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Imperial Library
Title Page
Editor’s Note
1. ‘Not With a Bang’: Nevil Shute’s On The Beach (2018)
2. The History Boy: Geoff Blainey’s The Tyranny of Distance (2016)
3. ‘I Saw This’: Goya’s Desastres (2020)
4. The Truth Teller: Vasily Grossman’s Life and Fate and A Writer at War (2006)
5. The Truth Teller 2: Vasily Grossman’s Stalingrad (2019)
6. The War Less Thought: A review of Les Carlyon’s The Great War (2007)
7. The Generation Game: Saving the National Archives (2021)
8. Totally Wired: Wire’s Object 47 (2008)
9. The Pursuit of Useable Beauty: A profile of Damien Wright (2009)
10. The Disappearing Woman: An interview with Fiona Wright (2016)
11. Shit Lit: The rise of the koob (2004)
12. And You Can Too: The rise of subtitles (2008)
13. The Commanding Heights: Australia’s first skyscraper (2016)
14. Down on the Street: Weegee and Winogrand (2018)
15. The Good Doctor 1: A profile of John Cade (2007)
16. The Good Doctor 2: A profile of Bronwyn King (2016)
17. Graven Idols: The cult of the CEO (2007)
18. The Rich, the Bad and Ugly: Rogues of the Rich List (2009)
19. Entrepreneurs A-Go-Go: James Packer and Richard Pratt (2009)
20. Hero of the Markets: A review of Alan Greenspan’s The Age of Turbulence (2007)
21. Utopia Limited: For and against universal basic income (2016)
22. Requiem for a Brand: The death of Holden (2020)
23. Death of a Boss: Lee Iacocca (1924–2019) (2019)
24. Death of an Inventor: A review of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs (2011)
25. Feeding the Hand that Bites: On Reviewing (2010)
26. Death of a Publication: The demise of The Bulletin (2008)
27. A Century of Studs: A profile of Studs Terkel (1912–2008) (2012)
28. Churnalistic Standards: A review of Nick Davies’ Flat Earth News (2008)
29. The Journalist as Hero: A review of Seymour Hersh’s Reporter (2018)
30. The Journalist as Gossip: A review of Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury (2018)
31. The Journalist as Politician: A review of Bob Woodward’s Rage (2020)
32. The Politician as Critic: A review of Lindsay Tanner’s Sideshow (2011)
33. The Master Game: The love of chess (2009)
34. Cartographophilia: The love of maps (2009)
35. Fed Up in the Air: The love of airline food (2013)
36. Lend Me Your Ears: The love of speechmaking (2009)
37. Automatic Writing: The love of doodling (2010)
38. The Reader Strikes Back: The love of libraries (2017)
39. The Future of the Past: The love of history (2018)
About the Author
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