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Why I use the term Political Correctness, instead of Liberalism or Socialism? i
Introduction. iii
Political correctness no longer a joke…... 1
Escape from habituation into nihilism... 2
The irrationality of PC.. 7
Imaginary enemies preferred. 9
Why is PC so shallow, flippant and reckless?. 12
Political correctness, the intellectual elite and the mass media. 15
The mass media and the memory hole. 17
Fashion and PC.. 20
Old Left – New Left 22
Nature of modern mass media. 25
Mass media as social cognition. 28
The immunity of PC to reason. 29
PC depends on both the mass media and an intellectual elite. 31
The impossibility of neutrality. 32
The proper question – whom to favour?. 35
Assuming neutrality is impossible. 37
Good causes and good intentions. 39
The moral exemplar of PC ethics. 41
Is anybody safe?. 43
Safety for victim group members. 46
Life as a supervised game. 47
What matters most – PC or societal function?. 49
Virtue in political correctness = altruism, un-selfishness. 52
Disinterested altruism and moral superiority. 56
The insanity of pure abstract altruism... 59
Immune to evidence. 61
Indifference to outcomes. 63
Takeover by the PC elite – ten summary points. 65
Not fundamentally egalitarian, after all 70
The definition of happiness under PC.. 73
The Principle of Inversion. 74
PC Utopia. 76
Atomic individuals, atomic acts. 77
All groups seen as interest groups. 78
PC-favoured groups are assumed to be weak and controllable. 80
PC not fundamentally ‘multicultural’ 82
Orthodox religion is immune to PC incentives. 84
PC as a Christian heresy. 86
Western civilization cannot be saved. 89
The millennium-deep roots of political correctness. 91
Could resurgent nationalism save Western civilization from PC?. 94
Characteristics of a new secular nationalism... 99
Could a party of ‘common sense’ replace political correctness?. 103
CS v PC.. 105
What is The Good?. 109
Political Correctness is purposefully subversive of The Good. 114
The Good versus The Better 117
Can the desire to end suffering be the primary motivation?. 119
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