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Part I: Contemplative Foundations and Textual Methods
Part II: Contemplative Foundations and Philosophical Contexts
Part I Contemplative Foundations and Textual Methods
Chapter 1 Psychology and Self-Cultivation in Early Daoistic Thought
The Guanzi Texts
“Neiye” (“Inward Training”)
“Xinshu shang” (The Techniques of the Mind, Part I)
“Xinshu xia” (Techniques of the Mind, Part II)
The Huainanzi
Human Nature
The Physiological Basis of Human Experience
The Vital Essence
The Numen
The Numinous Essence
Chapter 2 Who Compiled the Zhuangzi 莊子?
The Lineage of the Syncretists
Sima Tan’s Essay
Three Daoistic Essays in the Guanzi
The Huainanzi
The Thought of the Syncretists in Context
Technical Terminology
The Way of Heaven; The Way of Heaven and Earth
Nei sheng wai wang 內聖外王: The Harmony of the Psychological and the Political
Stillness and Motion
The Political Philosophy of the Syncretists
Nourishing the Myriad Things
Comprehending the Patterns of Heaven
Political Syncretism
Concluding Remarks
Did a Syncretist Author Compile the Zhuangzi?
“Textual Shuffling” in the Syncretist Zhuangzi
The Zhuangzi at Huainan
The Date of Compilation of the Zhuangzi
Final Conclusions
Chapter 3 Redaction Criticism and the Early History of Daoism
Some Hypotheses on the Early History of Daoism
Four Daoist Essays in the Guanzi
Linguistic Data for Comparative Dating
The Structure of “Xinshu xia”
Redaction Strategies and the Ideology of “Xinshu xia”
Redaction Strategies in the Borrowed Material
Ideological Emendations
Rhetorical Emendation
Semantic Recontextualization
Redaction Strategies in the Original Material
Expository Commentary
Appendix: The Text of “Xinshu xia” with “Neiye” Parallels
Chapter 4 Evidence for Stages of Meditation in Early Daoism
A Common Rhetorical Structure in Early Daoist Passages on Meditative Stages
Chapter 5 The Yellow Emperor’s Guru: A Narrative Analysis from Zhuangzi 莊子 11
A Narrative Analysis of Zhuangzi 11/28–44
Summary of the Story
The Rhetorical Structure of the Story
The Plot and Setting
The Characters and Their Symbolism
The Ideology and Rhetoric of the Narrative
The Point of View of the Author
The Literary and Philosophical Context of the Narrative
The Narrative’s Location in the Zhuangzi
The Narrative’s Purpose in the Zhuangzi
Conclusions: The Significance of the Narrative for the Early History of Daoism
Appendix: Guang Chengzi’s Instructions on Inner Cultivation:
Chapter 6 Revisiting Angus C. Graham’s Scholarship on the Zhuangzi 莊子
Rearrangement of the Text
Redaction Criticism
The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Syncretists
The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Primitivist
The Problem of Zhuangzi’s Yangists
The Problem of Chuang Tzu 16, “Menders of Nature” (Shanxing 繕性)
Chapter 7 Daoist Inner Cultivation Thought and the Textual Structure of the Huainanzi 淮南子
The Inner Cultivation Tradition
Inner Cultivation Practices
Posture and Breathing: “Sitting and Forgetting”
Resultant States: Temporary Experiences of a Transformative Nature
Resultant Traits: Ongoing Cognitive Alterations
Inner Cultivation in the Huainanzi
The Root-Branch Structure of the Text
Cosmology and Inner Cultivation in the “Root Chapters” of the Huainanzi
Inner Cultivation in the “Root Passages” of Each Chapter
Part II Contemplative Foundations and Philosophical Contexts
Chapter 8 The Laozi 老子 in the Context of Early Daoist Mystical Praxis
Historical Context
Theoretical Context: Mysticism, Meditation, and the Laozi
Mystical Praxis in the Laozi
Mysticism and Meditation in Early Daoism
Mystical Techniques in the Laozi
Introvertive Mystical Experience in the Laozi: The Profound Merging
Extrovertive Mystical Experience in the Laozi: Holding Fast to the One
Laozi 10 as a Summary of Mystical Praxis
Chapter 9 Bimodal Mystical Experience in the “Qi wu lun” 齊物論 of Zhuangzi 莊子
Mystical Praxis in the Inner Chapters of the Zhuangzi
Skepticism in the “Qi wu lun”
Two Distinctive Modes of Consciousness in the “Qi wu lun”
Introvertive Mystical Experience in the “Qi wu lun”
Great Knowledge
Chapter 10 Nature and Self-Cultivation in Huainanzi’s 淮南子 “Yuan Dao” 原道 (Originating in the Way)
On the Nature of the Way (1/1/3–24)6
Cosmic Rulership: The Ability of Great Rulers to Merge the Spiritual and Political Orders (1/1/26–2/11)
The Inherent Spontaneity of the Natural World (1/2/13–3/13)
Contrasting the Heavenly (Natural) and the Human (1/3/15–4/10)
Self-Cultivation and Non-Striving (1/4/10–5/8)
Self-Cultivation and Timely Action (1/5/8–23)
The Normative Metaphor of Water (1/5/25–6/7)
Cultivating The One (1/6/11–7/2)
Inner Cultivation and its Personal Benefits (1/7/4–8/9)
Inner Cultivation and the Benefits it Confers on the Ruler (1/8/10–9/13)
Techniques of the Mind: Underlying Principles of Inner Cultivation (1/9/15–10/10)
Chapter 11 The Classical Daoist Concept of Li 理 (Pattern) and Early Chinese Cosmology
Introduction: Li, Jade, and Cosmology
Jade as Symbol and Metaphor
Classical Non-Daoist Sources on Li
Inner Cultivation and Classical Daoism
Li in the Classical Works of Daoism
Laozi (ca. 275 B.C.E.)
Zhuangzi (ca. 300–140 B.C.E.)
Guanzi “Neiye” (ca. 330 B.C.E.)30
Li in the Huainanzi 淮南子
Chapter 12 Cognitive Attunement in the Zhuangzi 莊子
Contemplative Phenomenology
Cognitive Attunement in the Zhuangzi
Cognitive Attunement in the “Qi wu lun”
Chapter 13 Against Cognitive Imperialism: A Call for a Non-Ethnocentric Approach to Cognitive Science and Religious Studies
Unreflective Ethnocentrism and Cognitive Imperialism
Historicist Reductionism: The Reigning Paradigm in the Study of Religion
The Intersubjective Universe
The Vision from Classical China
New Developments in Cognitive Science
The Field of Contemplative Studies
Afterword The “Contemplative Hermeneutic” and the Problem of Zhuangzi’s Inner Chapters
Appendix 1: The Chapters of the Zhuangzi
Appendix 2: The Chapters of the Huainanzi
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