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1. Are You Dreaming?
Connoisseurs of consciousness
What is lucid dreaming?
The experience of lucid dreaming
Who am I?
About this book
2. A Brief History of Lucid Dreaming
Lucidity in the shadows
The dawn of lucidity
Marquis d’Hervey de Saint-Denys
Frederik Willem van Eeden
Mary Lucy Arnold-Forster
Hugh George Callaway (Oliver Fox)
Filling in the gaps
Dr Celia Elizabeth Green
Ann Faraday
Dr Patricia Garfield
Carlos Castaneda
Dr Jayne Gackenbach
Dr Keith Hearne
Dr Stephen LaBerge
Thomas Yuschak
The present day
3. The Landscape of Sleep
The sleep cycle
Hypnagogia and hypnagogic hallucinations
Sleep paralysis
False awakenings
4. The Bare Essentials
Dream recall
The dream journal
Getting started
Reality testing
Morphing text test
Digital watch test
The nose pinch test
Other reality tests
Reality testing in a nutshell
Dream Incubation/Preparing what to dream
5. Lucidity Techniques
Types of lucid dream initiation
Dream initiated lucid dreams
Wake initiated lucid dreams
The three pillars of lucidity
Pillar One: Psychology
Pillar Two: Timing
Pillar Three: Brain Chemistry
Pillars in perspective
Induction techniques
Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) Technique
Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD) Technique
False Awakening Through Expectation (FATE) Technique
Catching the Butterfly (Butterfly or CTB) Technique
Electronic lucidity induction devices
Partner Assisted Lucidity (PAL) Technique
Anchor technique
Impossible Movement Practice (IMP)
Familiar Scene Visualisation (FSV) Technique
Supplements as a lucidity induction technique
Cycle Adjustment Technique (CAT)
Techniques and beyond
6. Awake in Dreamland
Did I experience a lucid dream?
Increasing and maintaining awareness
Ground yourself
Verbalise your actions
Detach yourself from intense emotions or situations
The shock of realisation
Controlling your dreams
Behind closed doors
Schema linking
Solving dream control problems
Prolonging the dream
Waking at will
Dream Pegs - A notebook for multiple realities
The dream peg system
Building your own peg system
How to use pegs
The test
Expanding the peg system
How to use pegs within dreams
7. Exploring Lucid Dreams
Entertainment, pleasure and wish fulfilment
Sexual encounters
Exploring your senses
Rewriting history and missed opportunities
Exploring the dream world
Fiction embodied
Wish fulfilment
The practical dreamer
Overcoming nightmares
Solving problems
Accessing your memories
Expanding your hobbies
Living the future you
Exploring creativity
8. Delving Deeper
Meeting the people that live inside you
There are no graveyards in dreamland
What lies beyond the stars?
What is real?
Row your boat
9. Lucid Living
Lucid about Lucidity
Lucid dreaming and the scientific mind
It’s a jungle out there
Garbage in Garbage out
The ultimate feedback loop
Developing Mindfulness
10. The Future of Lucid Dreaming
Lucid dreaming - preparation for a digital life
Communication between dreamers
The Final Frontier
Celebrating Lucidity
Afterword: On the Edge of Reality
References and Bibliography
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