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Table of Contents
A visual tour of Introduction to Global Politics
Global change
Global continuity and the importance of history
Threats and opportunities
The plan of the book
Part I Thinking theoretically about global politics
1 Theoretical approaches to global politics
What is theory and why do we need it?
Many theories, many meanings
Levels of analysis
The individual
The unit
The global system
Making sense of a complex world: theory and global politics
The great debates: an introduction to different world views
Realism versus liberalism
Traditionalism versus science
The “Third Debate”: postpositivism and constructivism
The agent?structure problem
“Anarchy is what states make of it”
Marxism and critical theory
Feminist international relations
Student activities
Further reading
Part II The past as prologue to the present
2 The evolution of the interstate system and alternative global political systems
The emergence of the European interstate system
The transition from Europe’s Middle Ages
Machiavelli’s world: Italy’s city-states
On the road to sovereignty
From dynastic to popular sovereignty
China: the Confucian empire
Islam’s founding and expansion
The Caliphate
Cracks in the Islamic community
Islam and Christendom: the Crusades
The Ottoman Empire – Islam versus Europe
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Further reading
3 The world wars
Events leading to the Great War
German unification and Europe’s diplomatic revolution
Arms races, nationalism, and the Balkan imbroglio
Crisis diplomacy
The final descent to war
Explaining the outbreak of World War One
Individual-level explanations
Unit-level explanations
Global system-level explanations
The Peace of Versailles
Woodrow Wilson and the Fourteen Points
Versailles and the principle of national self-determination
The League of Nations and the failure of collective security
Origins and controversies
The League’s record in securing peace
Appeasement and its consequences
On the road to Pearl Harbor
Explaining the outbreak of World War Two
Individual-level explanations
Unit-level explanations
Global system-level explanations
Student activities
Further reading
4 The Cold War
Explaining the origins of the Cold War
Individual-level explanations: Stalin, Churchill, Truman, and Mao
Unit-level explanations
Communism versus capitalism
The Soviet Union: security and ideology
Global system-level explanations
Bipolarity and the breakdown and the decline of Soviet- American cooperation
Spheres of influence and Eastern Europe
The division of Germany
Theory and the onset of the Cold War
The Cold War spreads and deepens
Militarizing the Cold War
The “loss” of China
The Korean War
McCarthyism in America
The Vietnam War
The Cold War winds down
The end of the Cold War
Russia since the Cold War
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Further reading
5 Decolonization and the global south
Europe’s empires
The early conquerors: Spain and Portugal
France and Great Britain
Late imperialism
The decolonization of Asia and Africa
India: from colony to great power
Gandhi and India’s decolonization movement
Decolonization in Asia after World War Two
The Kashmir Dispute
Decolonization in Africa
British Africa
French Africa
Portuguese Africa
The politics of nonalignment, nation-building, and economic development
Modernization and postcolonial theory
Failed and fragile states
South Sudan
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Other fragile states
The BRICS, emerging markets, and global governance
Brazil and Latin America
South Africa
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Further reading
6 Globalization: the new frontier
Features of globalization
The spread of communication and information technologies
The declining importance of territory
Capitalism and the emergence of a global market
The privatization of public functions
The spread of global culture
The spread of democratic norms
The emergence of global civil society
Diffusion of global power
The changing nature of security
The growing importance of nonstate identities and loyalties
The historical roots of globalization
Competing perspectives on globalization
The globalization debate
The anti-globalizers
The pro-globalizers
The state in decline?
The limits of sovereignty
Student activities
Further reading
Part III Living dangerously in a dangerous world
7 Great issues in contemporary global politics
The nuclear proliferation regime
Dangers of horizontal proliferation
India and Pakistan
North Korea and Iran
China and the United States: a new bipolarity?
From hostility to engagement
Strategic partners or strategic rivals?
