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Imperial Library
Front Cover
Title Page
Copyright Page
Part 1 Something to Say Yes To
1. Trebor Scholz and Nathan Schneider - What This Is and Isn’t About
2. Nathan Schneider - The Meanings of Words
3. Trebor Scholz - How Platform Cooperativism Can Unleash the Network
4. Susie Cagle - The Seven Cooperative Principles
5. Jessica Gordon Nembhard - Eight Facts about Cooperative Enterprise
Part 2 Platform Capitalism
6. Douglas Rushkoff - Renaissance Now
7. Juliet B. Schor - Old Exclusion in Emergent Spaces
8. McKenzie Wark - Worse Than Capitalism
9. Steven Hill - How the Un-Sharing Economy Threatens Workers
10. Christoph Spehr - SpongeBob, Why Don’t You Work Harder?
11. Kati Sipp - Portable Reputation in the On-Demand Economy
12. Dmytri Kleiner - Counterantidisintermediation
13. David Bollier - From Open Access to Digital Commons
Part 3 An Internet of our Own
14. Yochai Benkler - The Realism of Cooperativism
15. Janelle Orsi - Three Essential Building Blocks for Your Platform Cooperative
16. Caroline Woolard - So You Want to Start a Platform Cooperative…
17. Melissa Hoover - What We Mean When We Say “Cooperative”
18. David Carroll - A Different Kind of Startup Is Possible
19. Marina Gorbis - Designing Positive Platforms
20. Cameron Tonkinwise - Convenient Solidarity: Designing for Platform Cooperativism
21. Seda Gürses - Designing for Privacy
22. Danny Spitzberg - How Crowdfunding Becomes Stewardship
23. Arun Sundararajan - Economic Barriers and Enablers of Distributed Ownership
24. Ra Criscitiello - There Is Platform-Power in a Union
25. Saskia Sassen - Making Apps for Low-Wage Workers and Their Neighborhoods
26. Kristy Milland - The Crowd: Naturally Cooperative, Unnaturally Silenced
27. Tom Slee - Platforms and Trust: Beyond Reputation Systems
28. Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Kostakis - Why Platform Co-ops Should Be Open Co-ops
PART 4 Conditions of Possibility
29. John Duda - Beyond Luxury Cooperativism
30. Brendan Martin - Money Is the Root of All Platforms
31. Carmen Rojas - From People-Centered Ideas to People-Powered Capital
32. Karen Gregory - Can Code Schools Go Cooperative?
33. Palak Shah - A Code for Good Work
34. Micky Metts - Meet Your Friendly Neighborhood Tech Co-op
35. Michael Peck - Building the People’s Ownership Economy through Union Co-ops
36. Mayo Fuster Morell - Toward a Theory of Value for Platform Cooperatives
37. Francesca Bria - Public Policies for Digital Sovereignty
38. Miriam A. Cherry - Legal and Governance Structures Built to Share
39. Rachel O’Dwyer - Blockchains and Their Pitfalls
40. Astra Taylor - Non-Cooperativism
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