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Table of Contents
1 City and Complexity: How to Untangle the Skein?
1.1. Systemic thinking and its historical context
1.2. The system approach
1.3. Analytical and systemic methods are complementary rather than opposed
1.4. Transdisciplinarity of the concept of system and presentation of a typology of complexity
1.5. The concept of variety
1.6. Keys to analyzing a system: functions and structures
1.7. From description to analysis and action: the example of flowcharts
1.8. Concept of model and systemic modeling
1.9. An application of systemic analysis: study of the relationships between transport networks and territory
1.10. Action as a method of knowledge
2 Town Planning and Urban Pattern: the Emergence of Circulatory Function
2.1. The first urban fabrics: two founding patterns
2.2. Advent of circulatory function
2.3. The effects of the mechanization of modes of transport
2.4. Urban transport: a chaotic development
2.5. Advent of electric traction and its success following the construction of the Paris subway
2.6. The tramway: from its disappearance in France to its rebirth
2.7. The automobile city
2.8. Towards the public transport city?
3 Building of New Towns: an Attempt at Linking Transport Networks to Urban Planning
3.1. From imaginary new towns to their achievement
3.2. The case of Marne-la-Vallée
3.3 A mixed report
4 Models and Definitions: Changing the Paradigm
4.1. The mobility model that was developed in France from the 1950s
4.2. A model whose coherence and sustainability are undermined
4.3. Back to town planning
5 Good Practices and Levers of Action
5.1 Influence of urban metrics
5.2. Innovations and good practices
5.3. Major levers of action
6 What if the 21st Century was the Century of Suburbs?
6.1. French cities: undeniable progress but a long way to go
6.2. Suburbs: characteristics, challenges and future prospects
6.3. A prospective reflection by 2050
6.4. Transport and town planning articulation at the local level: the case of the southern suburbs of Ile-de-France
6.5. Significance and diversity of local approaches
7 Methods and Tools for Urban Transition
7.1. Urban transition and prospective
7.2. An iterative and interactive approach
7.3. Backcasting and forecasting approaches
7.4. Development of a conceptual framework for the assessment and monitoring of the transition process (backcasting approach)
7.5. Assessment methods
7.6. Transport models and the difficult question of demand forecast
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