Military rivalry
Sino-American policy interests in North Korea and Iran
Human rights
Israel and Palestine
Palestine after World War One
Israel’s wars with its Arab neighbors
From crisis to crisis: the Yom Kippur War, Lebanon, and Camp David
Oslo and the intifadas
The Gaza imbroglio
Impediments to peace
US?Israeli relations: from Bush to Obama
Militant Islam: the “Green Menace”
The Iranian revolution and its consequences
The hostage crisis
Saddam Hussein and the Iran?Iraq War
Afghanistan and Iraq
The Afghan background
The Soviet invasion and Islamic resistance
The Afghan War
The Iraq dimension
The birth of modern Iraq
The Persian Gulf War
The Iraq War
The changing Middle East
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Further reading
8 Power in global politics and the causes of war
The quest for power and influence
The purposes of power
The elements of power
The causes of interstate war
The individual level: human nature and psychology
The desire for power
Innate aggression
Decision-makers and war
The unit level: foreign policy and war
Bureaucratic and organizational politics
Regime type
Economic systems and war
Nationalism and public opinion
War as a diversion from domestic issues
The global system level and war
Distribution of power
Security dilemmas and arms races
Disarmament and arms control
The causes of intrastate war
Individual-level explanations
Unit-level explanations
Ethnic hatred
Economic explanations
Justice seeking
Security dilemmas
The fallout of interstate conflict: the global system level of analysis
Managing intrastate war
Foreign intervention
Physical separation
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Further reading
9 Technology and the changing face of warfare
War as an extension of politics
On the road to absolute war: the world wars
Technology and interstate war
Technology and World War One
Technology and World War Two
Technology and the Cold War standoff
Strategies in a nuclear age
Nuclear deterrence in the Cold War
Nuclear deterrence today
Irregular warfare
Guerrillas, anti-colonial struggles, and revolutionary war
Global terrorism
Historical terrorism
Contemporary terrorism
Al Qaeda and Islamic terrorism
The rise of the Islamic State (ISIS)
Technology in modern conflicts and wars
Smart weapons
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Further reading
10 Managing conflict: international law and international and transnational organization
The “law of nations”
Sources and evolution of international law
The just war tradition
Jus ad bellum
Jus in bello
International organizations
The United Nations
Early expectations
UN organs
The General Assembly
The Security Council
The Secretariat
The International Court of Justice
The Economic and Social Council and the specialized agencies
The UN and the maintenance of peace
Maintaining peace during the Cold War
Maintaining peace after the Cold War
The UN and the future
Regional international organizations
The European Union (EU)
From the end of World War Two to the Schuman Plan
The continuing process of European integration
A European constitution
European (Dis)union?
Other regional organizations
Student activities
Further reading
Part IV Global issues
11 Identity politics: nationalism, religion, and ethnicity
Multiple identities
Conflicting identities and national (dis)unity
Divided loyalties?
“We” versus “them” in global politics
Identities and technological change
Manipulating identities
The bases of nationalism
Nations, states, and nation-states
The brutal break-up of Yugoslavia
Religious identities
Ethnic identities
Approaches to culture
A clash of civilizations?
Alternative cultural models
Student activities
Further reading
12 International political economy
The beginnings of a global economy
Theories of political economy
Economic liberalism
The evolution of Marxism
World systems theory
Dépendencia theory
The Great Depression
The Depression begins
The Depression spreads
The Bretton Woods institutions
The International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The World Bank
The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/World Trade Organization (WTO)
The steel case
Genetically modified crops
Hegemonic stability theory
Transnational corporations: engines of global capitalism
The global reach of TNCs
Criticisms of TNCs
Reforming TNCs
States and markets
The Asian contagion
The American contagion
China’s economic model
Student activities
Further reading
13 Human rights: the individual in global politics
The Holocaust and the Genocide Convention
The Nuremberg precedent and the evolution of international criminal tribunals
The Nuremberg and Japanese trials
Ethnic cleansing in Yugoslavia
The Rwandan genocide and civil war in Sierra Leone
Cambodia’s “killing fields”
The International Criminal Court
The doctrine of universal jurisdiction
Individual rights under international law
Sources of human rights
The elaboration of human rights
Explanations of human rights abuses
Amnesty International
Women’s rights as human rights
Gender (in)equality
Violence against women
Reproductive independence
Should women have equal rights… everywhere?
Student activities
Further reading
14 Human security
The concept of human security
Poverty and economic development
Global dimensions of poverty
International institutions and global poverty
Debt relief
Foreign aid and investment
Access to markets
Transnational crime
Drug trafficking
Responses to drug trafficking
Money laundering
The arms trade
The global arms market
The black market in weapons of mass destruction
Responses to the global arms trade
The global movement of persons
Undocumented aliens
Immigration and demography
Human trafficking
Globalized diseases
Epidemics and pandemics
Doctors Without Borders
Medical tourism
Student activities
Further reading
15 The environment: a global collective good
Collective goods and collective fates
Population and environment
Population trends
Increasing conflict?
Defusing the population bomb
Deteriorating global ecology
Global energy politics
Fossil fuels and economic development
Fossil fuels and the environment
Too little food
Vanishing forests and encroaching deserts
Water: drying seas and drying wells
Fresh water
Environmental IGOs
Student activities
Further reading
Part V And tomorrow?
Epilogue: A future dimly seen
Alternative futures
A globalized world
A world of liberal institutions
A world in chaos
A realist world
Conclusion: an uncertain future
List of illustrations
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