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Imperial Library
One: Vita takes a leave of absence & says goodbye to the city.
Two: G-Ma saves the day for Vita. Gets her a ride to meet Cousin Lottie.
Three: Vita takes a long bus ride to Wickwire & meets Viola Day at the station.
Four: Vita & Viola share dinner. They investigate Natalie’s girlfriend.
Five: G-Ma & Lottie take Vita and the kids on a tour of the farmland.
Six: Vita & Viola share dinner. They examine Natalie’s girlfriend again.
Seven: Natalie’s girlfriend Alice Brewster goes unexamined once again.
Eight: Vita is beginning to feel at home in Wickwire.
Nine: On the way to Wickwire. I got a dog!
Ten: On the way to Wickwire. What am I doing with a dog?
Eleven: The next morning, stale Chinese food stinks but bears love it.
Twelve: The bear’s end of the line. The long goodbye to Penny & Ashbee.
Thirteen: On the way to Wickwire again. This time, there’s a dog for company.
Fourteen: Tanya finally arrives in Wickwire. What’s her reception?
Fifteen: G-Ma meets Tanya Dodge & her Billy Boy. She likes them.
Sixteen: Going to Redwood to find Vita Kane.
Seventeen: I found Vita Kane. What do I do now?
Eighteen: Who is are the three wise women and what do they want now?
Nineteen: Busted! Vita is arrested for Tanya’s murder, but she’s not dead!
Twenty: The wise women are hungover. Tanya is still hospitalized.
Twenty-one: How does Tanya’s interview with two incompetent deputies go?
Twenty-two: How is Vita doing in her new home the county jail?
Twenty-three: How is the rookie detective doing with her new killer doctor?
Twenty-four: Who will survive the FBI’s plan to catch ‘em all in the act?
Twenty-five: Vita is finally released because she didn’t try to kill anybody.
Twenty-six: It’s off to hospital for Vita. Then to the farm for everybody.
Twenty-seven: A visit from an expected resource & a one-day stand happens.
Twenty-eight: Where to do we go from here? Do you even know?
Twenty-nine: The wise women decide to take on the love match between Vita & Tanya
Thirty: What’s going on with Vita Kane, Hillary Jones, & Tanya Dodge?
Thirty-One: Is it back to the city or stay here? Is it me or not me?
Thirty-Two: It’s the green then drink the yellow one. Wait on the blue one.
Thirty-Three: Finally, it’s drink the blue potion and it’s a doozy.
Thirty-Four: No, I won’t marry you. I’m too frightened to say yes.
Epilogue: The wedding of the year.
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