
How much testing is required?
What is the code intended to do?
Testing whether the code satisfies our needs
Testing for invalid actions by users
A short summary of the above issues
Major testing concepts and strategies
Functional requirement testing
Non-functional requirement testing
Acceptance testing
Black box testing
Usability tests
Boundary testing
Equivalence partitioning
Beta testing
White box testing
Branch testing
Pareto testing
Unit tests
Web page tests
Performance tests
Integration testing
Regression testing—repeating prior testing after making changes
Testing order
Documenting your test plan
The test plan
Test strategy
Testing expected and acceptable values by using white box testing
Testing expected and unacceptable values by using black box testing
Testing the program logic
Integrated testing and testing unexpected values
Bug form
Summary of our test plan
5. Putting the Test Plan Into Action
Applying the test plan: running your tests in order
Test Case 1: Testing expected and acceptable values
Time for action—Test Case 1a: testing expected and acceptable values by using white box testing
Test Case 1b: Testing expected but unacceptable values using black box testing
Time for action—Test case 1bi: testing expected but unacceptable values using boundary value testing
Time for action—Test case 1bii: testing expected but unacceptable values using illegal values
Input Case 1:
Input Case 2:
Input Case 3:
Test Case 2: Testing the program logic
Time for action—testing the program logic
Test Case 3: Integration testing and testing unexpected values
Time for action—Test Case 3a: testing the entire program with expected values
Time for action—Test Case 3b: testing robustness of the second form
What just happened?
What to do when a test returns an unexpected result
Regression testing in action
Time for action—fixing the bugs and performing regression testing
What just happened?
Performance issues—compressing your code to make it load faster
Does using Ajax make a difference?
Difference from server-side testing
What happens if you visitor turns off JavaScript
Have a go hero—enhance the usability of our program
6. Testing More Complex Code
Issues with combining scripts
Combining event handlers
Naming clashes
Using JavaScript libraries
Do you need to test a library that someone else has written?
What sort of tests to run against library code
Performance testing
Profiling testing
GUI and widget add-ons to libraries and considerations on how to test them
Deliberately throwing your own JavaScript errors
The throw statements
The try, catch, and finally statement
Trapping errors by using built-in objects
The Error object
The RangeError object
The ReferenceError object
The TypeError object
The SyntaxError object
The URIError object
The EvalError object
Using the error console log
Error messages
Writing your own messages
Modifying scripts and testing
Time for action—coding, modifying, throwing, and catching errors
Have a go hero—using catchError function to check input
7. Debugging Tools
IE 8 Developer Tools (and the developer toolbar plugin for IE6 and 7)
Using IE developer tools
A brief introduction to the user interface
Debugging basics of the IE debugging tool
Time for action—debugging HTML by using the IE8 developer tool
Time for action—debugging CSS by using the IE8 developer tool
What just happened?
Debugging JavaScript
Time for action—more Debugging JavaScript by using the IE8 developer tool
What just happened?
Safari or Google Chrome Web Inspector and JavaScript Debugger
Differences between Safari and Google Chrome
Debugging using Chrome
A brief introduction to the user interface
Time for action—debugging with Chrome
What just happened?
Opera JavaScript Debugger (Dragonfly)
Using Dragonfly
Starting Dragonfly
Brief Introduction to the User Interface
Time for action—debugging with Opera Dragonfly
What just happened?
Inspection and Call Stack
Thread Log
Continue, Step Into, Step Over, Step Out, and Stop at Error
Firefox and the Venkman extension
Using Firefox's Venkman extension
Obtaining the Venkman JavaScript Debugger extension
Opening Venkman
A brief introduction to the user interface
Time for action—debugging using Firefox's Venkman extension
What just happened?
Breakpoints or Call Stack
Local Variables and Watches
Time for action—more debugging with the Venkman extension
What just happened?
Firefox and the Firebug extension
8. Testing Tools
Time for action—user Interface testing using Sahi
What just happened?
More complex testing with Sahi
Time for action testing JavaScript with QUnit
What just happened?
Applying QUnit in real-life situations
More assertion tests for various situations
Time for action—creating ad hoc JavaScript benchmark tests
What just happened?
More complex testing with JSLitmus
More testing tools that you should check out
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