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Imperial Library
Glossary of Terms
Government Mind Control Programs
The Awakening
What is their game?
Assumption of Life Goals
Goals of a Targeted Individual
The Controllers’ End Game
Traps to Avoid
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is a “TI” (Targeted Individual)?
Why me? Did I do something wrong?
How long will I be in this program?
How many people have had these experiences?
What is their agenda?
Seeking Help or Assistance Questions:
Why won’t my family and friends believe me?
It is so blatant and obvious why doesn’t society stop it?
Will it ever end?
Should I get life insurance?
Why don’t people believe me?
Is there a way off this EH torture and organized stalking list?
Should I trust doctors?
Should I go to the police or FBI?
Why does valium and xanex help to defeat some of the effects?
I went to a doctor. Should I take the medications?
Should I believe what they, “The voices”, tell me?
Should I tell my family and friends what is happening to me?
Are there support groups for what I’m going through?
What are “Trolls”?
Is there any hope?
Shielding and Blocking Signal Questions:
Is there shielding?
I feel like they are messing with my heart’s rhythm. Is there any defense against it?
Can I do anything about blocking synthetic telepathy (V2K)?
Do tin foil hats work?
Coping Strategies:
My mail is being delayed and tampered with. What can I do?
Will moving help?
Will yoga, meditation, and hypnosis work to alter the brain frequencies and be harder to clone and adapt to?
My memory can be wiped and is very foggy. What can I do to help my thinking?
How do I rid myself of the bad memories and bad dreams?
How do I stop others from controlling me?
I am in a thought and behavioral rut. How do I steer it in another direction?
Can I stop dream manipulation?
I am in constant panic and confused. What should I do?
My jaw snaps down as I’m about to fall asleep or I feel like I may suffocate.
My neighbors seem to be in on it. Should I move?
How do I stop them from controlling my emotions?
What can I do about the break-ins?
They said I will be homeless in a year. Can they do it?
Does prayer help?
What do I do about sleep deprivation?
How about fatigue?
Psychological Methods Used:
What is Group Organized Stalking?
What is Media Stalking?
Don’t they realize that by torturing the world’s population that it will reach a breaking point?
Could our country be controlled through blackmail and mind control technologies?
Are my neighbors using microwave weapons on me?
How is mind control possible?
How do they know what is important to me and what will give me stress?
How do the handlers know all my fears?
Do I have a choice of how I am programmed?
Do the brain frequencies matter? Why did they serialize my thoughts and slow me down?
How are memories erased and how are they implanted?
How does government herd the people and weed out the malcontent’s and dissidents and anyone smart enough to question those without checks and balances?
How are split personalities created?
They say that if I do an act of murder that they will free me from the torture. Is that true?
Why hasn’t the news covered this most important topic?
Isn’t there a whistle blower who will come forward to save us?
Will they attack my family too?
Are they trying to kill me?
Are they stealing my creative and intellectual property and giving them to someone else or stifling its release?
Are they black-mailing me?
What does “crazy” mean to the average person?
I think they are slandering me. Are they?
Why is stress used for programming?
Capabilities, effects, and technology questions:
What are some electronic assault symptoms?
What is the frequency?
How do they keep a lock-on the target and be able to see through walls?
Is this being done by satellites or what?
Am I micro-chipped or nano-chipped?
Can they make me kill someone against my will bypassing my conscious will and then make me not remember it?
Are computers involved in mind reading?
Can other animals be used?
Can a targeted person pass a lie detector test or purposefully fail one?
Can the government technology create extreme emotions in people who are not aware of the technology, be influenced emotionally, or subliminal suggestions be put into them?
How can they access my memories?
Can they make me experience something like smells and tastes that I have never smelled before or pains that I have never felt before?
Can my memories be transferred or false memories put into my mind?
Can psychopathic personalities be created using this technology for false flag purposes?
How can I tell the difference between DEWs and various resonance frequencies versus RNM (remote neural monitoring and EEG cloning)?
What are the long term effects of these energies and experimentation on me?
Do they currently have the ability to record all my memories from life until death?
Can they insert languages or skills into the mind of the target?
Can they get my passwords?
What are some long term effects of torture, trauma, and stress induction?
Why do some people hear voices?
How do they see me? Am I showing up like an infrared body scan, or are they literally viewing me through my TV’s and other appliances?
What is the frequency? Is it ELF (extremely low frequency) or Microwaves attacking me?
Can they read my mind? Are they only able to scan the way that my brain processes my thoughts? How clearly are they able to understand and interpret my thoughts?
Are my telephones tapped?
Are the voices human or an artificial intelligence program?
I initially heard sounds perceived at a distance. Now it is heard after a month in my head. Why is this?
How can they target me even when I am near someone else?
Why can’t anyone hear what I record on a device or see what I see on video?
Is anything private?
How do I prevent electronic warfare weapons ruining my electronics and stalling my car?
Legal Issues:
Is there legal recourse?
Who is behind it?
What is being done? What has been tried to bring awareness to the general public?
Are they stealing my intellectual property?
I have been fighting a court case to keep me out of mandatory psychological evaluation and incarceration. Are there any expert witnesses that will testify on my behalf about the technology?
How do I prove it?
Who do you send proof to? Who has the power to stop it?
General advice:
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