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Imperial Library
Title Page
Table of Contents
Part I
1: Moxie
2: ABC News, May I Help You?
3: Let ’Em Know You’re There
4: Chicken Noodle News
5: Binge, Purge, Repeat
6: Who Is That Girl?
7: The State of the Onion
8: Breast Size
9: Rainy Days and Mondays
10: Good Night, David! Good Night, Chet!
11: Hot, Hot, Hot
12: Nice Writing, Ms. Couric
13: Finding Ted
14: I Can Do This
15: The E-Ring
16: Velveeta
17: A Two-Bagger
18: Horny Toads
19: I Am Woman
20: Katherine or Katie
21: A Defiant Mop
22: It’s a Girl!
23: Brains After Babies
24: Paging Mary Poppins
25: Perky
26: Florence and Normandie
27: The Coast of Casablanca
28: Movin’ Out
29: Martha, Dear Martha
Part II
30: Jay
31: Mr. Katie Couric
32: “Shit.”
33: The Worry Cup
34: “Katie’s Private Pain”
35: Diana
36: A Pony for Ellie
37: Saturday Morning
38: Ashokan Farewell
39: From Hope to Hope
40: Safe, Sane, and Secure
41: The Aloneness
42: “There’s Been a Shooting”
43: The Nicest Pal a Guy Could Have
Part III
44: The Way It Was
45: Affable Eva Braun
46: The Booking Wars
47: Tom-Tom
48: The Couric Effect
49: Emily
50: Churro’d
51: “TODAY, Tuesday, September 11th, 2001”
52: WWED?
53: Persona Non Grata
54: Dear Katie
55: Probing Colins
56: One Big-Ass Rabbit
57: Goodbye from Kansas!
Part IV
58: The Dairy Depot
59: Tick Tick Tick Tick
60: KC and the Sunshine Band
61: …And I’m Katie Couric
62: She’s Toast
63: So Hawt
64: Lasagna Was Served
65: The Wisdom of Samantha
66: The Fall of Rome
67: Business Trip
68: The Twitter
69: Damned If You Do
70: If Jay Were Here
71: Hockey Mom
72: You Betcha
73: Over Un-Easy
74: Take This Job and Shove It
75: A Chap Named Parkinson
76: Family Feud
Part V
77: Nancy Knows
78: That Molner Guy
79: Are You Ready for This Day?
80: Flop Sweat
81: The Brady Bunch
82: Déjà Vu
83: “And YOU Get a Vacuum!”
84: I Will
85: Labor Day
86: #Ladydouchebag
87: Palooza on the Plaza
88: Fire! Fire!
Part VI
89: The Last Supper
90: No Bueno
91: Morning Has Broken
92: Hero to Zero
93: Addie
94: The Leon Trotsky of 30 Rock
95: I’m Gonna Miss This
96: The System
97: Bleeding Purple
98: Gone with the Wind
99: It’s C-o-u-r-i-c
: Epilogue
About the Author
Also by Katie Couric
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